Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Hi, Amy! Thanks for droppping by!
24hrs here - pretty much everywhere I think. Seems so crazy to have to wait so long
It's getting funny now- 6 days and the lab doesn't even have my "specimen" yet- I had to pass on getting vaccinated yesterday because of the lag in getting results- My doctor did actually call me yesterday, though, and They've set aside my 2 vaccine doses till I get cleared- that was a nice thing to find out!
...I hope they put them in the refrigerator, because it's gonna be awhile... :)
Thanks, Amy!
I wonder if all the bad weather in the mid-west is delaying your result.
I'm sure it is- 29f and raining in Nashville today. I just picked the wrong time to get sick/tested.
On a good note, no symptoms anymore except the cough, and that's almost cleared up-never did have a fever...
Time for the Tuesday Update!

The SSH is coming right along- She's 110 days old, and flowering for 61- She's being fed 4.5g/gal of MC,
4ml Silica Blast, and the last feeding I kicked the Bud Explosion up to .5g/gal (not a very big kick, she was at .3g before)
She's starting to fade a little, some of the lower leaves are turning interesting colors, and the buds have a very faint hint of purple on them..hardly worth mentioning, because you've got to look real close to even see it...
Here's the usual Saugaview®:


And a peek in through the door:

And, 3 buds:




I think she's pretty close to done, but no amber at all yet, so I'm thinking another week or so- she's at 9 weeks right now, the seed folks claim 10-11 weeks- should see some interesting leaf coloring by then...
unless they just all turn yellow...we'll see...

The Silhouette shot:

Got an overhead shot while she was out of the box- looks a little different when she's not under the LED..
notice all the lower leaves are getting some dark colors on them- I'd call it purplish brown...

And that about wraps it up for this week!
She should be just about ready by this time next week...but sometimes amber trichs take a little longer
under LED light...or maybe it just seems that way...

Thanks for looking, I really appreciate the support..:peace:
And be sure to stay as safe as possible out there!

I'll try and get caught up on some journals within the next few days, I've been slacking a bit lately...
Absolutely magical!

Your growing skills leave me in awe.

Question, do you grow one plant at a time?
It's getting funny now- 6 days and the lab doesn't even have my "specimen" yet- I had to pass on getting vaccinated yesterday because of the lag in getting results- My doctor did actually call me yesterday, though, and They've set aside my 2 vaccine doses till I get cleared- that was a nice thing to find out!
...I hope they put them in the refrigerator, because it's gonna be awhile... :)
My advice not that you asked...

Be patient, continue to self isolate and try and trust your health system is doing it’s best given the currant climate.

As Amy said we get our results here in, well it’s actually one hour if there is a real covid concern and 3-24hours for non contact traced. But you need to remember our path labs aren’t under the hammer like yours. In the scheme of things we have barely been touched. By our news your country is in crisis. I think it shows that your system is doing its best by setting aside two vaccines for you, and that makes me so happy that you are both counted and being taken care of, because I can’t Carcass my plants without you. Xo
take after your mom that way!
Her doctor is amazed that she did so well- he had a 27 year old patient that died from covid a week or so ago, yet my mom is just fine...
Question, do you grow one plant at a time?
Now I do- I grew 2 in there for quite a few grows, but they got so crowded that neither plant could reach its full potential, so it's just one in there from now on...I do grow 2 or 3 outside during the season-I'll probably start those around 4/20- I'm going to include an auto or 2 this year to see how they do under the sun.
My advice not that you asked...
I appreciate the advice, so you can let me know what you think any time!

because I can’t Carcass my plants without you. Xo

I see what you did there
Thanks, BL! To be honest, I thought she was a goner when she tested positive, but she just sailed right through it..This is her second pandemic- she also survived the Spanish Flu in 1929 @ 6 years old...
She's probably going to outlive me!
Ohh man! The stories she could tell, would be so interesting.
Ohh man! The stories she could tell, would be so interesting.
And unlike listening to an elderly man, most of her stories would probably be true! :rofl:
The stories she could tell, would be so interesting.
And the odd part is that she remembers things that happened 90 years ago but if it happened 15 seconds ago, she has no recollection...
And unlike listening to an elderly man, most of her stories would probably be true!
The old stories are true, but she just makes stuff up about the present, not sure where this stuff comes from...example- she's convinced that her 90 yr old neighbor lady at the home is running a prostitution ring out of her room, and the young ladies that (used to) visit her are all her hookers...(they're her daughters, apx 60 yrs old) :rofl:

Oh, and I got some good news this morning...(Woo-Hoo!)


That was kind of a pain in the ass, but better safe than sorry.
That's a good result Carcass!

Thanks, Stunger!-
Yeah, that result was worth the wait!
Now I can get back to what I was doing before... which is pretty much nothing... :)
I know when your bday is!!!
Now I'll expect a present! or at least a cake- with 68 candles! (don't worry, I've got a fire extinguisher)
Lol, I’m so glad to see you got a negative result!
Now I'll find out on Monday if they really did set my vaccine aside...
I was just thinking I wonder if carcass got his results back...but I lead a pretty dull life :).
I was surprised to see the results on a Saturday-I guess they do work weekends !
And the odd part is that she remembers things that happened 90 years ago but if it happened 15 seconds ago, she has no recollection...

The old stories are true, but she just makes stuff up about the present, not sure where this stuff comes from...example- she's convinced that her 90 yr old neighbor lady at the home is running a prostitution ring out of her room, and the young ladies that (used to) visit her are all her hookers...(they're her daughters, apx 60 yrs old) :rofl:

Oh, and I got some good news this morning...(Woo-Hoo!)

That was kind of a pain in the ass, but better safe than sorry.
I commended you for being positive and I congratulate you for being negative!

There may be a market out there for 60 something...somethings. :laughtwo:
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