Thanks growmie, here's the auto flower scrog.I will post updates to my perpetual grow, SS grower
Thanks growmie, here's the auto flower scrog.I will post updates to my perpetual grow, SS grower


Why don't you put a link to your perpetual in your signature SSg?
Looking so great Carmen!! I agree with the high humidity and bud rot because of the thick buds, definitely something to be cautious of but if that's under control, you've seen multiple plants now with back building buds and the results are surely as phenomenal as yours will be!

How are you feeling about droughting so far? Early still but I know you had your trepidations.
Looking so great Carmen!! I agree with the high humidity and bud rot because of the thick buds, definitely something to be cautious of but if that's under control, you've seen multiple plants now with back building buds and the results are surely as phenomenal as yours will be!

How are you feeling about droughting so far? Early still but I know you had your trepidations.
Hi Krissi, thank you. I didn't think the droughting through properly. I don't think that the plant has more than a few days left, so there is no time for a proper controlled droughting. I last watered four days ago and the leaves are still praying. It shouldn't be long until harvest.

I'm not seeing any difference in the snipped buds yet but it has only been a couple of days. The pistils are all turning fast though. I will reassess after it has been a week.
Nice to see the upward lift on the G1 leaves! And the flowers are looking purple and frosty. What's going to be your final gauge as to when to chop?
Hey Shed, thank you! I am glad that I managed to keep the plant happy post-flush and I'm glad you persuaded me to do it! Like any "parenting", it's so rewarding when those leaves stay up and such a stressor if the leaves indicate problems! On that note, I still have a droopy G2 and I'm trying to ignore it as the leaves are still green and my careful watering doesn't seem to change anything.

As to the final gauge of when to chop, I am looking for some amber in the trichomes. I am not seeing any yet. There are still a few white pistils coming out of the buds. I'll be doing daily close ups as I am useless with the loupe. Shout if you think they are ready and I am slow to come to the party, please!
Thank you Valerie. This is how I learn best, by "doing".

I've already learnt my first few lessons in droughting and bud back-building.

1) I'd have to apply the droughting practices earlier in the flowering, from the 7th week I think, in order to get the proper effects. My plant is on day 79 above ground, and 40 days in flower, putting it right in that harvest window.

2) With regards the back-building, I've taken my first few snips and feel less worried about how that affects the plant. I'll look at it again next week and assess whether or not to go for more snips. The pistils are turning caramel coloured quickly now as the plant is on day 25 of flower, day 79 above ground.

I feel a harvest is imminent :passitleft:
These are very valuable experiences and will let us do better next time.
Looking forward to a big harvest :thumb:
Looking forward to a big harvest :thumb:
Today's glitter pics... still not enough amber and more white pistils. Still no watering. This plant has slowed down its consumption. Soon soon.

Keeping from cutting can be hard but rewarding!❌✂️⌛🥇
One of the hardest things! 😅


Another thing I am delaying until the very last minute is the soaking of the next seeds! I'm going to run two Red Russian I think. They knock me out and I literally fall asleep in my chair. I don't want to run out of this med and I am about to run out of my last harvest.
It is the sixth day since this plant was watered. The leaf wilt angle appears to have moved 45 degrees, which I believe is the sign to give more water in a controlled drought. Given that this plant still has a way to go and will likely go until next week, judging by the pace, I have decided that it might be a good idea to water the plant now after all. I would appreciate it if you could cast your eye please @StoneOtter , as you are usually here much earlier than Krissi.

Are you drought stressing your auto flowers? Just at the end before harvest. Excuse the questions, I am new to auto's and researching. SSgrower
Tentatively and with caution. I am a complete newbie to this form of intervention. It's experimental, but I'll tell you this, the frost has increased a lot in the last few days. Whether or not this is as a result of the drought stressing or not, I don't know.

At first I dove straight in, and then I realized I was closer to harvest than I had thought, and so I concluded that there wouldn't be time for a proper controlled drought. However, now I am wondering if it can count as a controlled drought after 6 days.

I'm looking forward to hearing what droughting experienced folk say.
Drought length is more determined by the change in leaf wilt angle dropping 50% (not degrees) on the same leaf's starting angle. Krissi has mentioned she has had some go as short as 5-6 days I think.
Thank you Azi. In your opinion, do you think that the leaf wilt has increased by 50 % yet or should it go more?
From your photos they have gone from 260 degrees down to like 200 to 190 degrees. Easily over 50 degrees.

(Imagine a circle hanging in front of the leaf. 0/360 is at the top, 90 right/east 180 bottom 270 left/west)

Thank you Nick. Azi is saying it isn't the degrees, it's a percentage. Do you think it has wilted by 50 %? I don't know to measure that.
I'd give it another day by looking today. Looks like the plant has plenty of life in it and should be ok with that then you can finish it to where you want. Maybe two days. Do you by looking at it think it will live through it? If yes then why not? That extra time can bring out some real heavy high!
Screenshot (775).png

Time for a 7 day update to compare notes. I have adjusted the expected harvest dates considering the pace the flowering is moving at. My guestimates put the plants at early, mid and end Sept harvests, nicely staggered.

I don't see any harm in depriving the G1 plant of water and am encouraged to continue for a another couple of days, thank you @StoneOtter! The frost is piling on. Initially I thought that there wasn't very much but it is getting denser and there are still white pistils popping out all over the place.

I think I am seeing denser budding on the "back-build" experimental buds. Saturday is the day when I would need to consider a second snip if I am going to go that route. I'll play it by ear.

The G2 plant continues not to pray!

Before the group shot was taken I gave the G2 and P1 plants each 2 L of water with calmag.

Progress in trichome development on the G1 plant

Thank you friends for your ongoing support and encouragement.

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