Cheap LEDs & Bag Seeds

Yeah, Imma stick around too. Doing good I see.
Yeah, that 4x8 may have been a touch overkill, but I tend to build tolerance to strains after smoking it a bit. So I will get a 4×4 for veg and dedicate the 4x8 to flower. Some strains can do me for a couple ounces, some more, some less. If I start to build a tolerance I put it back into the cupboard till I smoke a few other strains for a while. I haven't yet figured out why some strains are more tolerance resistant than others, but at least now I can try to grow three to four strains per grow. After a few grows I will have quite a variety built up. I am also gonna grow more than I need at first so I never run out again. Vacuum sealed and into the freezer after a good cure. Once I get a smoke supply going I can go for the longer cures too. A glut of really smooth smoke sounds like a problem I'd like to have. I'll stop rambling now. LOL
Update for today, the girls are a nice deep green under the veg light and they are really starting to put leaves on. They dont look so vulnerable anymore. It's been 2 days since a watering and they are just starting to show they are getting thirsty. I'll probably need to water them at lights on tommorow. BTW, I'm not sure I mentioned it but I switched from 24 hours of light to 18/6 when I fired up the grow lights. So that's kind of a milestone I guess. The 6 leaves that reacted poorly to the extra moisture were turning crispy so I trimmed them off today to avoid inviting mold or insects into my plants. I took a few pics so here you go. Enjoy!
WOW, It has been a minute since I have checked in here. What a difference some time has made! They are looking much much happier now. You can still see some leafs showing some signs of the earlier watering/ humidity issues with some of the wavy and slight claw I think, but bravo, they have turned around and seem to be adapting well now. I wouldn't worry too much about the slight purple that is showing up. I'm flowering out some Purple Diesel right now and even in early veg I could see a slight purple hue to some of the leafs. They are in the middle of week 5 of flowering now and good looking girls. Yours will be ready for an up-pot soon. That's when they will really start to grow fast. The more "solar panels" they grow, the faster the process happens.
Yeah. They are definitely picking up speed. You think I need to worry about giving them any cal mag yet? I am hearing that they use more under LED. what's your experience?
Just went through looking to see what soil you are using. I ouldn't find it. What is it?
Its crap. lol! I meant to get plain potting soil for the seedlings but I screwed up and accidentally got potting soil with miracle grow in it. I added some perlite and a little compost which is why It is so hot. (Learning curve - garden veggies aren't so finicky at first) anyway, I have a nice soil mixed up for when I up pot. It's a FFOF based organic soil mix. Everything added is ready to use so it's a shortcut while I cook real soil. I got the recipe from the Cali-green you tube channel. Before I found this forum, it was his growing style that I was using as a template for my planned grow. I was gonna use FFOF straight for the seedlings but several people told me it was too hot. I bet it would have been better than the MG crap.
FFOF is not too hot for seedlings. Used it many times. People that say it is too hot probably are not checking pH of water. Cali-green is awesome! Cheers!
Same here. Soon as the seed pops, into the 5 gallon FFOF soil it goes. You don’t need to feed for the first month or so.
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