Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

I can't see going from over130,000 free lux to well under half that for an auto in flower.
Yeah, you're (probably) won't be cold,dark, and lonely for very long...or it might be- I'm having my usual luck getting a seed to sprout... :oops:
Once I burn through the 5 Gorilla Glues, my luck will surely change.........or not :rolleyes:
Once I burn through the 5 Gorilla Glues, my luck will surely change.........or not :rolleyes:
It will, Carcass!

But you've got me thinking about all the freebie seeds I've got. :straightface:
But you've got me thinking about all the freebie seeds I've got.
I wouldn't worry too much about that- the SuperSilverHaze and the Iced Grapefruit were both freebies
and (to state the obvious) they both did "ok"... :cheesygrinsmiley:
I wouldn't worry too much about that- the SuperSilverHaze and the Iced Grapefruit were both freebies
and (to state the obvious) they both did "ok"... :cheesygrinsmiley:
I remember that at least one of those was given to you by Justin. That's not the free I'm talking about. I mean the "free" where some seed vendor is giving you 10 Free when you buy just one. :straightface:
They were both free to me from Justin, but they were freebies to him from some place
in Spain that sells seeds, man... ;)
But I know what you're saying- some places probably sweep the floor at the end of the day, and toss everything into the "free seeds" bin, while others use the same quality controls as they do for the non-freebies....
I'd actually rather they don't sprout rather than growing, but growing poorly...
Monday again! I hope all you dads out there had a nice Fathers Day!

Thank You, Shed! It was a good day, even though I had to cook my own dinner ;)

Monday also means it's Update time, so here goes...

The IG is still plugging along- 109 days old now, flipped to 12/12 59 days ago, but the end is (finally) near-
her drinking has slowed down, and she's starting to show a bit of amber...
She's been fed GF Veg + supplements (Calmag pro/EasyWeed) her whole life, and she seems to have done alright with it.

Funny- now that her life is almost over, she's finally nice 'n green, and hasn't lost any leaves for the last week or so...
And Shed was right- all the colas are now propped up with bamboo skewers so they don't fall over sideways....

A couple of buds:
(good thing I don't mind a few foxtails..:cheesygrinsmiley:)
4 foxtails.jpg

She's still putting out new pistils, but they've slowed down a little in the last 5 days or so...
One of her "big ones":rolleyes::

And the silhouette shot, possibly her last one- Wednesday is probably harvest day...

She's done very well under 100 watts of @Atreum Lighting LED ...

Now on to the outdoor autos- first, the little 3 armed Amnesia-She's a very healthy little plant, but I guess she's going to stick with the runt thing....
9" tall, and I think that's about all the growing she's going to do...on the upside, she'll be easy to trim when the time comes...:cheesygrinsmiley: She's 31 days old today....

And then there's the Chocodope auto- I'll start with the SaugaView® : (she's 41 days old)

She's a very healthy plant- her and the Amnesia were both given their first dose of @GeoFlora Nutrients
"Bloom" a few days ago- they seem happy with it, but it's too early to tell for sure....

So, last week, Ms. Chocodope stretched 2" overnight, so I assumed she was starting to stretch....
Turns out, She was starting and finishing her stretch- So she's going to be fairly small one too (12" tall now, only stretched 4") . Even so, I think she's going to produce quite a few nice fat buds...

Her being short opens up the possibility that she may go into the box when the IG is done in a few days..

Both the outdoor girls:

I've been trying to get a Gorilla Glue photo to sprout all week, to replace the IG in the box, but I've had 3 duds in a row-
no taproot, no nothing on all three- I think the seeds are just dead. I won the seeds in the potm a few months ago, and now I know why they were giving them away...:straightface: it is what it is...I've got 2 of those seeds left, but I doubt if either one of them will do anything more than the last 3...

That's about all there is today- I'll post up some harvest pics mid-week if I end up harvesting the IG.

Thanks for looking, I appreciate the support..:peace:
Have a great week, everyone!
Good morning C Gull!

Those Coca-Cola’s are in-fucking-sane!

Carcass you really do grow like an absolute bossman. Your plants are breathtaking.

:) :) :)
Carcass you really do grow like an absolute bossman.
Thanks for that, Trala! ...
...but a lot of it depends on the strain, and I've been lucky with the last two...
I may not need to try that tiny one- seed #4 (the cracked one! :hmmmm: ) actually sprouted a taproot...
(so that's half the battle)....
And the silhouette shot, possibly her last one- Wednesday is probably harvest day...
Beautiful plant and good luck with today's harvest, if it happens today. :high-five:
So she's going to be fairly small one too (12" tall now, only stretched 4")
I've heard that size isn't everything. :p They're still nice looking healthy plants.
I won the seeds in the potm a few months ago, and now I know why they were giving them away...:straightface:
I'd be annoyed if they weren't free...
who am I kidding-....I'm annoyed anyway- giving away crap seeds is a bit chickenshit, imo...
I guess they saved me some trouble by not even sending me anything when I won potm a three months before you.
:ciao: Hey Carcass! Happy belated Fathers Day, I’m glad it was good for you.:love:

Holy wow, that IG is amaaazing! :high-five: Looks like your trim job should be pretty easy, lol.

I‘m hoping Chocodope gives you a little more stretch over the next few weeks. Mine continued growing a little more after the ”stretch” IIRC.

My Amnesia and the CBD continue to be lanky and have three nodes I think? I’ll post pics when I’ve got some free time - my nephew and his girlfriend are here through Friday so I’ve had a houseful all week with them and our son and daughter. Makes my hear full having everyone here. :love:
My understanding is that Dope Seeds is not shipping to the US due to Brexit issues.
Thanks Boo!

I have no idea how Brexit would affect the shipping of questionably legal "souvenir" seeds to the states! They weren't even legal to ship before Brexit. Also weird is I have no trouble getting the various legal foodstuffs from the UK ordered off Amazon (shipped by the seller).

Though international trade is definitely not my bailiwick!
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