CBDbud: Outdoor Soil Gorilla Glue Grow Journal, 2021

Hi everyone,
I've been kinda bummed for a few days over my Gorilla girls deciding to go into flower, WAY TOO EARLY. When I was sprouting them, I used a grow light to help them along. Turns out that I left the light on for too long and when I put them outside they flipped. What I don't know is how long will they take to return to veg.

My local Hydro Shop recommended I use high amounts of nitrogen to boost them back into veg. Sold me some Urea to mix with water.

The girls are now starting to grow again, finally. So, I'm thinking it's working. Only time will tell though.
Note to self: Don't make lots of changes in any one particular grow... baby steps...

Shit happens... :smokin:
Hi everyone,
I've been kinda bummed for a few days over my Gorilla girls deciding to go into flower, WAY TOO EARLY. When I was sprouting them, I used a grow light to help them along. Turns out that I left the light on for too long and when I put them outside they flipped. What I don't know is how long will they take to return to veg.

My local Hydro Shop recommended I use high amounts of nitrogen to boost them back into veg. Sold me some Urea to mix with water.

The girls are now starting to grow again, finally. So, I'm thinking it's working. Only time will tell though.
Note to self: Don't make lots of changes in any one particular grow... baby steps...

Shit happens... :smokin:
Hello @CBDbud how are you my friend?
I'm sorry I lost track of things and missed half your journal.
How is the reveg going?
Hopefully the rest of this grow goes well with out any interference or problems.
I'll try and keep up better.
Stay safe.
Hello everyone, I'm finally back.
Needed to regroup for a while... been really bummed about my girls 'n all. Anywho... they're FINALLY back into veg. These 2 pics are of my Do-Si-Do Cookies strain:

3 of the 4 Gorilla Glue girls have revegged too. The 4th simply will not reveg at all! She's in a quasi bloom/veg state. Her buds are not developing any further, but she's not vegging either. Just sittin' there, doing nothing. More pics will be posted in a few days.

Thanx for listening... :smokin:
Hello everyone, I'm finally back.
Needed to regroup for a while... been really bummed about my girls 'n all. Anywho... they're FINALLY back into veg. These 2 pics are of my Do-Si-Do Cookies strain:

3 of the 4 Gorilla Glue girls have revegged too. The 4th simply will not reveg at all! She's in a quasi bloom/veg state. Her buds are not developing any further, but she's not vegging either. Just sittin' there, doing nothing. More pics will be posted in a few days.

Thanx for listening... :smokin:
Good to see you posting again. Hope you are well and everything is ok.
Hello everyone,

Didn't mean to be "internet quiet" for so long... been wrestling with the C-PTSD demon... much better now though! My medical garden helps me in so many ways. Truly is GREAT therapy!

After a long nightmare of accidental flipping and re-vegging, my garden is finally looking good again. All of the girls are crazy small as a result, but at least things are back to a degree normal and I can feel good about sharing again.

The Cream & Cheese CBD is quite sensitive to the summer heat in SoCal (110º+). As a result, I've had to really bump up the silicon (Stout MSA Monosilicic acid from Alchemist®) to keep her happy. I add it to the R O water and ph it all in that blue 55 gal barrel and give it to all the plants in my garden. You can see the water barrel in the pic with my dog.

3 of the Gorilla Glue girls re-vegged and are doing OK... I guess. They're looking healthy 'n all, it's just that they've become a ball of a plant... No real center stalk or cola. Weird! The 4th Gorilla Glue stayed in bloom. I just harvested the pitifully small crop on the 1st. The entire plant was around 10 inches tall. Very sad.

Saving the best for last... My Do-Si-Dos Cookies girl is doing absolutely the best out of the whole garden. This one is literally the easiest plant I have ever grown. She is sooo happy! Those fan leaves are HUGE! She has been a total dream to grow. I'll have more of her sisters next season in my garden... can hardly wait. The breeder states this one can grow 250 CM tall. That's over 8 feet!!! The last pic is the same Do-Si-Dos Cookies girl, looking up to the sky.

With some adjustments, I'm really liking the @GeoFlora Nutrients. It's so easy to use! If this pans out, I may never go back to the fully amended Sub Cool Super Soil. It's been a good ride 'n all, but mixing 45 gallons of soil by hand, multiplied times 6, is a lot of work for my bad back! And that's just for the bloom soil. I was doing this same work for the veg phase too.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the pics, below... :smokin:

Hello everyone,

Didn't mean to be "internet quiet" for so long... been wrestling with the C-PTSD demon... much better now though! My medical garden helps me in so many ways. Truly is GREAT therapy!

After a long nightmare of accidental flipping and re-vegging, my garden is finally looking good again. All of the girls are crazy small as a result, but at least things are back to a degree normal and I can feel good about sharing again.

The Cream & Cheese CBD is quite sensitive to the summer heat in SoCal (110º+). As a result, I've had to really bump up the silicon (Stout MSA Monosilicic acid from Alchemist®) to keep her happy. I add it to the R O water and ph it all in that blue 55 gal barrel and give it to all the plants in my garden. You can see the water barrel in the pic with my dog.

3 of the Gorilla Glue girls re-vegged and are doing OK... I guess. They're looking healthy 'n all, it's just that they've become a ball of a plant... No real center stalk or cola. Weird! The 4th Gorilla Glue stayed in bloom. I just harvested the pitifully small crop on the 1st. The entire plant was around 10 inches tall. Very sad.

Saving the best for last... My Do-Si-Dos Cookies girl is doing absolutely the best out of the whole garden. This one is literally the easiest plant I have ever grown. She is sooo happy! Those fan leaves are HUGE! She has been a total dream to grow. I'll have more of her sisters next season in my garden... can hardly wait. The breeder states this one can grow 250 CM tall. That's over 8 feet!!! The last pic is the same Do-Si-Dos Cookies girl, looking up to the sky.

With some adjustments, I'm really liking the @GeoFlora Nutrients. It's so easy to use! If this pans out, I may never go back to the fully amended Sub Cool Super Soil. It's been a good ride 'n all, but mixing 45 gallons of soil by hand, multiplied times 6, is a lot of work for my bad back! And that's just for the bloom soil. I was doing this same work for the veg phase too.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the pics, below... :smokin:

Garden looks amazing my friend. :bravo:
Take care of yourself. :love:
Why thank you @Bill284 & @Stunger... You are most kind.

The only thing is, I'm used to my plants growing so much bigger. Except for strains like White Widow that are naturally shorter, I always have to "fim" the main stalk to keep my plants at 6 feet tall. Well, not this year! LOL!

My 3 Gorilla Glue girl don't seem to have a defined center stalk at all. Instead, they're just a ball of a plant with very thin branches everywhere. I don't know what size these buds are going to be, mainly because of such small branches (more like twigs, LOL).

Looking forward to whatever harvest I do get... :smokin:
Why thank you @Bill284 & @Stunger... You are most kind.

The only thing is, I'm used to my plants growing so much bigger. Except for strains like White Widow that are naturally shorter, I always have to "fim" the main stalk to keep my plants at 6 feet tall. Well, not this year! LOL!

My 3 Gorilla Glue girl don't seem to have a defined center stalk at all. Instead, they're just a ball of a plant with very thin branches everywhere. I don't know what size these buds are going to be, mainly because of such small branches (more like twigs, LOL).

Looking forward to whatever harvest I do get... :smokin:
Hey bud hope you are well my friend.
Did she monster on you?
I'm sure you know this but potassium silicate will help hold those buds.
Just a thought.
Stay safe amigo.
Hey bud hope you are well my friend.
Did she monster on you?
I'm sure you know this but potassium silicate will help hold those buds.
Just a thought.
Stay safe amigo.
Hello @Bill284,

Hmmm, I don't know what U mean. I realize I don't know all of the "lingo" 'round here, so if you can fill me in, it would be helpful. Otherwise, I'm at a total loss as to how to respond to "Did she 'monster' on you?" Sorry :confused:

Thank you for the potassium silicate recommendation. I prefer to use nutrients that aren't bound to a salt molecule. Those salts can really kill many of the good micro-organisms that I/we want in our soils. I don't want to risk reducing any of the benefits provided by the @GeoFlora Nutrients that I'm now using. This is why I've chosen to use the Monosilicic acid instead. It is an acid, so I have to ph. I use "ph adjusting crystals" from "Earth Juice" because it's the most natural thing I can find to do the job. They have an "up" and a "down". While the "up" does contain a small amount of salt, it is far lower in sodium than other products that contain sodium bicarbonate, which is much higher in salt. I've said all this to basically say that I am using a silicate. Just in a different form than some people do.

I do have a question around this though: What does "...hold those buds" mean? Again, I'm kinda ignorant when it comes to some of the lingo here.

Until next time my friend... :smokin:
Hello @Bill284,

Hmmm, I don't know what U mean. I realize I don't know all of the "lingo" 'round here, so if you can fill me in, it would be helpful. Otherwise, I'm at a total loss as to how to respond to "Did she 'monster' on you?" Sorry :confused:

Thank you for the potassium silicate recommendation. I prefer to use nutrients that aren't bound to a salt molecule. Those salts can really kill many of the good micro-organisms that I/we want in our soils. I don't want to risk reducing any of the benefits provided by the @GeoFlora Nutrients that I'm now using. This is why I've chosen to use the Monosilicic acid instead. It is an acid, so I have to ph. I use "ph adjusting crystals" from "Earth Juice" because it's the most natural thing I can find to do the job. They have an "up" and a "down". While the "up" does contain a small amount of salt, it is far lower in sodium than other products that contain sodium bicarbonate, which is much higher in salt. I've said all this to basically say that I am using a silicate. Just in a different form than some people do.

I do have a question around this though: What does "...hold those buds" mean? Again, I'm kinda ignorant when it comes to some of the lingo here.

Until next time my friend... :smokin:
Hey Amigo hope you are well today.
Sorry I should have been more specific.
My memory isn't good so forgive me if I'm wrong.
I thought the ladies went into flower as soon as you put them outside. :Namaste:
Then eventually went back into veg.
At that point the girls get labeled monsters because now they go a little wonky.
Shooting branches everywhere and not really having a main stem.
Hence Monster, not my term.
I've done it before as an experiment , apparently its supposed to increase potency and possibly yield.
But holy fek they took up so much of my tent im not interested in doing it again.
But outside could be beneficial. Sun can hit all those extra buds.
So you end up with spindly branches but tons of them and tons of buds.
Potassium silicate strengthens cell walls, thus providing extra support to
(hold buds up). Better term.
Otherwise when buds get heavy they fall over.
Makes branches stiff and thin branches hold up big buds.
Once a week until harvest mixed by itself in pre ph,d water is what I do.
Edit .5 ML per liter of water is what i use.
Hope that helps @CBDbud .
Stay safe my friend.
Talk soon.
I learn something new everyday. This is amazing! Yes, you have a very good memory... all my green girls did flip when I put them outside. Thank you for letting me know what going monsters means, you explained it so well.:goodjob:

LOL... So, 3 of the 4 Gorilla Glue plants went monster on me when they revegged. The 4th just stayed in bloom. Interestingly enough, the other 2 plants (Cream & Cheese CBD, and Do-Si-Dos Cookies) didn't go monster as they revegged. Perhaps because they hadn't bloomed as much as the rest. They just had a few here and there.

I know that I'm repeating myself, but I just want to say how appreciative I am for you helping me to understand this whole process. I was sooo puzzled as to why they had such crazy, wonky growth. This has really made my day! :slide:

CUL8R! :smokin:
I learn something new everyday. This is amazing! Yes, you have a very good memory... all my green girls did flip when I put them outside. Thank you for letting me know what going monsters means, you explained it so well.:goodjob:

LOL... So, 3 of the 4 Gorilla Glue plants went monster on me when they revegged. The 4th just stayed in bloom. Interestingly enough, the other 2 plants (Cream & Cheese CBD, and Do-Si-Dos Cookies) didn't go monster as they revegged. Perhaps because they hadn't bloomed as much as the rest. They just had a few here and there.

I know that I'm repeating myself, but I just want to say how appreciative I am for you helping me to understand this whole process. I was sooo puzzled as to why they had such crazy, wonky growth. This has really made my day! :slide:

CUL8R! :smokin:
Always happy to help a friend. ;)
Hello everyone,

Well, it's time for an update... This 1st pic is of my Cream & Cheese CBD girl. Even though I'm giving her the max dose of silicon in every watering, she's still just hanging in there. It's painfully clear to me that this strain must never be grown in this heat ever again. I strongly prefer my girls to thrive, and it bothers me to see her like this. So, this is ending up being an experiment to see what kind of harvest I'm able to get from her. My main concern is: will all this heat stress cause her to hermi on me or even just a few naners here 'n there?
And yet, I'd like to brag just a bit on the fact that she is the only one that's 6 feet tall!!!

These next two pics are my Gorilla Glue girls that took forever to re-veg, so they're just a small ball of a plant. :(

Now here's my fav... This strain's called Do-Si-Dos Cookies and she's a real gem. I have never had any marijuana plant thrive so well in this heat like she does. I have high hopes for this one, I really do. It's claimed that her buds can have 23% THC, and some are reporting much higher. I'm very curious to see what kind of harvest she'll give me.

Fun, fun, fun... :smokin:
Hello everyone,

Well, it's time for an update... This 1st pic is of my Cream & Cheese CBD girl. Even though I'm giving her the max dose of silicon in every watering, she's still just hanging in there. It's painfully clear to me that this strain must never be grown in this heat ever again. I strongly prefer my girls to thrive, and it bothers me to see her like this. So, this is ending up being an experiment to see what kind of harvest I'm able to get from her. My main concern is: will all this heat stress cause her to hermi on me or even just a few naners here 'n there?
And yet, I'd like to brag just a bit on the fact that she is the only one that's 6 feet tall!!!

These next two pics are my Gorilla Glue girls that took forever to re-veg, so they're just a small ball of a plant. :(

Now here's my fav... This strain's called Do-Si-Dos Cookies and she's a real gem. I have never had any marijuana plant thrive so well in this heat like she does. I have high hopes for this one, I really do. It's claimed that her buds can have 23% THC, and some are reporting much higher. I'm very curious to see what kind of harvest she'll give me.

Fun, fun, fun... :smokin:
Hello @CBDbud hope you are doing well.
The ladies look fantastic.
The cream & cheese cbd girl doesn't look like the heat is bothering her at all.
She is going to be a jolly green giant.
If any of my ladies seem to be having stress I find a good dose of superthrive gives them a bit more pep in there step, sometimes I find kelp or B1 also helps.
There is member down south @Wesncool who is having heat issues.
He rigged a removable sun shade, he uses when the sun is too hot.
Its a pretty neat setup.
Maby some sort of shade might help her when the sun is at its peak.
Just a thought.
Stay safe my friend.
Hello @CBDbud hope you are doing well.
The ladies look fantastic.
The cream & cheese cbd girl doesn't look like the heat is bothering her at all.
She is going to be a jolly green giant.
If any of my ladies seem to be having stress I find a good dose of superthrive gives them a bit more pep in there step, sometimes I find kelp or B1 also helps.
There is member down south @Wesncool who is having heat issues.
He rigged a removable sun shade, he uses when the sun is too hot.
Its a pretty neat setup.
Maby some sort of shade might help her when the sun is at its peak.
Just a thought.
Stay safe my friend.
Yes I am, and thank you for asking...
You are right, they do look fantastic; especially my Do-Si-Dos Cookies. She's thriving! It seems like she actually loves the summer heat.
I wish I had taken pics of the Cream & Cheese CBD when she was in her worse stress. But when there's trouble in my garden, I tend to laser focus on how to fix it, not whip out the camera and start celebrating. She was bad; I mean real bad. Drooping like she didn't have any water for days. When I'd water her, she'd get a little better, then droop again. I thought I was over watering her so I stopped. Only got worse. At one point she got so bad, I honestly thought I was going to loose her. I went to my local hydro store and he saved the day by recommending the Stout MSA I mentioned earlier in this journal. It's solely because of this silicon that she looks so good now... good enough to even fool the camera (and you too;)). If you saw her in-person you'd no doubt see what I'm seeing. Plus the fact that I saw her growing up all through the spring during cooler weather, so I know how much better she looks when she's not in this triple digit heat.
So yeah, it's a smaller difference, thank goodness. But she's still not as happy as she could be. LOL... I know that I can "split hairs" at times, but I just like to do the best for my girls... nothing less. I know, I know, I'm weird like that... :rofl:

I believe they're just now entering the earliest stage of bloom. What I mean is that I can now see changes in the tips of all the branches. The nights are getting just a little bit longer now... things are slowly beginning to change.

Well, that's all I got for now... :smokin:
Yes I am, and thank you for asking...
You are right, they do look fantastic; especially my Do-Si-Dos Cookies. She's thriving! It seems like she actually loves the summer heat.
I wish I had taken pics of the Cream & Cheese CBD when she was in her worse stress. But when there's trouble in my garden, I tend to laser focus on how to fix it, not whip out the camera and start celebrating. She was bad; I mean real bad. Drooping like she didn't have any water for days. When I'd water her, she'd get a little better, then droop again. I thought I was over watering her so I stopped. Only got worse. At one point she got so bad, I honestly thought I was going to loose her. I went to my local hydro store and he saved the day by recommending the Stout MSA I mentioned earlier in this journal. It's solely because of this silicon that she looks so good now... good enough to even fool the camera (and you too;)). If you saw her in-person you'd no doubt see what I'm seeing. Plus the fact that I saw her growing up all through the spring during cooler weather, so I know how much better she looks when she's not in this triple digit heat.
So yeah, it's a smaller difference, thank goodness. But she's still not as happy as she could be. LOL... I know that I can "split hairs" at times, but I just like to do the best for my girls... nothing less. I know, I know, I'm weird like that... :rofl:

I believe they're just now entering the earliest stage of bloom. What I mean is that I can now see changes in the tips of all the branches. The nights are getting just a little bit longer now... things are slowly beginning to change.

Well, that's all I got for now... :smokin:
Well you should be proud. :green_heart:
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