Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Congrats on getting the system down and meeting your goals! :high-five:

Thank you very much! I had a plan going into this, then the power failed, and I got off track. The Flower being delayed by a month is going to be hard to make up, but maybe I can push all indicas through Side A after these are done, and run Sativas in Side B after the first Side B sativas are done, to better stagger the rotation to get back toward what this is supposed to be...

Ideally it's not a choice situation, but I think I can make it work as a perpetual again.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

my idea of fine cooking is to remember to remove the fur and face ;)

LoL!! Laughing really hard now. That song is clear as a bell and your lyrics fit perfectly. I think you have something here! Wierd out!!
I second the motion! Can you sing too?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I second the motion! Can you sing too?
Of course I can!

I had this in my head before you wrote it:
"And I'm floating in the most peculiar wa-ay,
and the high is very different toda-a-a-ay"
I posted a revised one in OMMSOG

Cannabis Oddity
by: 420Magazine Members!!

Ground Control to Major Bong...
Commencing countdown vape is on...
Put your bud inside and put the globe back on..

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five,
Four, three, two, one, liftoff...

This is Major bong to ground control
I'm switching to the bong...
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today

for here
am I floating in my den, and
I'm high above the world...
Mother Earth is Blue
and I'm passing this to you....

(instrumental)*Bong ch-bong ch-bong ch-bong-bong!*

This sort-of helps explain why the stars look different. Vape, THEN a bong? yyyeeeahhhhhh.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

In other news, Purple Mr. Nice will be joining the experiment with 5 clones in phase 3 (phases 1 and 2 are already in the box). This seems like it will be a good addition to the perpetual SOG project. The clones right now are taking 8-9 days to show roots from the bottom of the starter cubes, so they're a little slow to root, but they are showing positive results so far.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hehe, it's a lot of choices, not all of these will make it to flower. The weakest links will be removed form the chain. HAPPY 4th! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Love the boot camp you put your plants through. Only the few and proud plants will make it to your flower room. Great Job!!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Love the boot camp you put your plants through. Only the few and proud plants will make it to your flower room. Great Job!!

:thanks::thanks:Well, I wouldn't actually think of them as plants, yet, as they are merely cuttings struggling to become plants, and not doing so well at that. LOL!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Removed 2 more GFB, a PBK, and some others I don't remember...

Anyway, those in veg for Phase3 as it stands right now, not including rooting clones are as follows:

1.7 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
1.7 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
1.7 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
1.7 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
1.7 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
4.1 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
4.1 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
4.1 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
4.1 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
18.3 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
18.3 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
18.3 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
18.3 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
18.3 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
18.3 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
18.3 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
18.3 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG


Flower Day 7

Week 1 is complete. Some stretching, not bad though, only about 3" total. Flowers starting to form already.

More good news! 8/9 of the seedling Jandre Kush are showing female. The other has yet to show. Still better news, 1 of the Jandre Kush that I topped and rooted is 1 of those showing female. Happy pappy am I!

Okay, enough bragging and beaming...

Had to supercrop the Lamb's Bread and the Purple Widow on the far left to even out the canopy. But that gives me more bud along the length of the stems bent horizontal. I really thought they'd stand back up, but instead, all of the lateral growth all along stood up to the light. Hmm... in all my time, before and now, working with these plants they still throw curves every once in a while.

Okay, enough of all the dribble!

The pics! (click each one for full size)

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

36 clones treated for a tiny bit of fungus and placed back under lights. No biggie.

There doesn't seem to be any weaklings in the bunch. Selective culling will be a bit of a chore from this one, but they haven't shown roots yet, so there's at least that.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

ok jandre nice pics well very nice! when you click on pic does that work on all or do you have to do something that there is no way in hell that I will ever figure out? I mean to make the piture full size:peace:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

jandre, brag all you want about your girls! They are beautiful Buddy.

Loved that I could actually see the growth on the one you super cropped.

All those plans you made are really paying off!

I bow before the Master!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Worked for me as well. Lookin good brother.:peace:
Cool! I'm glad it worked for someone besides myself.

jandre, brag all you want about your girls! They are beautiful Buddy.

Loved that I could actually see the growth on the one you super cropped.

All those plans you made are really paying off!

I bow before the Master!
Aww... Thank you! I realized that putting both sides in at the same time, got me on track for Side B at least. Side A remains 1 month behind though. Master I am not, though, your kind words are a comfort to my racing mind as to how to get this listing ship upright again.

Looking nice and green and full. Keep it going...
:cheesygrinsmiley: Thank you! :thanks:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

removed one of the Dream Diesel from Side B: performing poorly... The other will bend to take its place as it is doing extremely well.

29 remain in the flower box.
Side A
8.5 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
8.5 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
8.5 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
8.5 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
8.5 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
8.5 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
8.5 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
8.5 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
8.5 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
8.5 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
8.5 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
8.5 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
8.5 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
8.5 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
8.5 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
8.5 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
8.5 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
8.5 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
8.5 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK

Side B
8.5 days tracking Dream Diesel- Clone - DD
8.5 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
8.5 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
8.5 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
8.5 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
8.5 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
8.5 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
8.5 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
8.5 days tracking Purple Widow Clone - PW
8.5 days tracking Purple Widow Clone - PW
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

well allrighty then, are they any pics to go with the bunnies and lambs and the kushy stuff?
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