ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

an old blind cowboy wanders into an all girl biker bar by mistake. after sitting at the bar for awhile, he yells to the bartender. "hey you wanna hear a blonde joke?" the bar immediately falls silent, then the woman next to him says, "before you tell that joke cowboy, i think it is only fair, given you are blind, that you should know 5 things:
1. the bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.
2. the bouncer is a blonde girl.
3. im a six foot tall blonde woman with a black belt in karate.
4. the woman sitting next to me is a blonde body builder.
5. the lady to your right is a blonde and a professional wrestler.
now think about it seriously cowboy, do you still want to tell that blonde joke?"
the blind cowboy thinks for a second, shakes his head, and mutters. "no... not if im gonna have to explain it 5 times."
Hey Chronic,

Did you know that out of all the countries in the world, the most difficult country to call someone on the phone is in China?

nope didn't know that
but then ive only emailed to china
So many Wing's and Wong's

You wing wong numba!

yea theres some hung and lo's too
even some hung lo's lol
even tho i doubt you find anyone there literally hung lo lol
ok new joke

a boy is lost at the mall
he approaches a uniformed security guard and says,
"ive lost my grandpa!"
the guard asks "whats his name?"
the guard smiles and asks
"whats he like?"
the little guy hesitates for a moment and then replies,
"beer and big tits"
Keep them them coming Brotha and a Happy Skunkday to ya. Your girls are looking good and momma will make you proud. coming at you
a little boy asks his grandmother
"grandma, whats it called when two people sleep in the same bedroom and one is on top of the other?"
the grandmother replies,
"why, that's called sexual intercourse."
the boy considers this , then runs outside to join his friends. a few minutes later he runs back in and says,
" grandma you were wrong its called bunk beds, and johnnies mom wants to talk to you."
did you hear the one about the woman who tried to deep throat a 12 inch penis?
at least someone enjoys my jokes
I may have scared a few people away from my journal lol

I didn't know Sunday night's were comedy night's at Chronic's!?

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