550 ppfd down from 1000 yesterday.
This is an experiment that has played out reasonably successfully in several of my grows. I am too lazy to go digging for photos that are not on the C drive, but my biggest plants were grown at 24/0, albeit with some calmag issues.
Thank you Otter.
Let's see if I grow the plants at a lower ppfd with perpetual light if I can get big plants without compromising quality / brix (oops I need a refractometer and garlic press pronto).
What does a C3 categorization mean for Cannabis and respiration / photorespiration?
Ok so I feel confident enough from previous results, to try this again only slightly differently.
I may revert to 18/6, after all King
@Jon does pretty well for himself
Yeah but then they wouldn't be autos lol, or the likelihood would be slim
It's all pretty hit and miss unless you are growing landraces I reckon.
Let's see. I'll test it with my next grow of Cosmic Cookies and OG Kush by Smiley Seeds. The real test will be the Butterbean Birdseed if it gets here!
@con has been growing those big beauties at 700ish ppfd for 20/4, which is 50ish DLI, if I am remembering correctly. I must double check.
I think because it is a C3 plant. I still have to read Shed's reference article on the C3 plants. I must do it today!