I can endlessly search the web only to find that all roads lead back to
, or I can ask auto growing readers how they do it, and derive a live sample. I appreciate the help very much. His is one voice amongst many.
Interesting. I just googled "best autoflower lighting schedule" and got tons of hits, and the general consensus is 18/6 works, 24/0 is the biggest yield, and 20/4 is the middle ground with bigger yields than 18/6 but less cost than 24/0.
They all hint that autoflowering cannabis seems to be fine without a dark period, but also admit there isn't any hard science on this.
They also all say, to Shed's point, that 24/0 provides better heat and less humidity which auto's seem to enjoy. Especially once flowering is initiated.
I tend to follow genetics, and ruderalis, although spread globally now, originated above the 56th parallel, and having lived that far north, I know that for all of June and July the dark period is 4 hours or less, and briefly the sun is setting as it rises, so that seems to make sense.
None of the google hits were from 420.
I did also find a free download pdf on growing autoflowers from Jeff Lowenfels, so that was a score. It's condensed, but interesting.
Maybe google gives different people different results? I rarely get hits back to 420.
A.I., both Google's and ChatGPT's, seem to agree with the general consensus from above about the 18/6, 20/4, 24/0 thing.
From what i could decipher, 20/4 is the most common schedule.
A couple articles did mention that 24/0 is not good for your light. I'm not a light guy so I have no idea about that part.