Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

How about a few Friday pics of the Blue Gelato 41?

It's not possible to get good pics of the whole plant...

so we'll just concentrate on the top half...that's where all the good stuff is at anyway... :)
bg41 1.jpg

This is her 81st day in the SIP, she's 94 days old, flipped to 12/12 39 days ago.... it's day #25 of Rx Blend nutes, which is what I started using when the GrowDots wore out around day 55.
bg41 2.jpg

a little popcorn/tester.
bg41 popcorn.jpg

I'm probably going to try back building on some of these buds in about a week...
bg41 bud.jpg

The light is 9-10 inches from the canopy, set to 170 watts, and the plant seems to love it. (56k lux)
I halfway expected to see some light damage, but I guess that's not going to be a "thing"...šŸ¤”
bg41 bud 2.jpg

That's about it for today's "quickie"
I'll be back with more on Monday,
Thanks for stopping by..šŸ’š
Have a great weekend!
Looking frosty!

Nice quickie.
Something I dare not dream of!
It's sort of surprising to me, too- usually, about half the leaves are gone by now, and the other half are mostly yellow...
Omg I love her!
She's kind of a favorite of mine, too...:love:

If she keeps going like she is, I think she's going to be a record-breaker-
She's already the tallest by 2 inches, so she's halfway there...
Happy Monday folks!
Time for a little Update on the 97 day old @Barney's Farm Blue Gelato 41...
She's doing really well in there...almost too big for the box, but not quite...šŸ¤:oops:

It's her 84th day in the SIP, day 28 for the Rx Blend nutes..

170 watts of NextLight illumination is keeping her real happy.:)


Overhead shot from the corner

...and, one from the other corner...

A shot through the door- sorry for the crappy pic- If I could get a little farther away, the pic might be a little better....but I can't, unless I move my son's refrigerator out of the way...
About all you can tell from this pic is that she's still pretty green everywhere...

She's on day 42 of 12/12, but she's actually been flowering for only about 30, at least 30 days to go- probably more like 50 days, but we'll have to wait and see..šŸ‘€

Another bud- most of the buds are 10" from the light.-

...and, one more short one..this one didn't reach the canopy, but it's still doing pretty well..

well, somebody's slacking on the larf removal... šŸ™„
...actually, I de-larfed her about a month ago, but it's all grown back....:straightface:

I'm amazed that everything down that low is still's friggin' dark down there!

And there you have it for today..
Thank You for looking,
I really appreciate your support..šŸ’š
Have a great week!

Hey Carcass, let's play count the colas!

You go first. šŸ™‚
And AI could not have done a better job on a plant than this:
Ha! Thanks, Shed!
I'll bet AI would've made the box a little bigger... šŸ¤ :)
tall is nice tbh and still nailed the canopy too.
Thank You, Regrowth! She wouldn't be tall anywhere else, but in that box, she's a big 'unšŸ¤Ŗ
trained my plants so low that i've got to water through the foliage until they stretch a bit. lol
I had that same problem- I put a 12" piece of hose on the ol' watering can spout, now I go in underneath all the foliage...well, not now, since I'm growing in a SIP, but that's how I did it pre-SIPšŸ‘


Hey Carcass, let's play count the colas!

You go first. šŸ™‚
Thanks, GDB! :)
I get 39 or 40, plus 10 or so around the edges, below the canopy...
My previous record was the GSC @44 colas.
..not that I'm keeping track...:eye-roll:
Yes, I'm going to do that this time- I thought about it too late last time, but this time, most (if not all) of the buds are going to get little haircuts- I think this coming weekend would be a good time to do it- 5.5 weeks into flowering..
Yes, I'm going to do that this time- I thought about it too late last time, but this time, most (if not all) of the buds are going to get little haircuts- I think this coming weekend would be a good time to do it- 5.5 weeks into flowering..
Anytime after 4 weeks is what I remember, so you'd be right on track. :thumb:
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