Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

I just strap a pedometer to the back of my hand when trimming. It works for other things too :rolleyes:
Hmmmm...sounds pretty "handy"..:rofl:
Good work, Carcass!
Thanks so much, Professor!
What a great result!
Thank You, T!
Waayyy more weed than I need...but it's nice to know it's there....
Thanks again for that CK seed...Most awesome plant I've ever grown...❤️

Speaking of plants....
The Forbidden Fruit is finally dry- it took 9 days- usually takes 6 or 7, but the humidity was pretty high for the last week, so it slowed the drying down a little....
FF in dryer 2.JPG

It didn't all fit in the box, so some went here to dry:
FF in rafters.JPG

So I'll be back in here with the weight after I de-stem the nugs...

The ABBxW auto in the box is doing pretty well too....
9-27 abbxw.JPG

Still drinking a gallon a day-
Oddly, nothing is leaning on the walls- nice, strong branches on this girl...
abbxw bud 9-27.JPG

And that's all I've got right now- I'll be back a little later with the FF results...
I hope you're having a great day👍
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