Cheap LEDs & Bag Seeds

So all, I had more issues so I havent been posting. Too much heat and humidity makes these plants really wilt. I mistook that for needing water. You can see where this is going. I messed up half my plants. Very disappointed in my failure to see what was really going on. Anyway, at this point I have nothing to lose so I am gonna up pot them all into ten gal pots to see if I can heal the roots. Otherwise I only have 5 healthy plants. I'll let you all know how it goes. I can get some pics too if you all want, but boy is there some shame. Ugh...
Oh, I also just flipped my 5 C99 x Blueberry girls and moved them into the bloom tent as well. I wont make the same mistake with these girls. I will start showing pics of them now too as they are right there anyway. As far as the SOG goes.... it didnt go. It turns out my cloning needs work. I rooted them all but they were looking rough. There was no way they would have been able to go directly into flower. So they are vegging and the best ones will go into full sized hempy buckets for the grow. SOG to be attempted again when My cloning technique improves.
Oh, I also just flipped my 5 C99 x Blueberry girls and moved them into the bloom tent as well. I wont make the same mistake with these girls. I will start showing pics of them now too as they are right there anyway. As far as the SOG goes.... it didnt go. It turns out my cloning needs work. I rooted them all but they were looking rough. There was no way they would have been able to go directly into flower. So they are vegging and the best ones will go into full sized hempy buckets for the grow. SOG to be attempted again when My cloning technique improves.
@Scottsquatch I've been looking how to clone and I'm not really comfortable at all with it. this was topped last week and growth took off like a rocket afterwards. anyways in cloning would this be the part of the plant id cut if I was to clone? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


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I always take clones from the bottom couple of nodes of the plant. I dont like to take uppers as that's what will be producing the big buds and colas. The only way to really get comfortable is to just take the plunge. I have cloned four times now. The first batch was 40 clones maybe 7 made it. The second batch was 20 and about 10 made it the 3rd batch was 25 and about 15 made it. The last batch was about 30 and 25 made it. My numbers are getting better, now I just have to work on keeping them in good condition during rooting. By the time they are rooted they are usually in pretty rough shape foliage wise. Not good enough to pop right into a SOG which is what I wanna do. That said, many of these clones were just chucked out or given away. I think I only kept about 2 dozen total.
I just cut them at a 45 below a node, scrape the surface a little and, dip them in clonex gel. I'm gonna try Emilya's DIY bubble cloner for my next clone run. Hers look like they stay in good enough condition to go directly to a SOG, which is my goal. Any other questions just ask. I'll help if I can.
So what I have circled would be what I cut? Ill go lower but wanted an idea. Also is a clone product needed because I've read people cutting and going into a water vase like a flower for a few days til roots start then planted in soil. I'm not gonna do it yet as I don't know sex yet but I definitely want to try it out for the experience.
So what I have circled would be what I cut? Ill go lower but wanted an idea. Also is a clone product needed because I've read people cutting and going into a water vase like a flower for a few days til roots start then planted in soil. I'm not gonna do it yet as I don't know sex yet but I definitely want to try it out for the experience.
I'm not sure if that one would work as it's so small, but yes you take them where they come off of the main stem (or another big branch). They sprout from where a leaf comes out of the main stem or another branch. Remember that you want at least three nodes on your clone. So you have the correct idea about where to cut them from. Now just go lower on the plant and be sure they are big enough (3 nodes). Good luck!
@Emilya, when I up pot the sick overwatered girls to the bigger pots, should I cut away any visibly rotten roots on the outside of the root ball? I'm not even sure if I can recover them without them going hermie on me. Is it possible to just pull them out of flower and reveg them? I feel like I'm asking for trouble trying to recover them in flower. The affected girls are barely making flowers anyway. The healthy plants are waaaaay ahead of these. Lemme know what you think. I can try to get a few pics later if you are curious as to how badly I messed these girls up. Oh the shame I'm feeling!
@Emilya, when I up pot the sick overwatered girls to the bigger pots, should I cut away any visibly rotten roots on the outside of the root ball? I'm not even sure if I can recover them without them going hermie on me. Is it possible to just pull them out of flower and reveg them? I feel like I'm asking for trouble trying to recover them in flower. The affected girls are barely making flowers anyway. The healthy plants are waaaaay ahead of these. Lemme know what you think. I can try to get a few pics later if you are curious as to how badly I messed these girls up. Oh the shame I'm feeling!
There is no shame in learning, I do it every day, and we have all been there and have all had our failures.
I would do two things at this point, trusting that they are as bad as you say they are, and please, no embarrassing pictures are necessary. First, grab some clones. No sense totally wasting all this time. Second, try to save these, and see who looks best at the end, the clones ready to go into flower, or these now much bigger and hopefully much improved "slow starters." I am of the belief that practically anything short of death in veg can be recovered from, given the proper environment, and all you lose is time. Veg is the time to build up and survive whatever befalls them, and these weeds are good at it.
My Dad and I are in a discussion about what to do about your roots, and it follows some other recent discussions we have had in this regard. We have been discussing shock.
I myself believed that it was not possible to shock this weed "if a transplant was done correctly" and this was part of my dislike of the belief in the Auto world to NOT transplant. My father as always is an eye opener when it comes to this master gardener stuff and he said that of course you want to shock the plant a bit when you transplant! Excuse me?

Yes, it is possible to mold a hole in new soil exactly the shape of the last container and transplant with absolutely no shock. Yay me. Was it best for the plant? It turns out that it is not.:hmmmm:

A plant treated in such a gentile manner will eventually figure it out, but it will take its time and meander the roots down and out into the new soil. Another house mystery has been solved, as to why the plants that my Dad transplanted for me one time were so damned vigorous. It has been gnawing on me, and it seemed upon interrogation that he spiked and layered just like I do... why was that grow so spectacular??
He pulls the roots apart a bit before planting it again! He tries to send them in at least in the 5 directions (my grandpa), and especially if the roots are wrapped, he cuts them!!

Regarding your rotted roots, he said get that shit out of there. Don't be nice. Break those roots apart. (His words)

So we have been talking about me trying this on this grow to see how it goes. I intend to shock my plants just a bit on each transplant. This apparently will cause the roots to go crazy (think pruning) and they will very rapidly fill out to fill the new space, sort of in damage control mode. The resulting "shock" that we see, is like the coiling of a spring... the plant is changing its prime directive while it gets ready to leap into recovery mode.

Hmmm... old people. You really got to listen to them. :nerd-with-glasses:
I can do that for sure. The 3 that look absolutely horrible.... should I take them out of flower since they aren't doing too much anyway or is it not really possible? They are barely showing pistols, so I think I'm gonna try it. I really have nothing to lose on those three. The ones that arent bad are gonna stay in flower but will receive and up potting. Unless you think it might be best to put them back in veg as well. I really dont know. I'm so very frustrated. At least I have 4 that look awesome not including the five C99 x Blueberry plants that I just flipped. Oh, I ALSO have three autos to harvest any day now. I'm not a total failure, but I totally failed those four girls.
Edit, I should change the name of this thread because the Viparspectras that I actually bought were not the cheapest they offer by far. I should have called it "Affordable LED's and bagseed." I used the word cheap because my first attempt was deleted for using a non sponsor name. They are a sponsor now so I can say their name all I want! The LED's I just bought would be more deserving of the word "cheap" as they were only 130.00 a light. Construction is good though and they are triple chipped so I am fairly impressed. If only they had reflectors like my Viparspectras. I had to get them as I was in a real pinch for more light and couldnt swing more Viparspectra lights at the time. I tend to be brand loyal if that brand works for me. If only they made quantum boards.... I'd be all over it!
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