CBDbud: Outdoor Soil Gorilla Glue Grow Journal, 2021

This will be my very first "Grow journal" so, I hope I do this right.

So far, this is just to check things out and get a feel for everything. Next, I gotta' discover how to upload pics to my grow journal.

Until next time... :smokin:
Hey cbd how are things in so-cal get some pics up so we can see how things are going. :thumb:
First things first...

I'm just goofing around here with a pic like this 'cause it's too early in the year to germinate anything yet. It was 32º early this morning at my place.
I've marked my calendar for the 11th of March to germinate my seeds. I chose this date to coincide with the New Moon (a couple of days before, actually). I'm an old school kinda' guy and I like to stay synchronized with nature as much as I can.
First things first...

I'm just goofing around here with a pic like this 'cause it's too early in the year to germinate anything yet. It was 32º early this morning at my place.
I've marked my calendar for the 11th of March to germinate my seeds. I chose this date to coincide with the New Moon (a couple of days before, actually). I'm an old school kinda' guy and I like to stay synchronized with nature as much as I can.
Ive herd of people planting based on lunar cycles before, never paid attention personally. I have enough to track with out adding lunar cycles to the mix.hehe.
Ive herd of people planting based on lunar cycles before, never paid attention personally. I have enough to track with out adding lunar cycles to the mix.hehe.
I hear U @Bill284. It renders but a small (yet meaningful) benefit. If it wasn't easy for me, then I wouldn't even bother. I'm an outdoor grower in my own backyard, so I germinate in March and set the girls outside in early April after all danger of frost is gone. So in Feb, I simply take a look at my calendar to find when the New Moon is for March, then mark the date for 2 days before that New Moon to germinate my seeds. That's all there is to it; easy peasy.

Basically, all that's happening is: with the small increase in gravity caused by our sun and moon on the same side of earth, it's purported to help tug the little sprout out of it's shell just a little bit more than what otherwise would happen. So, it amounts to just a bit of a tweak, or a small adjustment to help nature along with the process of a successful germination.

Thanx 4 listening... :smokin:
I hear U @Bill284. It renders but a small (yet meaningful) benefit. If it wasn't easy for me, then I wouldn't even bother. I'm an outdoor grower in my own backyard, so I germinate in March and set the girls outside in early April after all danger of frost is gone. So in Feb, I simply take a look at my calendar to find when the New Moon is for March, then mark the date for 2 days before that New Moon to germinate my seeds. That's all there is to it; easy peasy.

Basically, all that's happening is: with the small increase in gravity caused by our sun and moon on the same side of earth, it's purported to help tug the little sprout out of it's shell just a little bit more than what otherwise would happen. So, it amounts to just a bit of a tweak, or a small adjustment to help nature along with the process of a successful germination.

Thanx 4 listening... :smokin:
Thank you for taking the time to explain that. I have some cbd seeds on the way.
Let me know when that date is and I'll do it as well. :Namaste:
Thank you for taking the time to explain that. I have some cbd seeds on the way.
Let me know when that date is and I'll do it as well. :Namaste:
A "New Moon" happens every 29.53 days, so we get one every month. For March 2021, it falls on the 13th. Because the seeds need "a couple of days or so" to start doing their thing, I find it helpful to do this "a couple of days or so" beforehand.

Hope this helps... :smokin:
A "New Moon" happens every 29.53 days, so we get one every month. For March 2021, it falls on the 13th. Because the seeds need "a couple of days or so" to start doing their thing, I find it helpful to do this "a couple of days or so" beforehand.

Hope this helps... :smokin:
Thanks so much, ok from what I understand i start soaking on 10th to be planted on 13th. I'm excited to see how it goes. I been running mothers so long
It'll fun to pop beans again. Its cbd diesel no thc >1 Thanks again.
Thanks so much, ok from what I understand i start soaking on 10th to be planted on 13th. I'm excited to see how it goes. I been running mothers so long
It'll fun to pop beans again. Its cbd diesel no thc >1 Thanks again.
@Bill284, the 10th or 11th is fine, but there is no "to be planted on" date. Simply start whatever germination method that works for you about 2 days before the date of the New Moon and just let things happen as nature dictates; planting them when they are ready to be planted as you normally would. This is about when you "start" the germinating process, nothing more. This is one of those times that the KISS rule applies: "Keep It Simple Stupid". It's just an expression... :)

Hope this helps... :smokin:
Good morning everyone,

After buying a 2' T5 florescent grow light for my seedlings at my local hydro shop, I realized I needed a stand for it. But after searching around, I discovered nobody had one in stock. So, I built my own... see below:

And since this is my 1st Grow Journal, I thought I'd include a pic of my grow area from the vantage point of my roof:

As the grow season progresses, I will be adding 40% shade cloth on top and bug screen all around the sides. My grow area measures 10' x 14'.

It'll B fun... :smokin:
Well, today I decided to catch-up on some reading in The Old Farmer's Almanac and I discovered that I didn't have my info correct concerning when to germinate seeds with the lunar cycles. It turns out that I should be doing this much sooner this month than I thought. So, I just plopped my seeds into some wet paper towels today, and now "it's off to the races."

It's been many moons ago since I consulted the almanac and was going by (faulty) memory... memory that's been in a "Purple Haze" for quite a while now. Turns out that the entire "waning" lunar phase is for the roots and is the time to germinate/sprout/transplant, and the "waxing" lunar phase is for foliage. Sorry @Bill284, didn't meant to switch-up on you like that. I'm learning as I go too.

This year seems so different for me. Previous seasons I was so scared of things going all wrong, and the learning curve was very steep for me. This season I feel more like I'm getting a handle on things, so naturally, my confidence has improved. This is the 1st time I'm truly excited about my grow, even though it's 7+ months long.

Can hardly wait... :smokin:
Good morning everyone,
I simply love germinating/sprouting my "beans" observing the waning lunar phase and using the wet paper towel method. In just 18 hours I've got roots breaking through the outer shells! Happy happy, joy joy... :yahoo:

Now, I'm off to my local Hydro Shop to get some seed starter mix and Dixie cups. Fun times and plenty of busy work awaits me.

More updates later today... :smokin:
I'm finally back. I thought I'd be posting this a little earlier... but sometimes, life has a way of keeping us busy with other obligations.
Anyway, 5 of the 6 Gorilla Glue seeds have popped. I'm reasonably certain I'll have the 6th one tomorrow sometime. I've got the 5 that popped in some mix in a seedling tray and sitting under my florescent grow light.

I like to use the back end of an old Bic type ball point pen to make the hole for my popped beans...

Making the hole no more than 1/2 inch deep...

I have learned from previous grows NOT to use my fingers to place the seeds into the soil...

Because if I do, the seed will end up laying sideways in the soil like this...

Some may wonder if this matters. This pic shows what can happen if you have the seed sideways (or upside-down):

I don't like kinks in my green girl's main stalk, so I use tweezers instead...

Placing it into the soil like this:

ALWAYS putting the tail (root) pointing down into the bottom of the hole like this...

And finally, here they are all set to grow:

That's it for tonight. But stay tuned, there's more to come... :smokin:
Morning everyone,

More good news: the 6th bean has popped open and I will be putting it into the seedling tray moments from now. This is the fastest I've ever had these pop open. So, one week before the new moon seems to have done the trick. I will remember this for all my future grows from seed.

BTW, a big part of why I have made an effort to layout the steps that I take to germinate seeds is because I had such a hard time, way back when, in my first few attempts at this. Even with some help from my local Hydro Shop it took me much trial and error to get to this point. If only I had this kind of guidance when I 1st started out... I am hoping that someone may benefit from what I have shared here.

With that, I think I'll grab me a toke... :smokin:
Help! I need to know if this is something bad or if it's OK. While I'm very happy that things are sprouting so eagerly today, I am very concerned about what I see on top of the soil. Please take a look at the lower left portion of my pic, below:

Anyone that can advise me, please. Let me know if this is good, bad, whatever.

Thanx a million... :smokin:

P.S. I just realized that I should mention... I've been putting plastic wrap over the top of my seed tray. I've been taking it off for the pics.
Thanks so much, ok from what I understand i start soaking on 10th to be planted on 13th. I'm excited to see how it goes. I been running mothers so long
It'll fun to pop beans again. Its cbd diesel no thc >1 Thanks again.
Hey @Bill284,
Did you get to popping any beans yet? If so, how are they doing? I'm anxious to hear how the moon phase is working for you.

Let me know... :smokin:
Well, after trashing the plastic film that was on the seed tray and putting the girls in the sun, it seems like whatever was growing on the soil went away. Here's a pic... I think the girls are doing OK.

As some of you may remember, I wanted to try a seedling mix to start my seedlings in this year, instead of FFOF. But because my local Hydro Shop didn't have any seed starting mix I went with Fox Farm's Coco-Loco as they recommended . I almost killed them though... Because I'm using a soil mix that I've never used before, I ended up not giving them enough water... Everything stopped sprouting. I reluctantly gave them more water. When they started to improve, I gave them more. I've discovered that FFCL needs a lot more water for seeds than when I use FFOF. And I mean A LOT MORE water!

Learning something new all the time... :smokin:
Hi @CBDbud! I have always heard of people planting by the moon and I remember my grandfather was big into that for planting trees and such. I find germinating a seed to be the hardest thing... the uncertainty and the waiting is torture for me. I suspect that planting in the waning moon will give me that edge that I have been wanting, needing even... something to help ease the stress of starting these seeds.

I also always heard that you should plant the seeds pointy end down, with the root sticking up... pointy end down being how nature deposits the seeds into a hole more often than not. I always heard that planting with the logically looking root pointing down, was often times the cause of a J root... and I have seen the roots climb right out of the soil trying to figure this out.

Now I need to research this out again, and see if I have been wrong all this time. After all, I never took a lot of stock in the moon thing, although everything else in my life would seem to make this a natural thing for me to believe in... so maybe I am wrong about the root too. It turns out that we all learn something new, all the time... no matter how long we have been doing this.

Anyway, I look forward to following your grow! Good luck, and lets see how big these things can get!
I hear U @Bill284. It renders but a small (yet meaningful) benefit. If it wasn't easy for me, then I wouldn't even bother. I'm an outdoor grower in my own backyard, so I germinate in March and set the girls outside in early April after all danger of frost is gone. So in Feb, I simply take a look at my calendar to find when the New Moon is for March, then mark the date for 2 days before that New Moon to germinate my seeds. That's all there is to it; easy peasy.

Basically, all that's happening is: with the small increase in gravity caused by our sun and moon on the same side of earth, it's purported to help tug the little sprout out of it's shell just a little bit more than what otherwise would happen. So, it amounts to just a bit of a tweak, or a small adjustment to help nature along with the process of a successful germination.

Thanx 4 listening... :smokin:
Hey CBDbud, nice start to your grow and nice tutorials too. Can you clarify again at what point you recommend germinating a seed with the timing of the moon in mind? You said above, to do so 2 days before the New moon, is that still right? My girls are all flowering now and I won't be doing any germinating for at least 6 months but I want to get right in my mind the timing for the moon germination, as it could be something to try next time. Cheers. :smokin:

I also always heard that you should plant the seeds pointy end down, with the root sticking up... pointy end down being how nature deposits the seeds into a hole more often than not. I always heard that planting with the logically looking root pointing down, was often the times the cause of a J root... and I have seen the roots climb right out of the soil trying to figure this out.

Now I need to research this out again, and see if I have been wrong all this time. After all, I never took a lot of stock in the moon thing, although everything else in my life would seem to make this a natural thing for me to believe in... so maybe I am wrong about the root too. It turns out that we all learn something new, all the time... no matter how long we have been doing this.
I had a horrible experience in germinating a Mexican Sativa this grow, that only 1 germinated out of 5, then it grew upside/down and broke the soil with it's tap root. Then on being righted it's helmet failed to come off and after 'surgery' I feel its root was damaged, it lived for a month with just cotyledons only. I think that was probably a case of a J root you mentioned, I have always tried to point the root down when planting it, and that was the first time I had a root break the soil like that.
I feel in spite of what we do the seeds probably work it out for themselves most of the time but there is still a certain randomness of what results.:rolleyes:
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