Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Looking forward to see the results from 44 hours of trimming..
It would have been a few hours more, but that pound of bud rot sped things up considerably..😬
glad you are back. 🍋
Thank You, Keith- it's good to be back!
You went awol too eh. Welcome back!
Thanks, Professor!
Yeah, I didn't care much for the awol thing...
Carcass is a green grow God and Trala gives good
...advice? 😁
Why would someone delete the word "bread"?
I think it's spelled differently in Australian...😜
Admin is obviously gluten free.
hope you had a nice break man! that auto looks good nice!
It was ok! spent half the time in trim jail, tho...
Can’t wait to see the chop pics!!
I wish I'd of taken camera was a gooey mess about halfway through....
I’m going to leave that right there…
Welcome back Carcass.

I was surprised to get a notification of your post. I thought I had "unwatched" this thread! 😁
I thought I had "unwatched" this thread! 😁
Ha! time to hit the "rewatch" button!👆
Welcome Back!

Sorry to hear about the Budrot! Was is water or bug related?

Glad I was correct about Trim Jail! ❤️
Thanks, Med- It was totally water occurred to me just a little bit late, that those big colas have a sunny side, and a shady side...and rot really likes that shady side....I'll post up a couple pics tomorrow- it was some weird rot...
Trim jail was about like I expected it to be- apx 4 hours a day for 11's a little tricky keeping track of what's dry and what's not, but now it's all in the(big) jars except the still-drying Forbidden Fruit, which may be done tomorrow...I'll post up some harvest pics tomorrow for all 3 big girls...
The rot is also why I harvested 2 weeks earlier than I expected to... 😬
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