Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

:happy-birthday: (belated), Carcass! A new grandson for your birthday is a pretty spiffy present.
Omg I can’t believe I missed your birth day!

Gather round Peepstars!

Let’s sing him happy birthday!

Blow out your candle C Awesome!

Love your guts.

Congrats again to you and the rest of the Carcass family.
Thank You, HH- My sons finally got a nephew!
Happy belated birthday Carcass!
Thank You, Shed!
yeah, the big 7-0! Whopeeee!
A new grandson for your birthday is a pretty spiffy present.
Thanks, HashGirl- My daughter's already talking about the next one...the birth went so well, she's considering having the next one at home...Mrs.C. had our last 2 in the living room!
Happy, two days belated birthday, Carcass!
Thank You, MGM!- I'd just as soon forget about birthdays from here on in.. 😄

Omg I can’t believe I missed your birth day!
No worries,T- You definitely made up for it with that cake!🤪


And now, how about a little Update on the 41 day old Blue Gelato 41?
She's been in the SIP (and the Grow Dots) for 27 days, and there's no problems so far...

Any problems will show up a little later on, like when the Dots run out of gas in about 23 days...
I took a lesson from @Grand Daddy Black , and I'm going to start fixing that problem before it becomes a problem- hopefully, it'll be a seamless transition from Grow Dots to no Dots...:hmmmm:

Here's where we left her last Monday with apx. 18 bud sites...
bg1w a.jpg

And today-she's wider, but only a little bit taller, with apx. 36 budsites

This weeks training was mostly just making sure all the tops can see the light- whole lotta tucking going on...I do have to get some defoliating done soon, but not quite yet...

She's just 5" tall so far..I'm keeping this one tied down for a little longer than usual to get some more width on her before the flip in 10 days or so..

She's 16" wide now, I'm going for 20" before she gets to grow "up"

There's quite a few tops there- any branches/tops that haven't reached the canopy by flip time will get removed, but right now, they're all getting a chance to reach the top...

Lots of hooks on this one - she's a little branchier than the last few were...

I haven't adjusted anything yet today- she'll be about an inch or so wider once I do...

And there it is!
Thank You for having a look,
I really appreciate your support..:love:

Have a great week, and may all your gardens be thriving!
Be still my heart! :green_heart:

Please excuse me for getting a little wordy here.

But now that I sorta' have first-hand experience on the "proper" use of CarcassSticks®, I can really appreciate what I'm seeing at this point in your grow. And what I'm seeing is amazing!

apx. 36 budsites
Amazing! That's only apx. 4 shy of forty! 😁
just 5" tall so far
Amazing! She's gonna' get heavy but still have a good chance of supporting herself! :)
16" wide now
Amazing! And then same as last comment! :Rasta:
Lots of hooks on this one
Amazing! More hooks equates to apx. 4 shy of 40 budsites! 👀

And those look like new sticks!

I took a lesson from @Grand Daddy Black , and I'm going to start fixing that problem before it becomes a problem- hopefully, it'll be a seamless transition from Grow Dots to no Dots...:hmmmm:
I appreciate the shout-out Carcass.

I see you've gauged the Dots lifespan to be around 50 days. I'll probably mimic that the next time I use them. So who's taking a lesson from whom? :)

I love your grow-style because you keep your plants somewhat short, just the way I like 'em. They're a lot easier to move around IMO, and they produce fat hard buds in part due to their limited height (IMO) when grown in a confined space (a @CarcassBox® or a tent).

More Zale pics please. The plant is nice but...😁
I had to adjust the sticks, but I'm back now...👍
I can really appreciate what I'm seeing at this point in your grow. And what I'm seeing is amazing!
Once you get the principle figured out, that mess of sticks starts to make sense...
Amazing! She's gonna' get heavy but still have a good chance of supporting herself! :)
At least that's the plan! - the other 2 I've grown in this SIP have been self-supporting, hopefully this one follows suit...a little silica added to her water doesn't hurt, either...
I appreciate the shout-out Carcass.

I see you've gauged the Dots lifespan to be around 50 days. I'll probably mimic that the next time I use them. So who's taking a lesson from whom? :)
It's a coordinated effort, we'll get it figured out one way or another!

you keep your plants somewhat short, just the way I like 'em.
I'm hoping this one gets a little taller than the usual 17-20 inches..but that all depends on the stretch...

More Zale pics please. The plant is nice but...😁
Here's another pic from day 2 serene...:love:
❤️❤️ Did you show him pics from my Serenity Grow? ❤️❤️
Not yet...but soon... 😄
I did think of you when I said that...that word doesn't get used enough nowdays..
Thanks so much, Keith- You'd be amazed at the noise
that serene little guy can make when he's hungry..:oops:
Great progress lil blue gelato!

I did think of you when I said that...that word doesn't get used enough nowdays..
I do think of GDB too, but mostly I think of Frank Costanza yelling “serenity now!!”

p.s. happy belated bday Carcass! I hope it was a very special one for you. 💗
Thank You, HH- My sons finally got a nephew!

Thank You, Shed!
yeah, the big 7-0! Whopeeee!

Thanks, HashGirl- My daughter's already talking about the next one...the birth went so well, she's considering having the next one at home...Mrs.C. had our last 2 in the living room!

Thank You, MGM!- I'd just as soon forget about birthdays from here on in.. 😄

No worries,T- You definitely made up for it with that cake!🤪


And now, how about a little Update on the 41 day old Blue Gelato 41?
She's been in the SIP (and the Grow Dots) for 27 days, and there's no problems so far...

Any problems will show up a little later on, like when the Dots run out of gas in about 23 days...
I took a lesson from @Grand Daddy Black , and I'm going to start fixing that problem before it becomes a problem- hopefully, it'll be a seamless transition from Grow Dots to no Dots...:hmmmm:

Here's where we left her last Monday with apx. 18 bud sites...
bg1w a.jpg

And today-she's wider, but only a little bit taller, with apx. 36 budsites

This weeks training was mostly just making sure all the tops can see the light- whole lotta tucking going on...I do have to get some defoliating done soon, but not quite yet...

She's just 5" tall so far..I'm keeping this one tied down for a little longer than usual to get some more width on her before the flip in 10 days or so..

She's 16" wide now, I'm going for 20" before she gets to grow "up"

There's quite a few tops there- any branches/tops that haven't reached the canopy by flip time will get removed, but right now, they're all getting a chance to reach the top...

Lots of hooks on this one - she's a little branchier than the last few were...

I haven't adjusted anything yet today- she'll be about an inch or so wider once I do...

And there it is!
Thank You for having a look,
I really appreciate your support..:love:

Have a great week, and may all your gardens be thriving!
Hey @Carcass, your workout looks awesome. I'm curious how it will continue after the flip 👍😁🖖
Thank You, Kanno26!
I'm curious how it will continue after the flip
I'm not kidding when I say that makes two of us! 🤔

I have a plan, but the plant may not go along with it...although, so far, so good...
If we use his grow history as our guide, flowering is even more beautiful than veg!
Thank You so much for the kind words, T!....I'm not sure how pretty she'll end up, but there'll be plenty of buds on her, that's for sure..👍
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