Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Wowza! I’ve got the tiny molds! The pot leaf is a bit bigger.
Yeah, I got my gummy molds at the crafts store- I thought they were the usual gummy bear size, till I made some gummies and noticed they seemed pretty big- but it actually works out well, strength wise- 1 gummy gets you stoned, and 2 get you really stoned....(actually too stoned for me)
The lego bricks are 1.5 bears worth(6g), so 1 of them is a nice "almost too stoned" buzz for me-
but I don't really eat very many of them...Mrs.C., on the other hand, eats a couple of them every day..
Waiting nervously for your test results 220 miles north of you. What's taking them so long? (insert Shed's tapping fingers here.)
Man, I don't know- nothing yet, so I'm probably going to have to cancel my vaccination tomorrow morning....It's ironic, if nothing else...:straightface:
I'm glad to see you getting back in circulation, Beez!
And congrats on the new little grandson!
Assuming 20% CBD (according to the breeder),
I figured my CBD at 15%, because I figured the breeder might exaggerate the percentages, so mine might be a little stronger than I thought, which is ok with me..
Awesome! For pain and sleep you can't beat that CBG recipe.
The CBG also seems to help with anxiety- not a whole lot, but more than the CBD alone.
I'm almost out of the isolate so it's gonna be order time again soon.
Me too, I'll be reordering later today-
I can't believe you still don't have your results, but it's nice to see the tapping fingers getting a lot of use!
I'm going to wear those fingers out if I don't find out pretty soon...
Really I was getting mine every two days except for the Friday test some reason it would come Tuesday .
Mine was done on Friday- I chose to take the "slow" test, which was supposed to give results in 72 hours
but that was evidently bullshit...
Wife and I were tested on a Friday afternoon, and got my results at 3 am early Sunday morning,
I kinda thought that was how it might work...not this time though!

I'll be back in here for Tuesday's update in a little while-- Gonna go visit mom at the home first-
She's doing great, by the way- looks like she survived covid just fine@ 97 yrs old.

I'm outside the window when I talk to her, so I'm not going to re-infect her or anything if I do have covid-
I'm thinking I don't, because other than a little cough now, I feel pretty good- but now that I've gotten tested, I really can't do anything until I get those elusive results....
I'm probably going to have to cancel my vaccination tomorrow morning
I certainly wouldn’t! They are advising people to get the vaccine even if they’ve had COVID. Is there anyone you can call today?
was supposed to give results in 72 hours
but that was evidently bullshit...
Are they sending you result via email? Dumb question....if so, have you checked your junk mail?
looks like she survived covid just fine@ 97 yrs old.
Wow. Good for her! :high-five:
I certainly wouldn’t! They are advising people to get the vaccine even if they’ve had COVID. Is there anyone you can call today?

Are they sending you result via email? Dumb question....if so, have you checked your junk mail?

Wow. Good for her! :high-five:
Seems like they’re sending his results via snail mail :rolleyes:

(insert shed fingers)
Seems like they’re sending his results via snail mail :rolleyes:

(insert shed fingers)
Up here it’s usually a good thing if you haven’t heard anything in 4-5 days. They tend to be a lot more concerned and communicative if you’re contagious. My girlfriend was negative and it took 10 days, but I wouldn’t count on that being a universal thing, especially with the holiday.
People are having trouble and getting jerked around about the vaccine up here, at least you guys can get a dose!
I gave blood to see if I had the antibodies, but no ‘luck’ there.
Up here it’s usually a good thing if you haven’t heard anything in 4-5 days.
I agree with that! They were flies on shit for both my husband and I. The state health department called and interviewed us and also added our cell phone numbers to the app that tracks positive tested people. I was a little pissed off about that - hello HIPA? Hopefully you are negative Carcass, but I would do whatever I could to get that damn vac tomorrow. Out here, my mom is 84 years old, has a serious asthma issue, and is being told she can’t get the vaccine for months. Not cool.
Time for the Tuesday Update!

The SSH is coming right along- She's 110 days old, and flowering for 61- She's being fed 4.5g/gal of MC,
4ml Silica Blast, and the last feeding I kicked the Bud Explosion up to .5g/gal (not a very big kick, she was at .3g before)
She's starting to fade a little, some of the lower leaves are turning interesting colors, and the buds have a very faint hint of purple on them..hardly worth mentioning, because you've got to look real close to even see it...
Here's the usual Saugaview®:


And a peek in through the door:

And, 3 buds:




I think she's pretty close to done, but no amber at all yet, so I'm thinking another week or so- she's at 9 weeks right now, the seed folks claim 10-11 weeks- should see some interesting leaf coloring by then...
unless they just all turn yellow...we'll see...

The Silhouette shot:

Got an overhead shot while she was out of the box- looks a little different when she's not under the LED..
notice all the lower leaves are getting some dark colors on them- I'd call it purplish brown...

And that about wraps it up for this week!
She should be just about ready by this time next week...but sometimes amber trichs take a little longer
under LED light...or maybe it just seems that way...

Thanks for looking, I really appreciate the support..:peace:
And be sure to stay as safe as possible out there!

I'll try and get caught up on some journals within the next few days, I've been slacking a bit lately...
Are they sending you result via email? Dumb question....if so, have you checked your junk mail?
Hi, Boo!
I did a little research, found that Walgreens sends the tests to Tennessee, and we know what the weather is like there right now, so I'm just going to have to wait it out...
Seems like they’re sending his results via snail mail
Even slower than that...Next pandemic, I'll research things a little better before getting tested:oops:
My girlfriend was negative and it took 10 days,
I'm halfway there!
Hopefully you are negative Carcass, but I would do whatever I could to get that damn vac tomorrow
No, can't do it- I called to check- they'll throw me out when they see my test result is still unknown, because my insurance company has that info, and they check it before they do anything.
Turns out, they aren't doing any more vaccinations after tomorrow, so now I go on a waiting just keeps gettin better....
I'm pretty sure I'm ok, but now I can't do anything till it's official...
It is what it is...
Hi, Boo!
I did a little research, found that Walgreens sends the tests to Tennessee, and we know what the weather is like there right now, so I'm just going to have to wait it out...

Even slower than that...Next pandemic, I'll research things a little better before getting tested:oops:

I'm halfway there!

No, can't do it- I called to check- they'll throw me out when they see my test result is still unknown, because my insurance company has that info, and they check it before they do anything.
Turns out, they aren't doing any more vaccinations after tomorrow, so now I go on a waiting just keeps gettin better....
I'm pretty sure I'm ok, but now I can't do anything till it's official...
It is what it is...
Yeahhhh. One thing after another just keeps making things hard. Crazy times...still! I am glad to hear you are feeling better. :love:
One thing after another just keeps making things hard.
Right? I thought it was too good to be true when they called me- probably best I can't do it tomorrow, since I'd have to get the second shot "somewhere else":(
Man, that would be a bummer
Well, yes and no...since tomorrow is their last day vaccinating anyone, I see big problems with the second shot.
Really nice colors.
Thanks, BigD- I've never had one turn anything but yellow, so autumn colors will be nice (if that's where she's going with this):)
I think she's pretty close to done, but no amber at all yet, so I'm thinking another week or so- she's at 9 weeks right now, the seed folks claim 10-11 weeks
I still see some fresh pistil stigmas, I'd say at least another week, probably two. Pretty looking buds.
Got an overhead shot while she was out of the box- looks a little different when she's not under the LED.
Still looks beautiful. :high-five: Those LEDs really ramp up the color in your pictures, though.
The SSH is coming right along- She's 110 days old, and flowering for 61- She's being fed 4.5g/gal of MC,
4ml Silica Blast, and the last feeding I kicked the Bud Explosion up to .5g/gal (not a very big kick, she was at .3g before)
She's starting to fade a little, some of the lower leaves are turning interesting colors, and the buds have a very faint hint of purple on them..hardly worth mentioning, because you've got to look real close to even see it...
She looks beautiful Carcass - well done! :ganjamon:
Glad to hear you are all doing okay with all this. Y’all must have some good, strong genes in the family! :love:

Ssh is just so gorgeous, I think she might be my favorite of all the plants you’ve grown so far.
That silhouette really shows her fat colas. Just beautiful!
shhhh! (that's why I do those...) ;)
Hard to believe that they still need to ship tests cross country 11 months into this thing.
Yeah, it's funny- They send them to Aegis Labs in Nashville- I knew this going in, but we have an Aegis Labs ( not the same company) right here in Santa Maria, which is where I mistakenly thought they were sending the tests...note to self: read the fine print, dumbass!
I still see some fresh pistil stigmas, I'd say at least another week, probably two.
And she popped out a bunch more this morning, so I think you're right!
Those LEDs really ramp up the color in your pictures, though.
They do- and If I take her outside for a pic, she looks way different than the indoor/out of the box pics...

A little purple? Those tops look purple AF.
Thanks, Chef! I hope they keep getting purpler till harvest time!
And one hell of a photo to wrap it up, @Carcass!
Thanks, GDB!-
She looks beautiful Carcass - well done!
Thanks, Stunger -I can't wait to see your balcony ladies in full bloom!
Glad to hear about your mom Carcass!!!
Thanks, BL! To be honest, I thought she was a goner when she tested positive, but she just sailed right through it..This is her second pandemic- she also survived the Spanish Flu in 1929 @ 6 years old...
She's probably going to outlive me!
loving the colors on her. Very nice bro
Thanks, Sparkey- I was surprised to see anything but green on her-I'm digging the color changes...
I think she might be my favorite of all the plants you’ve grown so far.
Thanks, HH! Mine too, plus she was super easy to grow!
My youngest son is looking forward to harvest- he told me SSH was his favorite smoke back when he thought I didn't know he smoked pot...;)
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