Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Thanks, Azi- I was thinking you meant the soil...
I'll only use (cotton) string in a seedling setup,so it only has to last about 3 weeks..
Time for a Monday Update!
Not a lot to report, but there is a little bit...🤏

On the left is the 15 day old Wookiee auto...she's a bit of a mutant/runt, so I stuck another seed in the dirt last Sunday- no soak, just straight to the soil- she sprouted on Tuesday evening, and she's doing fine so far (right)

A closer look at the 15 day old funky one- I'm going to keep her going, but I don't think she's going to amount to much- if she proves me wrong, that'd be fine...she's just not giving me that warm, fuzzy feeling right now...


Her 6 day old replacement- she's a little leggy, but not too bad.

The runt (left) is in a little wick-watered solo cup, to get her used to her transition to a larger SIP...she may not end up there, but that's the plan at the moment... The youngster is in the same type of thing, but a little bigger..both containers have apx. 1/4 tsp of Grow Dots mixed into their soil..

This one is made from an old plastic Folgers Coffee jar, and a 24oz "Siggi's" Icelandic Yogurt container, which happens to perfectly slide partway into the bottom half of the Folgers jar...(it comes out real easy)


It took about 24 hours for it to start wicking the water up, but now it's working as I hoped it would..
The wicks go about an inch up into the soil...I figure if the soil gets too wet, I can remove a wick or 2..but, so far it seems to be working just about right ...

This one will be going into my 3.5 gallon mop bucket SIP in a couple of weeks...the soil for that is "cooking" in the hall closet till it's needed (I've added only Dynomyco, perlite, Aloe Vera powder and worm castings so far)- the Grow Dots don't get mixed in until transplant day...

This is what I use to mix up the soil- it's actually for mixing cement, but it does a dandy job of mixing up to 6 gallons of soil..
I found this thing in my parents garage a few years ago, it's probably 40 years old or so..
Soil mixer.jpg

Put the soil in, add all the stuff that you want to add, put the lid on, then roll this thing around for 50 feet or so, and those "vanes" in the container mix your additives in real well.
Before I mix it initially, I add a quart of Mosquito Dunk treated water to the soil to get a head start on killing the inevitable soil gnats that seem to be built in to the new ProMix HP...😠
mixer 2.jpg

If I do end up with 2 plants, one will live outside, at least during the there will be a little schlepping..:)

And that's about all there is today!
Thank You for looking, I appreciate your support...:love:
I hope everyone has a great week, and your gardens are thriving...:peace:
Good morning C Wookiee!

I love that every seed holds a mystery. Growing isn’t just about nurture, it’s about nature and what that tiny bunch of green cells was predisposed to be. Much like humans. I look forward to watching you make her sing, even if her voice does turn out to be different.

I also love you banged the second seed straight into dirt. I’d never ever heard of putting a seed in paper towel till joining here. I will never get used to how awful a cracked seed looks with it’s tongue hanging out! I legit clutch my pearls errrry time!

Hey can you ask JG if the Cheesy Monkeys Arse (which has been rebranded to Golden Primate in Australia) is an auto? I got it out of the fridge then put it back, and got a seed I’m 100% sure is an auto out. I have a feeling I put in in the wrong seed store section.
I look forward to watching you make her sing,
Thanks, T!- they're both kind of mumbling right now, I hope there's a singer in there... :)
I also love you banged the second seed straight into dirt.
That's how I used to do it in the "early days"- I may go back to it, because they always seem to sprout when I do it that way...This one sprouted just as fast as if I'd soaked it for 24 hours first...
Hey can you ask JG if the Cheesy Monkeys Arse (which has been rebranded to Golden Primate in Australia) is an auto?
I looked in my seedbank- yes, the CMA is an auto-
JG dropped a Wookiee seed a couple of days ago...he's gonna show ol' Dad how it's done...

No, he didn't say that..but I'll bet he does... (show me how it's done;))
Thanks, T!- they're both kind of mumbling right now, I hope there's a singer in there... :)

That's how I used to do it in the "early days"- I may go back to it, because they always seem to sprout when I do it that way...This one sprouted just as fast as if I'd soaked it for 24 hours first...

I looked in my seedbank- yes, the CMA is an auto-
JG dropped a Wookiee seed a couple of days ago...he's gonna show ol' Dad how it's done...

No, he didn't say that..but I'll bet he does... (show me how it's done;))
Don’t forget the story you told about the old bull and the young bull. He’s the young bull C Star. If it becomes a competition, you got this in the bag.

Those Wookiee seeds tho, they EXPLODE through the dirt!
Don’t forget the story you told about the old bull and the young bull
Yep, I walk down...:cheesygrinsmiley::laugh:
Those Wookiee seeds tho, they EXPLODE through the dirt!
The first one not so much, but that second one acts like she means business!
Wait are you saying you've sprouted two seeds in a row? Your reputation is in tatters!
I know, right? What's next?
I think you veg them both in the tent and move one outside when it flowers.
Yeah, I'll keep both of them inside as long as possible--I really don't think that
first one is ever going to take up very much space..:straightface:
Congrats on getting that 2nd seed to emerge. You're on a roll!

I expect to hear one day soon that you've found your bags of Grow Dots! :Rasta:
Nice call on dropping that 2nd seed! I've never before seen one of those cement/soil mixing tubs - looks niffy!
Thank You, GDB!
Yeah, I'm really pushing my luck...2 in a row? ...what is this madness?:)
I expect to hear one day soon that you've found your bags of Grow Dots! :Rasta:
I am (seriously) running out of places to look...they'll probably be expired by the time I find 'em...
Thanks, Stone! - Hey, I busted out some 15 month old Blueberry Hill this morning- it's still got it!
I'd forgotten how good that stuff was/is!:lot-o-toke:

Nice call on dropping that 2nd seed!
Autos do usually start off pretty slow, but that first one was just not looking right to me ...
I've never before seen one of those cement/soil mixing tubs - looks niffy!
It works great for small quantities of soil- sure,I could just mix it the usual way, but with that thing, I get to use a doodad to do it for me...and you know how us old farts like doodads!

I found out they still make 'em- called the Odjob cement and material mixer..a little pricey for what they do...
It wasn't too bad, 4 hours from pot to closet...although when I look at the tiny bit of trimmings, I kind of wonder what took me so long...I think being an old fart might have slowed me down a little... ;)

Well alright then-Harvest time! Here's a few parting shots of the AP auto,which started out as a tiny mutant,but ended up like this:

The final Saugaview®: (that's a Gelat.OGauto bottom right)

And a side view...

A budshot or 2...
double bud

regular bud...

double bud again, before trimming...

I forgot to get any other pics before trimming,so I've just got an "after" pic...

notice the tiny pile of trimmins....doesn't look like 3 hours worth....jeez, I'm slow....

And from there it went into the closet, where it'll live for 5 days or so:

The wet weight is 26oz/728grams, so dry and de-stemmed it should be 20-25% of that...
103 days old, 67 days flowering.

Fed nothing but Mega Crop, with a very little bit of GLN's Bud Explosion and Sweet Candy
added the last 30 days of may have helped her a was the reason all the big fan leaves fell off in the last 2 weeks- either way,it didn't hurt the buds a bit.!

So that's it for that one,time to start on some more...

I actually got a Gelat.OG auto seed to sprout last week, and, this morning a Pink Kush CBD sprouted,and
so did a ChemDawg#4. !

The ChemDawg (a gift from my son, @13goody13 ) is a photo, so it will be growing outside as soon as it's established, and the autos get the box.

Thanks for looking,and I hope everyone has a great weekend!
But stay safe in the process, please! :peace:
How the bloody hell haha love it every time I see a grower in a small closet out preform me in a giant room it makes me wonder if I should just make 10 closets in my room instead lol cause guess they like tight walls haha fuck me that monster in there it’s like dr who’s tardis,
You ever done organic sips ?
Welcome to my journal, Pondwater!
lol cause guess they like tight walls
Something in there must tickle their fancy! :)
You ever done organic sips ?
I've only done 2 SIP grows so far, and they were both grown with Grow Dots, so not organic...maybe someday, but not yet...
One, or maybe 2 more SIP grows are coming up in a few weeks, We'll see how an
auto (or 2) does in a SIP...

And, since I'm here, how about a peek at the 2 Wookiee autos- the runty one on the left is 18 days old, the other one is 8 days old...
17- 7 days old.jpg

Ya know, it's funny- these seedlings are both being bottom watered with wicks into the rez, and the soil is like 2 times wetter than a top watered one would be, yet they're not complaining about being overwatered, like a top watered seedling will do. I guess they develop water roots so they can handle the extra water without getting all droopy and puffy about it...
good for me, because I have a tendency to "overhydrate" my seedlings, if left to my own devices...🤪
17-7 days old.jpg

There's only 2 holes in the bottom of this cup, and the roots found one of ', my "no drain holes, no roots out the bottom" plan is a bit flawed, 🤔 but I can work around it...
I'm not sure this plant will ever amount to much, but I'll give her a chance.. autos have surprised me in the past..
found the hole....jpg

And that's all there is today!

Thank You for looking..:peace:
Have a great hump day!
That root finding that hole is Murphy's law! :)
It sure is!
I thought the wicks were in there tight enough that roots
wouldn't fit past much for that theory..
It'd be nice if that was the only one that pops out, but I doubt that...:hmmmm:
I will have to be careful..
....surely there won't be as many as there usually is, those are tiny holes...🤏
And yes, I will stop calling you Shirley... 🤪
I wouldn't count out the slower one either.

The Wookiee I just harvested was pretty slow but she was also slow to show pistils.
It will be fun to see which one ends up being the star of the show. Time will tell.
Lol. She seems like she's the up and coming strain around here.

BTW...I just got a Goody box the other day. He sent me some really great stuff. Lots of autos,which I was lacking.

Your kid is a groovy dude. No doubt he gets it from you.
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