ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

ok its almost bedtime and its joke time lol

a man calls his wife from the hospital and says he just lost a finger in a construction accident. "oh, god!" she cries.
"the whole finger?" "no," he says.
"the one next to it."
ok one more

bob walks into his living room and sees his wife watching a cooking show.
"why are you watching that?" he asks her. "you cant cook!"
"well," she replies, "you watch porn..."
Just a fast drive by. Bummer on the GDP. Happens. As you know I have one I just started growing out, hopefully it's a female. I guess I should've bought more than one seed but I didn't pay enough attention to the ad. I was under the assumption it was fem seed, my bad. Love the jokes dude Keepem Green
Just a fast drive by. Bummer on the GDP. Happens. As you know I have one I just started growing out, hopefully it's a female. I guess I should've bought more than one seed but I didn't pay enough attention to the ad. I was under the assumption it was fem seed, my bad. Love the jokes dude Keepem Green

yea I got 1 seed left lol
gonna wait for the right moon cycle before I attempt to crack it
there aren't any available on the seed banks at this time so its gonna be a waiting game
which isn't too bad I cant afford to buy any right now anyway lol
gotta get a job first then maybe hopefully by then they have some available

I love telling people these jokes some of them are hilarious

don't forget to vote in this months and every months contests
last one of the year lets make it a great one :thumb:
Very nice, :goodluck: this month. Very informative share/journal :nicethread:

:thanks: Trichomes :Namaste:
that's what were all here for share and inform and share and share
and don't forget to share lol
ok since theres no new posts and im bored
gonna start the jokes a bit early

a guy walks into his urologists office for test results.
the doctor walks in, looks at his chart, and says,
"sir, im afraid youre going to have to stop masturbating."
the guy says, "what? why?" the doctor replies,
"because its very distracting while im trying to read this chart."
I tend to go to far sometimes, in my attempt at comedy. Greaser is slang for Italians and/or those with dark, flat greasy hair. The last I heard the word, was about 1980 when I used it all the time, they were all good muckers. Then I see the word Greaser in a post by a guy with a last name ending in a vowel, he will respond to several nicknames like Suave,,,, RicoSuave? I'll bet you know who he is now. No more clues. He's the funniest I have found and has a 3 point lead as we (barely) enter turn 1.:peace:

Good day Chronic love the grow I can look an only hope that I may get one off the starter line
Love the Flip flop friend;)

Thanks Jaga :thumb:
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