And now for canopy training
This update is mainly about tying things down beyond the edge of the pot.
This last week, we've just been working on tying the inner secondary branches down to maintain an even canopy- once things grow past the edge, we need to figure a different way to hold things where we need them to be to maintain that canopy- I use a pool noodle, but you may think of a different way to do it...
Now, by this point, your plant has a whole lot of leaves, and they're always in the way- some of them will need to be removed eventually, but I like to keep as many as I can until about 3 weeks into flowering- that's when I do a major de-larfing and defoliation. It's up to you, though- if you want, you can cut some of them off now to make the training a little easier, just don't go overboard if you do.
Anyhow, here's a few tricks that make it a bit easier to work around all those leaves:
And that's it for this one!
As usual, any questions, please don't hesitate to ask- and if there's something you'd like explained a little better, just let me know, and I'll do my best to clarify things!
Next week, we'll talk about flowering, and (hopefully) controlling the stretch that goes with it.
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