CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

Nice CL, you have a carb filter? If not, might blow up the neighborhood when they get a little older
I don’t care about the neighborhood cause I can legally grow them it’s just the funny look’s from visitors. I didn’t realize how strong it was until I left the house for a couple of hours. lol CL🍀
Thanks SO but that sounds like an awful lot of mag no? CL🍀
Not historically in my garden.
Definitely not 1 tablespoon per gallon! :eek:

I know that Rx Blend says it's very possible that you'll need to add calmag so that's the way to go. What calmag are you using?
That's what I use/gallon of water when I put it in water. If I top dress it I use a Tablespoon over a 10 gallon pot in my LOS.

So if you're getting results that repaired the problem with much less, that's great! The recipe I mentioned is from "someone on the Mag here somewhere" that I have been using for years. Goes to show the forgiveness some components have! I'm curious what the end amount adds to?
Not historically in my garden.

That's what I use/gallon of water when I put it in water. If I top dress it I use a Tablespoon over a 10 gallon pot in my LOS.

So if you're getting results that repaired the problem with much less, that's great! The recipe I mentioned is from "someone on the Mag here somewhere" that I have been using for years. Goes to show the forgiveness some components have! I'm curious what the end amount adds to?
Everyone on here has their own way of doing things and that’s what makes it so special. Just like I use the paper towel method to pop beans 🫘 but others say no it’s better to just stick them in the soil. But if they both work what’s the difference. Thanks 🙏 for sharing your experience. I know you can grow great bud and I have seen it. So it’s all good 👍. CL🍀
Morning Update: My Panama is looking 👀 better already and everything in the tent is putting on the stretch except my SourG. I was thinking about flipping her this weekend but I’m wanting her to be a bit bigger. So time will tell with that. I was on my deck getting baked with my new @MagicStone and didn’t realize my light kicked on without my exhaust fans running. Temperature spiked to 90+ degrees but it wasn’t very long and these girls are tough. Here’s some pictures of them. CL🍀








Sooo amazing the Tiger bro. But in all fairness they all look great. Such nice tent

Keep doing the good work
Thanks bro I appreciate that, but it was Shed that got me through. CL🍀 :thanks:
If you want the Sour G to have a chance to catch up before you flip it it's time to lollipop that sucker and move all new growth to the top!

Tent is looking stupendous. :)
Thanks Sensei I will do that today, your mag suggestion got my Panama straight and my Sour G is looking better on the new growth. CL🍀. :thanks:
Spare the snips and spoil the plant! I take all leaves on the lower third and then the weak lower branches or short ones growing in the interior in the next third. Only the top third remains untouched.

In my experience Sour G puts out a lot of little shoots at the nodes so take those off all through the grow.
Good to know thanks Shedmeister. CL🍀. :thanks: :cheesygrinsmiley:
That's the truth!
Yeah once I flip my Sour G that’ll open up the closet for my Panama and her. Or if need be vice versa and I’ll put my GT and CT in the closet seeing that it has a 9’-10’ ceiling.CL🍀
Yeah once I flip my Sour G that’ll open up the closet for my Panama and her. Or if need be vice versa and I’ll put my GT and CT in the closet seeing that it has a 9’-10’ ceiling.CL🍀
Sorry, bro for my ADD. But thought the Sour G flowering in the tent with the rest of them. :ciao::hmmmm:
Sorry if I missed that
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