Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Gotta celebrate the small victories.
I'm glad I tried that cracked seed- it was the worst looking of the whole bunch- it actually looked like it'd been stepped almost went straight to the trash can... :oops:
Beautiful plant and good luck with today's harvest, if it happens today.
Thanks, Beez! It's been postponed till tomorrow- I've got granddaughter duty this afternoon....
No one should deprive you of beans that may/may not sprout!
Maybe just send them a reminder? I had to remind 2 sponsors about my potm prizes...
Like they say, the squeaky wheel gets the oil.....
I‘m hoping Chocodope gives you a little more stretch over the next few weeks
No biggie if she doesn't- she's super healthy, and she's growing buds like a big girl...:high-five:
My understanding is that Dope Seeds is not shipping to the US due to Brexit issues.
That's too bad- all the seeds I got from Dope have sprouted just fine so far- the ones giving me trouble are from Cannapot (Austria)
I have no idea how Brexit would affect the shipping of questionably legal "souvenir" seeds to the states!
Yeah- they were sneaking them out before, why can't they sneak them out now?:)
No clue what the deal is.
That makes 2 of us.....:hmmmm:

I told @Nev I'd post up a few pics of my trichomes when the IG is ready to harvest- I couldn't seem to get any decent microscope pics, so you may just have to zoom these a bit.
Yesterday, there was very little amber- today, they look ready to harvest (15% amber+) I have to wait till tomorrow.....
(sorry the pic quality isn't the best)


trichomes 2.jpg
What Shed said. Although I could have said it better, using at least a three-syllable adjective. :Rasta:
all the seeds I got from Dope have sprouted just fine so far- the ones giving me trouble are from Cannapot (Austria)
Same here. Dope Seeds is great. I've always gotten my orders and prize winnings from them, and their seeds have always produced top-notched plants for me. :thumb:
Well, today was Harvest Day for the Iced Grapefruit- she was 17" tall, 112 days old, flowered for apx. 8 weeks.
Grown totally under an @Atreum Lighting Hydra-1000 LED (100 watts)
Fed only @GeoFlora Nutrients "Veg", plus a little @Blue Planet Nutrients Calmag Pro, and Easy Weed.
The seed was a gift from my son, @Justin Goody ,apx. a year ago :love:

Here's a final shot of her in the box:

One little thing I noticed last night- she put out a little drop of amber colored "goo"
I think it's called "guttation"

No big deal, I just thought it was interesting...

Now on to the harvest pics-
Restraints removed, ready to get chopped:

And a mere 2 hours later, we're done! (sorry for the blurry pic- I had goo on my fingers...)

All those sticks were holding up the buds:

One of the colas:

On to the drying room- I weighed her, but forgot to get any pics of that- her wet weight is 549g/19.5oz.
So probably looking at apx 5oz. dry (I thought there was more than that, but the scale don't lie...)

She'll hang here for 5 or 6 days (probably 5- it's hot!)

And one more thing- this was a pleasant surprise this morning:

8-GG sprout.jpg

A Gorilla Glue (photoperiod) sprout!- It's from the sad looking seed that was also cracked...:hmmmm:

It's not centered in the cup because the other 3 seeds (duds) are also in there.
This one sprouted less than 24 hours after going into the cup, so it wants to grow!
the other 3 are just dead....

And finally...since the box is empty now- these 2 ladies spend the day outside, but then they live in here at night (lights go off 12:00am to 4:00am) so they get an extra apx.10 hours of light per day, which isn't going to hurt anything, since they're both autos...(Amnesia left, Chocodope right)
Chocodope-Amnesia autos.JPG

I'll do this until the GorillaGlue is big enough to have the box to herself..

And that's about all for this update!
Thanks for looking, I really appreciate the support..:peace:
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
(tomorrow's lil Nova's day, so I won't be around)

Congrats on the harvest and on the sprout, Carcass!
Have fun with the schlepping!
It's only about 25 feet farther to schlep them into the box, and the extra light should do them some good- maybe they'll get done sooner (so I can start a couple more... :cheesygrinsmiley: )
Congrats on the harvest and on the sprout, Carcass!
Thank You, HashGirl- I'm pretty happy about the sprout- I'd pretty much written those seeds off...
Congrats on the Iced Grapefruit harvest - looks as good hanging as it did growing. :high-five:
Congrats on the IG harvest, Mr. C. She is one of the prettiest plants (as opposed to Shed's "pretty") that I've ever seen on this forum today.

I love this pic because it looks like an enormous branch that's 8' long and balanced on a small square table:
I hate this pic for the same reason Shed cites and for the fact that I stared at it forever trying to figure out what the hell I was looking at. Please don't make a habit of doing this. :rofl:
Good morning C She’ll :)

Great haul and brilliant photography :)

1,2,3 back to me...

You know the, I don’t know what you call them, actually I think it’s just plant LOL, I’m talking about the seeds we started at approx the same time, oh and gear change, I still refer to them as my seeds when in fact they are day 40 something. But back to my question, there are quite a few grow areas I struggle with and flipping is a big one. Approximately what age do you flip?
Congrats on another brilliant harvest. What a beauty. I'm with GDB I couldn't wrap my head around that photo :laugh: It is a bit late here though and I've been staring at my phone screen for a while.

I'm with Vet and GDB. I didn't know what I was looking at either. :hmmmm:
looks as good hanging as it did growing.
Thanks, Beez! And it still smells like a sweaty armpit...:hmmmm:
I stared at it forever trying to figure out what the hell I was looking at.
I can see why, at first glance, you'd go wtf??
Tbh, I didn't notice it looked odd till @InTheShed pointed it out... :)
Approximately what age do you flip?
Between 45-50 days, so far- like when the plant is half as tall as you want it to get by the end- although
with quad training you need to remember that some of the stretch will be horizontal growth...
If it's a real fast grower, I'd just go by size, and flip earlier, since I've got height limits in the box.
I may start waiting a little longer, (55 days or so...)since my last two plants topped out at 17"...I'd like to get them to apx 24" if possible...(that's the limit in there)

I'm with GDB I couldn't wrap my head around that photo
I'm with Vet and GDB. I didn't know what I was looking at either.
Take a close look at the lower left corner, and you can see my finger- I just held it up and snapped the pic- in retrospect, I should have held it up a little higher...;)
Nice work! Looks great :snowboating:
Thanks, @oldmanjj !
And Thanks for checking out my journal- feel free to stop by whenever you're in the neighborhood!
. Created a curious optical illusion. Well done!
If I'd of tried to do that, it probably wouldn't have worked... :hmmmm:

you gonna do a quick dry and test of the IG? Please? :cheesygrinsmiley:.
I am- there's a little bud drying on top of the stove as we speak...:)

Then go shopping and dance down the biscuit aisle?
I'll probably just be glued to the couch for an hour or least I hope so- I'm almost out of my "bedtime weed" (purple punch auto-lasted me almost two years) and I need something mellow and relaxing to take it's place...
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