Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Thanks for the reminder @Old Salt ...I've got to get some Boveda 62's ordered...I'll be needing them in a week and a half or so...I know I've got 2 or 3 jars around here,too-I've just got to find them...
Probably buried in the junk room somewhere.....
Thanks for the reminder @Old Salt ...I've got to get some Boveda 62's ordered...I'll be needing them in a week and a half or so...I know I've got 2 or 3 jars around here,too-I've just got to find them...
Probably buried in the junk room somewhere.....

Me too. I'll order a 12 pack. They cost too much if you buy one at a time. Locally they're $8 each, Amazon has them for $7. A dozen drops the cost to about $5 each. All prices are Canadian. I need about six for my harvest later this week. I use one in each 2 qt Bell/Mason/Bernardin jar.
Thank you,Alice
Today I was re-looking at the buds while they're drying-there's a lot of big stems/branches in there,so by the time I get them ready to go into the jars,I think the weight will be a lot closer to 2 oz,than 3,which is ok with me-
The one I grew outside a few years ago came to less than an oz.-24 g I think,so anything more than that is
like a bonus...
I'm looking forward to the Northern Lights also-her and the Peyote Critical are both running ahead of schedule- they both went into 3 gallon pots today-I checked the roots,and it was time .
I was planning on waiting until about day 18,but the roots said they're ready at day 11
Good genetics do really make a difference....they just seem to do everything a little faster than the bagseed I'm used to.
Good read man you did a really good job making the box, I am embarrassed for the cardboard grow box I made. Haha how long do you think till the autos ready? You should get a jewellers loop, best way to tell when there ready my friend. Do you do any defoliation, I like to take Anything that is blocking another potential bud site, some strains respond really well to it. Take it slow to start, I do mine every couple days, she fills in fast. I’m really excited to see how flower goes for the other 2. This is a well done budget grow , it will more then pay for itself in the first harvest , good job

Thanks for stopping by,Dean - I harvested her on Friday (about 2 pages back)-she popped out some boy parts Friday morning,so I took that as a sign that she was done-not quite as many amber trichs as I would've liked,but she was close enough-99 days from seed to harvest.
I'm kind of needing the space in there for the new girls anyway,so it worked out fine...
She's hung out to dry right now,but I'll get some pics before she goes into the jars.
Don't have a smoke report yet,but the scissor hash was exceptional...:)
Happy Monday everyone!
Well,the LowRyder is slowly drying,most of the major stink has subsided,and she's in the "it smells
like I just mowed the lawn" stage, so things are going like they're supposed to-she's been hanging for 3 days-feels like she might be ready for the jars on or around Thursday-it rained last night,and a little today,so that will add some time to the process,but the slower the better as far as I'm concerned....

Now a little update on the new girls-they outgrew the solo cups yesterday,so now they're in their permanent 3 gallon homes. (Peyote Critical & Northern Lights)

Here they are on Friday

And on Sunday morning


Here's their new homes,all prepped and ready for me to drop them in..
(The white residue in the holes is a little rooting hormone...probably doesn't help them,but it didn't hurt them,either)


They also got their first taste of Mega Crop at transplant time-It's a little early,but the Mega Crop is pretty mild stuff...
They sailed right through the transplant with no complaints,and here they are looking happy in their new homes. If you're wondering why a pink fan-well,for one thing,it's in a girls room...
and, when you buy fans at the dollar store-if they only have pink,you buy pink ;)


Same thing,from a little different angle....happy girls!


Not a lot else to say about them,so lets go back to the lowryder for a minute.
I didn't post it in this journal,but back on March 18,I pollinated an up and coming bud on her.
I knew that by the end,it would be hard to tell which bud it was,so I put a little red ring around that branch


So there's the ring,and somewhere in the lower section of the bud,there will be 10 or 15 seeds,
which will grow out a lowryder2 x bagseed#2 cross-The auto trait won't show up till the second generation,according to what I've read about it,but I'm in no hurry.

Here's the popcorn that I'm going to use for my smoke report-it's just been laying on top of my growbox next to the fan that's blowing a little air toward the drying low ryder buds-it's still a little too wet to smoke,so that'll happen in a day or 2


And last and probably least...a little update on the boy outside-3' tall now,and growing like a weed-and the bugs won't go anywhere near him...I'd like to breed that trait into some females

He's had no care-no nutes,no nothing...shows how well cannabis can do without us,and also proves that we need cannabis a lot more than cannabis needs us....
He got rained on last night,he's pretty used to that...


That about wraps it up this time,but I'll post up a smoke report and a final weight on the LowRyder a little later on in the week ...

Thanks for looking,I appreciate all of you following along !
We'll see you in a few days :peace:
Happy Monday everyone!
Well,the LowRyder is slowly drying,most of the major stink has subsided,and she's in the "it smells
like I just mowed the lawn" stage, so things are going like they're supposed to-she's been hanging for 3 days-feels like she might be ready for the jars on or around Thursday-it rained last night,and a little today,so that will add some time to the process,but the slower the better as far as I'm concerned....

Now a little update on the new girls-they outgrew the solo cups yesterday,so now they're in their permanent 3 gallon homes. (Peyote Critical & Northern Lights)

Here they are on Friday

And on Sunday morning


Here's their new homes,all prepped and ready for me to drop them in..
(The white residue in the holes is a little rooting hormone...probably doesn't help them,but it didn't hurt them,either)


They also got their first taste of Mega Crop at transplant time-It's a little early,but the Mega Crop is pretty mild stuff...
They sailed right through the transplant with no complaints,and here they are looking happy in their new homes. If you're wondering why a pink fan-well,for one thing,it's in a girls room...
and, when you buy fans at the dollar store-if they only have pink,you buy pink ;)


Same thing,from a little different angle....happy girls!


Not a lot else to say about them,so lets go back to the lowryder for a minute.
I didn't post it in this journal,but back on March 18,I pollinated an up and coming bud on her.
I knew that by the end,it would be hard to tell which bud it was,so I put a little red ring around that branch


So there's the ring,and somewhere in the lower section of the bud,there will be 10 or 15 seeds,
which will grow out a lowryder2 x bagseed#2 cross-The auto trait won't show up till the second generation,according to what I've read about it,but I'm in no hurry.

Here's the popcorn that I'm going to use for my smoke report-it's just been laying on top of my growbox next to the fan that's blowing a little air toward the drying low ryder buds-it's still a little too wet to smoke,so that'll happen in a day or 2


And last and probably least...a little update on the boy outside-3' tall now,and growing like a weed-and the bugs won't go anywhere near him...I'd like to breed that trait into some females

He's had no care-no nutes,no nothing...shows how well cannabis can do without us,and also proves that we need cannabis a lot more than cannabis needs us....
He got rained on last night,he's pretty used to that...


That about wraps it up this time,but I'll post up a smoke report and a final weight on the LowRyder a little later on in the week ...

Thanks for looking,I appreciate all of you following along !
We'll see you in a few days :peace:
This bud porn is real nice , she looks amazing man let me know how it goes , like I said I’m new to the indoor grow , and new to curing so if I said something that doesn’t seem right please tell me, we are all learning together
what are the readings in the drying room
I don't have anything to measure it with (or adjust it with) so I go with ambient,whatever it is.

It's not a strong grass smell-I can only smell it when I stick my nose right up to the buds.
In previous harvests,the smell seems to show up around day 3 of the drying process ,and mostly fades away before I jar them up. By the end of curing it just smells dank,at least that's how it's worked for me,so we'll see...
I gotcha bud , I tent to put them in the tent set humidity and I don’t open it for the first 3 days , then change humidifier, so maybe mine were past that stage. But I can’t have the smell getting out into my house. I know I cut one plant up in my living room And the downstairs apartment ranked she called and complained. I couldn’t believe how smelly chopping it up was. Can’t wait to hear about the smoke on er
Sub'd :nomo:
Nice Journal so far... low budget, sophomoric humor, dueling indoor/outdoor canna-ventures... My kinda place. Although the part where you pre-sexed a little early had my heart racing. I was very much hoping you were right, but knew it may not be so... anywho, Mind if I grab some shade and ride this thing out with ya?

btw, hi carcass :ciao:
How was the scissor hash? I use 4 pairs of trimmers and different size and shape. I think that’s the best part of trimming , the finger and scissor hash, I use a metal screen and do all my trimming on that, and the stuff that falls underneath is gold man. Try to harvest as much as you can out of your flowers, do you make any butter out of all the trimmings ?
Nothing to do with my indoor grow,but I noticed this odd leaf on the boy outside:


Total of 19 "fingers" on one leaf-14 on the top layer,and 5 underneath...hard to get a very good pic
but it's a really bushy leaf....


I just thought it was interesting,even if it is a male :peace:
thats frigging wild man, I think I’ve only seen this once , I was talking to an old timer at our local hydro store and he said the freaks turn out the best sometimes , that’s Sweet man
Mind if I grab some shade and ride this thing out with ya?
By all means,Spimp,grab some shade and hang out-round 2 is just gettin' started !

Yeah,about an hour or 2 after I declared them females,i looked again,and again,and again....
What I discovered is that no matter how hard I looked, they were still not girls...
I'm done with early predictions-until I see some pistils,they're just plants...
do you make any butter out of all the trimmings ?
I haven't yet-I'm pretty much just a smoker-my wife swears by the (store bought) edibles,but I just like to smoke-easier to control how high I get...I only occasionally get really baked, I actually prefer just a mildly strong buzz...
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