Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

how about I'am smokey and I know it,wiggel wiggel wiggel:)
Could we do newer songs so we don't seen so darn? ROTFL-LMAO
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

(Girl, Look at that doobie) -ahh..
(Girl, Look at that doobie) -ahh..
(Girl, Look at that doobie) -ahh..
I-I-I-I... I smoke out!

When I walk in the spot (yeah), this is what I see (ok)
Everybody tokes and they passin' it to me
I got purples in my sack and I ain't afraid to show it, show it, show it, show it

I'm Stoney and I know it!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

to tell you the truth I have never heard that song exsept my daughter singing pieces parts when she comes over sometimesLOL now I got to go find it:)
(Girl, Look at that doobie) -ahh..
(Girl, Look at that doobie) -ahh..
(Girl, Look at that doobie) -ahh..
I-I-I-I... I smoke out!

When I walk in the spot (yeah), this is what I see (ok)
Everybody tokes and they passin' it to me
I got purples in my sack and I ain't afraid to show it, show it, show it, show it

I'm Stoney and I know it!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

(Girl, Look at that doobie) -ahh..
(Girl, Look at that doobie) -ahh..
(Girl, Look at that doobie) -ahh..
I-I-I-I... I smoke out!

When I walk in the spot (yeah), this is what I see (ok)
Everybody tokes and they passin' it to me
I got purples in my sack and I ain't afraid to show it, show it, show it, show it

I'm Stoney and I know it!

LoL!! Laughing really hard now. That song is clear as a bell and your lyrics fit perfectly. I think you have something here! Wierd out!!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

what happened?
I was wrong newer songs made me feel even older. LOL still cool and funny. And I needed a laugh all my girls are dying one by one. :peace:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Y'know when the first question about 2 bottles... I said "carboy" in the reply... that should have given you a clue as to my experience with yeast.

Maybe the next I do will be with fresh fall vine grapes and Lalvin or maybe ice grapes and Montrachet?

Your turn!
and will you be keeping it clear and sparkly with camden tabs,or whirlfloc refined irish moss? and i have had great luck in my co2 gen in the past with yeast nutrient, gives the little critters a longer more robust stable life span, what specific gravity are you shooting for? lol do you prefer digital or old school glass hydrometer or high tech refractometer? im a glass guy myself ,you know employing a lil' beer/wine tech would make a killer upgrade to co2 gen for this hobby, you got me wanting to run a batch of ipa now mmmmm bitter homebrew, i am a hop head my favorite to run tandem is east kent golding and hallertauer, or cascade and chinnook mmmm mm m
you know my wort would be chillin with my plants all that co2 goodness drenching my girls wonder if all that hoppy malty fragrance would impart itself on the ladies, i miss the sound of the airlock bubblin' away atop the carboy, and yeah i should have caught that cuz thats what i call them when im taking them to fill with water, spiffy looked at me with such a strange look the first time i said that to her lmao "hey grab that carboy on your way" lol
i think the best yeast for o2 gen would be super yeast Xpress it can go up to something crazy like 45% alcohol before it stops terrible for drinking it leave a nasty taste you cant ever cover or get rid of even if you distill it!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Sounds like you have a light infiltration into your bubbler res. Get some flat black paint and completely cover your tub with it. Sides, bottom, top, everywhere. Get one that is pompatible with the plastic used to make your res.

hehe, thanks. Everyone says that I'm really organized, but I feel that I'm falling into clutter most of the time. I guess that's why I'm constantly trying to keep things straight, lol!
compared to me your uber organized and clean im very careful not to let you guys see the clutter i have gleaned from this hobby,and 15 other hobbies, i have box after box full of stuff all mixed up, i call them "wtf boxes" cuz thats what you say when you go thru them looking for stuff, i was once very organized, but becoming disabled made me where im unable to dedicate time and energy to keep things tidy i throw it in a box and tell myself i'll get back to it later lmao that was 7 yrs ago it takes me all day to do what used to take me a couple hours
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

compared to me your uber organized and clean im very careful not to let you guys see the clutter i have gleaned from this hobby,and 15 other hobbies, i have box after box full of stuff all mixed up, i call them "wtf boxes" cuz thats what you say when you go thru them looking for stuff, i was once very organized, but becoming disabled made me where im unable to dedicate time and energy to keep things tidy i throw it in a box and tell myself i'll get back to it later lmao that was 7 yrs ago it takes me all day to do what used to take me a couple hours

Yeah, I saw the hydro rocks in the bottom in that last vid... and the brown water... I saw how cluttered the bottom of your flower tent was, yup! ROFL... Just pickin' on ya!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

New clones taken today in preparation of the flower finishing in 7-9 weeks on Side-A, and 9-11 weeks on Side B

36 Clones Total for both Side A and Side B

0.0 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
0.0 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
0.0 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
0.0 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
0.0 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
0.0 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
0.0 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
0.0 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd
0.0 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
0.0 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
0.0 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
0.0 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
0.0 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
0.0 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
0.0 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
0.0 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
0.0 days tracking Purple Widow Clone - P.Wid
0.0 days tracking Purple Widow Clone - P.Wid
0.0 days tracking Purple Widow Clone - P.Wid
0.0 days tracking Purple Widow Clone - P.Wid
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Due to the influx of new clones backing up the "Bonus Round" clones, (I call them "Flunkies" because they did not perform well enough to proceed past K-8 when the last bunch went into flower) I have started selective culling. Any that are slow, show any weakness to fungus, have small root mass, and the like will be culled. I have already removed three Green Fluffy Bunnies from the bonus round. Selective culling will continue right up until they enter the Flower box.

From here on out it will be only the best, strongest, most vigorous for my family. No more will we make do with what I can get to flower. It actually feels good to have reached this point. This was the very reason I keep six mothers, and am trying for a seventh with the Dream Diesel.

Color me happy and call my pappy! I finally am on par with my own ideals for a home grow for medication. Hell, it's been since Oct 2011 trying to get the right mix of nutrients, lighting, ventilation, air circulation, and cloning program in place... Thank you Corey at Blue Planet Nutrients for making this possible for me with your excellent nutrient line!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

i dont know how you do it all mate, where do you find the time, you got so much going on and then you have the time to come on here and help other growers out, you really did deserve member of the month, id nominate you again if i could, but i cant till december, looks like you got some nice prizes coming your way, well done
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

heheh, of all the prizes, I think the one I will most covet is the 420Mag Nug Jar. Not that all the others will not be cherished, but most of them I could have bought if I had the money, and since I don't, it's going to be a happy day when they arrive! That in mind, though, the nug jar is more like a trophy, that has a use!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

i got to admit, i wouldnt mind a nice 420nug jar, the other prizes are amazing as well, its great that so many sponsors are willing to donate that products month after month to the contests, if just shows how much custom the site send their way, if they never broke even they wouldnt do it, the list of prizes is amazing and can all be used, im sure if you added it all up it would be a nice sum of money if you have to buy them all seperate, all off the prizes can and will be used by the person that has won them, im sure they wont be sitting in a cupboard to long before they are used, it sure does make a difference, these sponsor really do make this site stand out, everyone has a chance of winning, but i got to admit you do deserve it mate, the amount of time you give to others is worth of all the prizes, well done mate,
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

WOW thats alot of clones. But really if ya can why not. Makes for a wider selection to work with. As you say cull from. Looks cool Keepem Green and Happy 4th
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

WOW thats alot of clones. But really if ya can why not. Makes for a wider selection to work with. As you say cull from. Looks cool Keepem Green and Happy 4th

Hehe, it's a lot of choices, not all of these will make it to flower. The weakest links will be removed form the chain. HAPPY 4th! :cheesygrinsmiley:
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