Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Well, Monday is upon us once again...
and it seems like an excellent time for an Update !

Here's where we left the Blue Gelato 41- 7 days ago:
0 bg41-1wa.jpg

And here she is today-a little older, a little wider, and a little taller...

Today is her 47th day above ground, day 33 in her SIP, and she's already drinking over a gallon per day..
That's about twice as much as my last plant was drinking at this age.:hmmmm:
Here's one side:

and, the other side:
It doesn't look like I've removed 50+ leaves, but I have- most of them in just the last week..

She's grown 1.5" this week, so she's up to 6.5 inches tall now...3.5 more inches, and it's flip time!
The Grow Dots are doing their usual excellent job so far- they're not due to start running out of gas for 3 weeks or so (day 55 apx.)

I turned the light up another 15 watts this week, so she's at 185 watts now...(and loving it!)
She's 29" from the light.

She's 19" wide now- at 20" wide, I'll stop training her wider, and start directing the branches upward instead of outward...
Most, if not all, of those sticks will stay in place till after the stretch.
And a few will likely stay in place till harvest time.

And that's about all there is for this update!
Things should get more interesting in the coming weeks...
Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate your support :love:
Have a great week, and I'll see you next time..:peace:
She looks flawless Carcass.

And Piggy is back into view! :Rasta:
She looks flawless Carcass.

And Piggy is back into view!

Thank You, GDB!
He disappeared under the foliage for about a week, I just found him again this morning.
and I can definitely tell you pulled off all those leaves. Otherwise there wouldn't be a single dark area in that top view!
Thanks, Shed!
I only clipped about 8 leaves from her interior, but they were huge- and a real pain to get to....
The rest were just "untuckable", so they also had to go ... 😁
Thanks, T!

Roses are red
And they're always in style
T. wrote me a poem
And made me big smile! :love:
How about a little Friday "peek at the pot plant"?:hmmmm:

Blue Gelato 41, 51 days old, Day 37 in the SIP, and she was topped once, 35 days ago...
BG41 day 51.jpg

Once you can no longer see most of those sticks, it's flip time- prob 4 or 5 days from now- in that time, those outer branches should just about catch up to the inner branches, so the stretch should start out with a fairly flat canopy...Doesn't mean it'll stay flat, but at least it'll start out that way..🤔
BG41 Day 51c.jpg

She's 8" tall now, up an inch and a half from Monday..and she's a smidge over 20" wide, drinking a gallon+ every day...She's pretty happy in her 4 gallon SIP...although, some of the lower fan leaves are starting to complain about something a little bit...maybe lack of light- it's fairly dark down there...
BG41 Day 51c.jpg

And that's it for today's little peek...👀
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your support :love:
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving-
enjoy the hell out of those leftovers!
Dunno what's going on below but from above it's picture perfect! :)
Thank you, Shed!- I started adding 15ml of Purpinator to her water on Tuesday, I think it may have stopped the leaf problem from progressing- the leaves are still ugly today, but not getting uglier...
As above, so below...
True, Azi- "below" alerted me of an upcoming deficiency, before it reached the "above" parts...

What a treat to catch up here Carcass! Awesome training work! This is another the one maybe!
Thank You, Stone! The training is mostly done now, so she finally gets to just more than 18 more inches, I hope.. 😬
How about a little Friday "peek at the pot plant"?:hmmmm:

Blue Gelato 41, 51 days old, Day 37 in the SIP, and she was topped once, 35 days ago...
BG41 day 51.jpg

Once you can no longer see most of those sticks, it's flip time- prob 4 or 5 days from now- in that time, those outer branches should just about catch up to the inner branches, so the stretch should start out with a fairly flat canopy...Doesn't mean it'll stay flat, but at least it'll start out that way..🤔
BG41 Day 51c.jpg

She's 8" tall now, up an inch and a half from Monday..and she's a smidge over 20" wide, drinking a gallon+ every day...She's pretty happy in her 4 gallon SIP...although, some of the lower fan leaves are starting to complain about something a little bit...maybe lack of light- it's fairly dark down there...
BG41 Day 51c.jpg

And that's it for today's little peek...👀
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your support :love:
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving-
enjoy the hell out of those leftovers!
Good morning C King 👑

Omg she looks amaze⚽⚾🏐🎱🏀🥎🎾!

Those Barney’s Farm genetics baby!

W I N N I N G !
Those Barney’s Farm genetics baby!
Thank You, T!
You really can't go wrong with Barneys!

The BG41 is only my second Barney's plant...this is a bud from the first one, a Peyote Critical:

It's a black & white shot.. it didn't look a whole lot different in color..
Looks like another winner Carcass! :Rasta:
Looks like another winner Carcass!
Thanks, GDB- so far, so good, but still ample time for me to screw something up!🤪

Good Afternoon! It's Monday Update time!

The Blue Gelato 41 is just about ready to flip to 12/12-

I'll probably do that either tonight or tomorrow..
She's grown another inch and a half since Friday, so she's 9.5" tall right now, by tonight she will have reached the 10 inch mark, which means it's finally flip time!

Here she is a week ago @47 days old:


And today- 54 days old/40 days in the SIP & Grow Dots...she's almost touching all 4 walls now...

All the sticks are still there, but she's hiding them pretty well now..

The canopy is looking pretty good- I've only adjusted two tie-downs since last week's update, so she's been growing fairly evenly on her own..

She started with the uneven nodes a few days ago, so she's definitely ready for 12/12...
uneven nodes.jpg

I just watered her, so that pencil stuck in the SIP overflow is just to keep her from dripping water all over the floor...not that it really matters, but the humidity temporarily goes up to 85 or so if the floor gets wet, so I like to keep it dry in there if possible...

I've continued adding Purpinator to her water, and the funky lower leaves are staying about the same now. If those leaves were just turning yellow and dying off, I wouldn't consider that a problem, but they're showing me what I believe is a K deficiency, so I'm treating it as such...a few of the upper leaves are also affected.

I guess it's possible that the Grow Dots are crapping out 20 days early, or this plant just really has an appetite for Potassium.....🍽️
Or.... there's always the possibility that I'm barking up the wrong tree about the K def..😬
We'll see...

She'll be stretching next week, I hope it's not too extreme- although, she can grow another 17" or so before there's a problem....this is always an interesting time in every grow, because it's one part of the grow that I have no control over...🤔

There you have it for today!
Thanks for having a look,
I really appreciate your support:love:

I hope everyone has a great week and your weed is growing like a... weed!:peace:

I don't know what's up with these 2 pics, but they won't go away, so I guess they're just here.. :hmmmm:

She's like a beautiful woman with corns and bunions! :)

I was thinking that since the soil is constantly moist in a SIP grow maybe a healthier dose of Dots at the outset might be helpful. Moisture is what makes them do their thing so...

Just a thought. :Rasta:
Are you going to thin down below or figure on leaving those leaves for food in case its hungry?
Thank You, Shed!
I'm planning on leaving them on till after the stretch, then I'll open things up a bit- the tops are above them now, so they're not in anythings way.
I've removed a lot of leaves so far, but it sure doesn't look like it!
She's like a beautiful woman with corns and bunions! :)
The face is pretty, just don't look at the feet!
maybe a healthier dose of Dots at the outset might be helpful. Moisture is what makes them do their thing so...
Thanks, GDB- You have a point there- being wet 24/7 does seem like it'd suck the nutes out of the Dots faster than a standard pot on a wet/dry cycle..
I did add one extra tsp. of dots when I set this one up, so 17tsp. instead of 16.
Obviously, that was nowhere near time, I'll add 6 or 8 more- I don't think it'll hurt anything, and it just might help the dots last longer...
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