Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

That's one happy looking plant!
Thanks, Azi! This one is getting mc, a little Aloe Vera powder,a little silica, and nothing else- don't want a repeat of the mass leaf killing that happened to the last one.... :oops:
I'm wondering if you'll have to start thinking of renaming the thread.
Yeah, "Carcass' $151.00 Low Budget Grow" does have a nice ring to it.. :)
If that plant won't stay within the confines of your box, Plan B is to move it outside right? Do you have an outside spot for it set aside? :)
so it's a nice level canopy going in to flower- that may or may not be the case once she starts to stretch...
I'm gonna hope for the best....
Curios about restricting or holding her back during the stretch? Or at least the leading branches that are trying to shoot past the rest? Does pulling them back help restrict their stretch?

Another lovely plant Carcass! I am a bit more fond of $151 personally.
that plant won't stay within the confines of your box, Plan B is to move it outside right?
Well, that was the plan...then I thought about it- and unless I move it outside right now (before flowering starts), it's going to re-veg as soon as I put it out there...and there  is no plan C, except to hope she doesn't get  too tall...:hmmmm: There is a spot for her out there though, if it comes to that:straightface:
? Does pulling them back help restrict their stretch?
It seems to- the last 4 have stopped growing at 17 inches tall, so I  think that keeping them tied down their whole life does inhibit some of the stretch. I have a feeling this one might try and get a little bigger than the others, but hopefully not a whole lot bigger.. :oops:
Well, it's Monday again- must be time for a little Update on how the plants are doing!

First up is the 51 day old GSC from the So-Cal seed fairy:love: flipped to 12/12 last night - she's 9.5 inches tall- I was hoping for 10" tall before the flip, but she's close enough..
The SaugaView®:


She's being fed 5g/gal/mc, 4 ml Bio-Si (@Prescription Blend silica), and a 1/2g Aloe Vera powder (supposed to be good for plants) she seems very happy with that combination.

The @NextLight 420h is set to 160 watts, which gives 35k lux at the canopy. I'll turn it up some as she starts flowering, probably end up at about 240 watts.

And now on to the outdoor autos- Wookiees left (14"tall) DDa right (8"tall)

This Wookiees is doing real well- evidently, she's going to be a tall one, despite the topping....She's 14" tall today.

And the DDa :love:

She's doing real well- a little shorter than the Wookiees,(8"tall) but very healthy. They're both being fed 4.5g/gal/mc, but it looks like this one may want a little more, she's just a little bit pale.
With DDa's reputation for sometimes growing oddly, I wasn't sure what to expect- but other than a few krinkly leaves, she's doing just fine.:love:

Now on to the 3 autos in the ground out there- the Wookiees on the left is still a runt (as expected) but the White Chem on the right seems to be growing fairly normally, although she's got an odd, branchless structure-Both of these plants are 35 days old, both flowering..

Last up is the Wookiees x Kalashnikov, which sprouted in a bad spot- she's not going to do much, but she's still trying...she's 28 days old .
Since all three are flowering, their next feed will be @GeoFlora Nutrients "Bloom"- that feed is due in a few days..

And that's about it for today!

Thanks for looking!
I really appreciate the support, and I hope everyone's week is a good one:love:

Stay tuned- the training update is coming up in a few minutes!
And now for canopy training Update#7...
This update is mainly about tying things down beyond the edge of the pot.

This last week, we've just been working on tying the inner secondary branches down to maintain an even canopy- once things grow past the edge, we need to figure a different way to hold things where we need them to be to maintain that canopy- I use a pool noodle, but you may think of a different way to do it...







Now, by this point, your plant has a whole lot of leaves, and they're always in the way- some of them will need to be removed eventually, but I like to keep as many as I can until about 3 weeks into flowering- that's when I do a major de-larfing and defoliation. It's up to you, though- if you want, you can cut some of them off now to make the training a little easier, just don't go overboard if you do.

Anyhow, here's a few tricks that make it a bit easier to work around all those leaves:




And that's it for this one!
As usual, any questions, please don't hesitate to ask- and if there's something you'd like explained a little better, just let me know, and I'll do my best to clarify things!

Next week, we'll talk about flowering, and (hopefully) controlling the stretch that goes with it.

Thank You for looking, I appreciate the support :love:
They're looking lovely Carcass, and nice to see the sunlight on those outside girls!
Thanks, Stunger-They seem pretty happy out there, despite the 40mph winds-

Thanks, Shed- She's the best growing plant I've ever grown- the Super Silver Haze was close, but this GSC is just amazing!:thanks:
Would have been much more difficult on say, the White Chem.
Ha! Yeah, that White Chem tutorial would of been a little different:

"Meanwhile, we're still waiting on some branches to tie down".... :oops:
Absolutely wonderful for plants!
Thanks, Baked! I'd seen that you and @Azimuth both use it, so I figured I'd add it to the nute regimen for all the plants.
I got the powdered stuff- probably not as good as fresh stuff, but I assume it's good to use instead?
Thanks, Baked! I'd seen that you and @Azimuth both use it, so I figured I'd add it to the nute regimen for all the plants.
I got the powdered stuff- probably not as good as fresh stuff, but I assume it's good to use instead?
It's also good as a wetting agent if your soil goes hydrophobic and for foliar sprays to help the spray stay on the leaves rather than just dropping off. PLUS it has a health component, salicylic acid, that acts like aspirin for the plant.
I got the powdered stuff- probably not as good as fresh stuff, but I assume it's good to use instead?
If you got the stuff I think you got, it's probably better and more concentrated than my fresh pads. I happen to have a bunch of it growing finally (2 year long project), so I choose the fresh instead.
Baked, do you drain the dark colored latex that initially oozes out of the
cut leaf before using it on your plants?
Typically, I cut my pad and then start prepping my blender and water. I don't get much of the latex actually. Depends on the species, nutrients, and age of the plant too. If anything does ooze out, it ends up on that plastic garden storage thingy I took the picture of the pad. I cut it up and throw in the junks as is with some filtered tap. I don't worry about when I'm making drench water. I would only use the inner gel for foliar so that it doesn't gunk up my sprayer as much.

Why do you ask?! It can be an issue for those that ingest fresh aloe (laxative) . Which is why you'll get many people talk about taking out the filet of gel only.
The latex has a weird smell and I wondered if that suggested any unwanted organic effects particularlywhen using it as a rooting agent. I'm inconsistent with mine. Sometimes I drain it, sometimes I don't.
It is not good to ingest. It can cause some loosey poopy. So it's always better to use gel only for that. But for plants. I don't bother. Too time consuming and I feel like the whole pad is an excellent use. Everything will be devoured by the microbes.
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