Cheap LEDs & Bag Seeds

Ok, here's an update on the girls for today... they continue to grow. LOL! I have the house to myself until tommorow evening, so I'll be having a topping and up-potting party. I will be topping them all above the 4th node tommorow. It looks like at least half of them are ready to move on up to the gallon nursery pots. I'll know more when I do a really thorough inspection of the roots.
Well all, I have been out of commission for a while. It started with a chest cold and turned into pneumonia according to the doc. I basically layed in bed and read threads all week. I finally feel good enough to get up and about. The poor girls didnt get topped when I wanted and now they are an extra node taller. Nothing I could do though. I couldn't walk 20 ft and breath. No smoke for over a week was rough too. Bad dreams, lots of pain. Totally sucked. In an hour I plan on bringing the girls up to the dining room table and trimming them up. If I absolutely have too, I'll remove the bottom sets of leaves on a few and bury them deeper when I up pot. Should I leave them for a few days to recover from topping before I up pot? Wanna know what you guys think. Oh yeah, pictures later when I top. Thank you and good night.
Glad you are feeling better. I would not be in a hurry to do all of this at once. Let them recover for 2 or 3 days after the topping or after the up-pot before rushing on to get it all done at once. You can top at any time by the way... my favorite method of topping is to wait until the 5th node just starts rising up over the notch... and then I top it way down between nodes 2 and 3. There is no need to be in such a hurry.
We can move 1000x faster than our plants but that doesn't mean we should! - Emilya
It's an organic recipe I copied from Cali Green on youtube. It's gonna be his soil for this grow and for the next one I should have some aged/cooked TLO soil ready. I plan to keep amending and cooking my soil after each grow till it gets better and better. Dont need any nutes with TLO unless you decide to add compost tea or do a top dressing. Thanks for your interest.
It's an organic recipe I copied from Cali Green on youtube. It's gonna be his soil for this grow and for the next one I should have some aged/cooked TLO soil ready. I plan to keep amending and cooking my soil after each grow till it gets better and better. Dont need any nutes with TLO unless you decide to add compost tea or do a top dressing. Thanks for your interest.
Wicked man, same here! Love Cali! Im new to the site and havnt figured out how to attach my journal to my signature yet... but check it out. Defently going to be following along now!
Sadly enough, checking out her undercarriage has been the most action I've had in two weeks...
Lol! Nice plants and comedy too, I'm subbed Scott! @FungiClay if you click on your name above, go to signature, hover over the link you made, it should show you a edit button, name the link what you want in the text box, make sure the url line is in the url box
I just got a quarter of the skunkiest, stickiest, dankest weed I've seen in quite some time. The coolest part is that I found three excellent looking seeds in the bag. I guess my next grow is gonna have a few bag seeds in it after all. Also nice is the fact that 3 or 4 hits did the trick really nicely. I didnt have to smoke three bowls to get as medicated as I prefer either. It's been quite a while since I could say that.

In other news, I successfully topped the girls almost two weeks ago now. They are coming along nicely. I had to up pot a few yesterday as they have all begun depleting the nutrients in their soil. I will finish up potting the remaining six after my wife goes to bed and I'll get some pics posted tonight or tommorow.
Ok, so I finished up potting today and adjusted the height of the lights. They are looking a little rough ATM, so I decided to give them a few days of recovery before I post pics. Judging from the totally root bound root balls, I'd say they were ready to up pot long ago, but my bout with pneumonia put that on hold. As a result, they ate all the lowest leaves in order to keep growing. Mostly only the first sets of true leaves were consumed, so I dont think it's gonna be an issue really. I just hope they aren't stunted from the delay. They are in a fox farm base super soil now (Cali Green recipe) so I am expecting a really nice surge in growth once they recover from the up potting. Anyway, pictures in a few days peeps. Until then, happy growing.
Well, im still not gonna post pictures yet because three of the girls are still looking kinda rugged. Five of them have recovered well and of those five, three of them are looking stellar. I am having trouble not popping seeds due to the delay I'm having with my pheno hunt seeds. I really wanna get some more seeds going, but I think I will wait to get my other three C-99 × Blueberry fast seeds. I'll take clones of some of these when the time is right and round out the next grow with a couple new strains from seed.
Ok folks update time. The girls are looking great right now. Two are still looking a little rough yet, but they are slowly coming around as well. Most of them were praying when I checked in on them this morning. They seem quite happy in their new pots with all that nutritious super soil.

Today I was inspecting all the new growth since I topped the girls and what did I see? Turns out that three of them were not actually topped. They were FIM'ed! What do I do? I know a lot of people try to do it intentionally, but what is the benifit? Three tops instead of two? Can somebody tell me what to expect from the three that I FIM'ed? Thanks.
Ok folks update time. The girls are looking great right now. Two are still looking a little rough yet, but they are slowly coming around as well. Most of them were praying when I checked in on them this morning. They seem quite happy in their new pots with all that nutritious super soil.

Today I was inspecting all the new growth since I topped the girls and what did I see? Turns out that three of them were not actually topped. They were FIM'ed! What do I do? I know a lot of people try to do it intentionally, but what is the benifit? Three tops instead of two? Can somebody tell me what to expect from the three that I FIM'ed? Thanks.
You can expect more buds. It is a good thing.
I have heard that, but how many? Do several come out of the FIMed top or just one? I read somewhere that a bunch of buds can pop out of a FIMed top. What's your experience Em?
If it is a true FIM, you will get 4 tops from that cut. An imperfect cut can result in only two and sometimes 3 tops. Many times topping between nodes 3 and 4 acts like a FIM and produces 4 tops, but usually it will produce 3. Both of these fancy cuts will take an extra day or two for the plant to figure out what it is going to do, ie, it temporarily stuns the plant.
If it is a true FIM, you will get 4 tops from that cut. An imperfect cut can result in only two and sometimes 3 tops. Many times topping between nodes 3 and 4 acts like a FIM and produces 4 tops, but usually it will produce 3. Both of these fancy cuts will take an extra day or two for the plant to figure out what it is going to do, ie, it temporarily stuns the plant.
Yeah, I noticed they were quite a bit behind the others with the new tops. On closer inspection, I saw what I had done. Its early to say, but one of them seems to be putting out two more tops in addition to the one that started. The other two have some little nubs forming besides the new top, so we shall see what they do. Thanks for the info Em.
Further update for today. I noticed the girls are getting pretty stinky when I opened the tent today, so I mounted the exhaust fan and got all the ventilation squared away. Got the inkbird thermostat and heater set up(it just gets a touch too cold for my liking during lights out), and the hydrometer set up with the ultrasonic humidifier. I am expecting things to really pick up speed with better humidity, better lights out temps, and this great super soil. Some of these bagseed plants are beautiful! A couple seem to be pure sativa and a couple look like a very high indica dominant strains. A few seem to be obvious hybrids. I will clone 5 of the nine for sure. If they smoke well, they will eventually graduate to the flower tent. Some of those buds these seeds came from were pretty good smoke, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that some of these plants look so good. I think some pictures will be in order for tomorrow.
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