ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

We finally get a peek huh Bill...
Lol my bad I must not have been thinking straight:roorrip:

Its ok we all do that sometimes maybe more times than not :rofl:

Hey Sir Chronic my hodge hegg friend :) I ll be dropping by a lot more nowadays! I need to soak up some LED info :) best of buds to you and yours !!

Cool Light Always glad to have you around and everyone else too
Thanks man Chemdawg soon lol

Happy Thurweed Day! :thumb:

Hey Relaxed Happy Thurweed day Thanks for dropping by and saying hello :high-five:

Class is in for me:goodjob: Subd for this ride. Lots of great info. Reps:thumb:

Thanks Troy i hope you enjoy the ride :high-five:

We finally get a peek huh Bill...

yes we do but just a peek for now lol

Just a small one. :)

Thanks for the update Brotha things are looking very nice and looks like the next lineup will be something to watch :high-five:
so yea im thinking im gonna start flushing chemdawg from tomorrow
then i don't have to worry about doing anything to it on sunday from there i could chop it anywhere from Tuesday on
everything is just about all cloudy now with maybe 10-15 percent amber so if i start flushing now i can just check every couple days till the trichs are the right color and amount for what i want then catchow
chop chop
so yea im thinking im gonna start flushing chemdawg from tomorrow
then i don't have to worry about doing anything to it on sunday from there i could chop it anywhere from Tuesday on
everything is just about all cloudy now with maybe 10-15 percent amber so if i start flushing now i can just check every couple days till the trichs are the right color and amount for what i want then catchow
chop chop

O yeh
That sounds like a party at your,s then in a week or so By the by how long befor harvest do you start to flush:circle-of-love:
an that reminds me I will be doing another your way on Monday :idea:or if possible tommorow :peace:
mr. cronic,
Lazy me again, did`t check things out earlier and now behind, once again. Any way, good Frieday afternoon to you and yours.
High Cronic....:circle-of-love:

High Dennise Have a Wonderfully Great and Chronic Weekend :circle-of-love:

Them girls are loking wonderfull:circle-of-love:

He he always does doesn't he :high-five:

A fine Friedday to ya Cron :Namaste:

Hey CA thanks for droppin by have a Great Freeweed day
everyone got some today?

:bigtoke::circle-of-love:Hope everyone's I got Friedday is filled with billowing clouds of the finest nugs

Thanks Troy im about to billow a cloud or two before i got get breakfast
Good Weed to ya man

O yeh
That sounds like a party at your,s then in a week or so By the by how long befor harvest do you start to flush:circle-of-love:
an that reminds me I will be doing another your way on Monday :idea:or if possible tommorow :peace:

i start my flush from 4 days before i let it go anywhere from 4-7 days a day or 2 more after wont hurt it if i need to wait a day or two more after the seven days
and Thanks Brother Jaga :circle-of-love:

mr. cronic,
Lazy me again, did`t check things out earlier and now behind, once again. Any way, good Frieday afternoon to you and yours.

Hey Yooper Nice to see you droppin by :thumb:
Great freeweed day to you man Have a Chronic Day :high-five:
Whats up Chronic, happy freeweed day!!:yahoo::high-five:

Your starting flush tomorrow on the Chem, that's awesome man, harvest is sooo close. I'm going back to my grow tonight to finish up the trimming of the white widow and to change the reservoirs in my closets. Today is day 1 of flower for the Blue Mystic. Its gonna be a good weedend.;)
Whats up Chronic, happy freeweed day!!:yahoo::high-five:

Your starting flush tomorrow on the Chem, that's awesome man, harvest is sooo close. I'm going back to my grow tonight to finish up the trimming of the white widow and to change the reservoirs in my closets. Today is day 1 of flower for the Blue Mystic. Its gonna be a good weedend.;)

actually gonna do it today so anytime from i think tues or wed next week on i can chop it
that way i can just check trichs and when its ready whachow lol
i do my res things on sunday the nycd the hgk and the ogk clone will be happy to get some elbow room when chemdawg is out
and you have a Great Weekend too Stealth :high-five:

Have a nice weekend Cronic :cheer:


Same to you Fr3d Thanks for dropping by :thumb:
theres a tiny update in a bit
put clearex in the chemdawg today
took the soil mother i was flowering out gonna throw it out its all messed up from the soil gnats the roots are all messed up
im gonna make sure to put some of that diatomacious earth of whatever its called in my new mothers pot
they don't really affect the hydro plants since they go into the soil
so that done with that at least they didn't affect my ogk that was in the 2 gallon airpot that i harvested
ok so im gonna run through some subbed journals first then ill post some pics
normal update is sundays when i do normal res changes
just today i decided to start flush on chemdawg cause the trichs look like i should start
Thanks for dropping by CannaMeds :thumb:
ok some pics of chemdawg









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