CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

Update: I fed all the girls their regular diet of @Prescription Blend which is really great nutes for those of you who never tried them. My Panama ugly as it is wasn’t so droopy, trying to find something positive about that disaster. I cut back on my CTs percentages because of her looking a little dark. I’m definitely going to have to do some training on her a.s.a.p. same with my GT. My Sour G n GT are both still looking good and I think the GT is getting close to being flipped. Also I’m definitely going to have to get some CO2 bags with the temperature in the upper 70s-80s it’s been difficult keeping the tent temperature down. That’s it for now and remember to get involved with the contests and support the Sponsors. Happy growing CL🍀 :welcome: :thanks::420::Namaste:










I just put 3 Sour G beans 🫘 in paper towels for my outdoor grow. I also ordered enuff fan hose for both of my fans. Now I’m going to have to mount 1 of them to a board to put on top of the tent. I’m also gonna need to make an inlet/ exhaust board for the window. CL🍀
I did that very thing today. Supercropped whilst demonstrating the theory 😆

Luckily it needed doing (had planned on tomorrow) and some heavy duty gaffer tape on hand, bamboo skewers as well but not required.

They grow back super in my experience. Tough ugly knuckle to support more growth above. Looks a bit ugly now though to be fair.


Knuckles I love them


That’s how hard I go, and sure some branches break right off. Most heal within a month, if it’s really messed up I used tape.
I don’t think the photo does justice to the size and thickness of that stem 😂

Its probably 10mm plus where it meet the trunk. It one of the two lowest colas Day #16 Flower (think quad) and was at about a meter when she went through that light bar!

She’ll be fine. Gave her a crutch and some more tape.

“Tis but a flesh wound”



I cut back on my CTs percentages because of her looking a little dark. I’m definitely going to have to do some training on her a.s.a.p. same with my GT. My Sour G n GT are both still looking good and I think the GT is getting close to being flipped.
I've got some training ideas you can consider:

Bend your two tallest branches into the circle but so they pass each other rather than bump heads:


LST train the top and tie it down with string or pipe cleaner. Bend it slowly over a few days(!) and push it gently over the side of your finger to soften the stem before each bending session. Not a supercrop:


Supercrop your two tallest branches into the middle like you did with the GT:


Also I’m definitely going to have to get some CO2 bags with the temperature in the upper 70s-80s it’s been difficult keeping the tent temperature down.
You're good without CO2 up to the mid 80s so don't worry about that. Plants actually prefer it over 80 during lights on, and ideally there's about a 10° difference between warmest and coolest.
I received my 10 dollar shipping free sample from dynomyco. 40grams, it cost 10 bucks to ship 40 grams? What a bargain that I’ll not repeat anytime soon. CL🍀
Does about 15 plants all through up pots at 40g

100g they say is 40 plants. So 16 plants (assuming 100g/40 = 2.5g per plant 40g / 2.5g = 16)

That’s quite a lot of add value at $10 / 16 plants = 0.63c USD

Its really very good.

Does about 15 plants all through up pots at 40g

100g they say is 40 plants. So 16 plants (assuming 100g/40 = 2.5g per plant 40g / 2.5g = 16)

That’s quite a lot of add value at $10 / 16 plants = 0.63c USD

Its really very good.

I’m glad you think so. CL🍀
I’ve used 100g on 24 plants this grow throwing it in to hydro, solos, a sprinkle in ziploc seedlings, 1G pots, 3G pots, feed bottles and the last dregs into the final coco up pot.

At the US price that’s cost me doubling basically the recommended dosage 😂 at USD prices
100g is $18.95 - Allow $10 Shipping.

$30 / 24 = $1.24

I paid more like double as grey market, import stuff.

My trunks are incredible. Like mini trees.

Its a dollar and change a plant. If you value bud at say $1 (a gram - all cost) - I reckons it adds 20%+ a plant in terms of grams yielded because the root structure gets so good.

My 2c’s. I really saw the benefits when using it when they were in clear solos or hydro.

I've got some training ideas you can consider:

Bend your two tallest branches into the circle but so they pass each other rather than bump heads:


LST train the top and tie it down with string or pipe cleaner. Bend it slowly over a few days(!) and push it gently over the side of your finger to soften the stem before each bending session. Not a supercrop:


Supercrop your two tallest branches into the middle like you did with the GT:


You're good without CO2 up to the mid 80s so don't worry about that. Plants actually prefer it over 80 during lights on, and ideally there's about a 10° difference between warmest and coolest.
When I said 80s that’s outside in my tent it gets to 90F. CL🍀
For any kind of CO2 boost to work the intake and exhaust fan need to be off and the tent sealed. Not sure what that does to the temps in there.
Yep I agree with you for something really meaningful without just wasting the gas.

But the pouches - I’ve used them the first grow and liked the look so immediately upgraded again and again 😅

For a tent grow - the bags for me I think if you just dropped them down on common garden twine/string to like just above pot level, your extractor is lower hang it a bit higher, inline at the top, “classic style” lower because the flow dragging the heavier Co2 up. Just want them
Having a waft of it. But bang for buck on an 8x4 I think a bargain.

Its not gonna let you run 90% Rh and sleep well!

But it will take the edges off an 80F session.

When I said 80s that’s outside in my tent it gets to 90F. CL🍀
Ignore my above. Co2 or not. It was my ignorance of the Fahrenheit stuff temp - while actually it was more a mental arithmetic failure.

Your temps look great for now in your grow for what I’d be looking for without gas. Sorry for any confusion.

Ignore my above. Co2 or not. It was my ignorance of the Fahrenheit stuff temp - while actually it was more a mental arithmetic failure.

Your temps look great for now in your grow for what I’d be looking for without gas. Sorry for any confusion.

He could probably use CO2 at 90ºF (32.2ºC), but I don't think a CO2 bag in there will do much to happy up the plants. I'd be happy to be proved wrong though!
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