Captain Howdy's LED, Soil, Gelato & Bagseed 2019-2020

Hey 420 fam!

The wifey surprised me with a (1800w) CREE COB LED for Christmas. I added it into my flower cabinet alongside my original 1500W led and moved the Giixer light into my 3x3 over the clones I selected and repotted. I chucked away a bunch of them to make room for the repots. I decided not to keep any gelato clones and kept 10 of the others along side a couple of gelato seedlings and they are now in one gallon smart pots.

Here is the veg tent:


Here is the flower tent:





I'm very busy today but will share the new light specs and pics when I have a chance next week.

They are eating as close to GH schedule I've ever seen my plants eat and are not complaining. I may get right up to the 2.5 tsp/gallon that GH recommends on the bottle which I find insane but they're eating 2Tsp/gallon now without complaints. I'll be adding carboload into all waterings from now on as well and am considering gh's flocalicious grape flavour enhancer. Let me know what you think! Or even just say hi! It's too quiet in here!

Stay high my friends
-The Captain
Congrats on the great new lights!
The wifey sounds like she is quite well dialed in. She sounds like a keeper. :)
Thanks! Yeah she's a keeper alright!
At just a first impression after a couple days I'd say COB destroys these OLED's penetration. I may just get another one instead of the quantum boards I planned on... Anyone using COBS around here?
Led is new to me totally but holy sh*t it is bright as day underneath my canopy with that cob in there.... Heat went up 2 degrees.
Here is a study I did on my cobs trying to find out the distance/power I wanted to run them at

Thanks! Yeah she's a keeper alright!
At just a first impression after a couple days I'd say COB destroys these OLED's penetration. I may just get another one instead of the quantum boards I planned on... Anyone using COBS around here?
Led is new to me totally but holy sh*t it is bright as day underneath my canopy with that cob in there.... Heat went up 2 degrees.

The heat in my tent is 2°C / 3.6°F higher than the temperature of the room. It's actually less than when I was using a commercial COB light of the same wattage. It's also 1°C / 1.8°F less than the Mars Hydro TSW-2000 in a tent with a 30% larger footprint with the same wattage. The light put out can exceed sunlight at high noon here. At 30cm/1ft it's more than 120,000 Lux, which is where my light meter tops out.
Here is a study I did on my cobs trying to find out the distance/power I wanted to run them at

That was a great read Emilya! Thank you for sharing! You always impress me with your knowledge and research.
Hey 420 fam!

Im going to rant a bit here so feel free to skip down for pics. LOL

My phenotypes are all over the place. 3 of my plants are extremely tall and sativa leaning. Those plants are definitely going to need an extra couple weeks if not more. They just aren't maturing nearly as fast as some of their shorter neighbors. They look like they are going to yield well but I dont want to be flowering 12 weeks and as a medical user I look for more indica dominant strains so these clones will run and these tall sativas will be cut from my team. My lights are staggered to make up for the slope of my canopy. The (1500w) LED hangs lower and in the front of my cabinet. The (1800W) COB hangs higher and toward the back.

The gelatos are really f*cked up. There are three of them all are very short and didnt stretch much at all in flip. They have nice purple bud on them but they're just so short and their branches are really close to their stems growing almost vertically there are tons of chutes and MASSIVE fan leaves but the best way I can describe it is they all want to hug the stem. Perhaps they want more space than I provide them. This structure is really strange to me, they just dont seem to grow in an efficient way. I've popped about ten of these seeds with the same result. They may have done / would do better if I did a run of only those and really worked on training them but I dont think I will be keeping these in the cycle. There are another 3 gelato seedlings among my clones in the veg cabinet which I likely wont clone and I'll just flower them with the clones due to them growing strangely just like their flowering siblings.

Maybe I'll pull the gelatos out and show you some pictures of their structure in the near future.

I purchased and plan on using overdrive but it's going to get a bit dicey with the varying finishing times.

Pictures are over the last 3 days but you'll get the point. Most pictures are of colas then you can see my mess of a green waterfall at the bottom. The sativa dominants are the whiter looking colas.










Because of my tight space and my hate to waste it mindset I decided to prolong getting the new strain clones I mentioned in a previous post until I sort out what I am keeping from this run. I did however order some feminized seeds from TrueNorthSeedbank. I picked up Triple Cheese from Barney's Farms and Critical Mass from Canuck Seeds and my order came with a free White Widow seed from Canuck Seeds as well. I am super excited for the triple cheese, I love cheese strains and cant wait to add it to my tribe. Critical Mass is a strain I always wanted to try. White widow is going to be interesting. As I mentioned; I prefer indica leaning strains and really want to try to get a relatively even canopy in my perpetual grow of several of my favourite strains but I'm not against adding one or two sativa strains for daytime smoke IF they dont shoot through my roof in stretch... Thanks for reading!

Stay high my friends.

-The Captain
Hey 420 Fam!

So I flushed for just shy of two weeks using GH's FloraKleen for the first few days then just plain water for about a week. I chopped them and took off some leaves, mostly fans and some large sugar leafs and then I hung them whole in my dark closet to dry. I will manicure them when they are dryer. The first two pictures are from the day before I chopped them. I was seeing some amber in the trichromes. They went into dark for about 18 hours then straight to the chop bringing their total flower time to just shy of ten weeks. Their soil was quite dry at chop which I prefer. I also included a picture of them hanging in the closet.



I will follow up with a final weight and smoke report. Finally you will see the clones in place of their mothers. I just chucked them all into the flower cabinet as I dont plan on keeping the genes around any longer simply because I dont know what they are. I'll be firing up a new journal soon with new strains. Stay tuned and as always...

Stay high my friends!
-The Captain
Hey 420 fam!

Been trimming all day and its kicking my ass.. Anyone have any tips to make this less horrible? My back and hands and neck are so sore. I did half today, I am gonna do the other half tomorrow... I do have a shoulder and neck injury from a car accident and that doesn't help. Is it worth buying a machine? Obviously the positive side is that I am trimming up the gorgeous buds I'm gonna smoke and saving all of the glorious trim to make butter and oil. Yield is looking great. Stay tuned.

Stay high my friends
-The Captain
Hey 420 fam!

Ended up with about 600 grams after trimming and curing. It is a nice smoke for sure, seems to be really well balanced with great effects. Has a nose reminiscent of an Afghani. The clones are still going strong and look great too!

I am pleased all things considered. I also feel I shook the rust off and am ready for some REAL GENETICS!


-The Captain
Hello and welcome to my grow journal! Feel free to post any questions or comments! All comments are welcome but please be respectful!

Strain: Gelato and Bagseeds (regular)

Indica, Sativa or Hybrid: Gelato is sativa leaning hybrid.

Veg or Flower stage: Veg

How long: 3rd week

Indoor or outdoor: indoor

(L x W x D) of Grow Space: 3x4x6 feet(ish)

Soil or Hydro: Soil

Soil Mix: sunshine mix 4

Pot Size: 1 gallon smart pots now, flowering in 5 gallon smart pots

Size of light: 1000w LED+

Aircooled: Running a 4 inch fan

Temp of Cab: 75⁰ F(ish)

Any Pests: Nope

How often are you watering: When dry (2-3 days right now)

Type and strength of nutrients: None right now will likely use GH's nova line.

Stay high my friends!

-The Captain

A question for you on watts you use with a led light iv just started a grow with them and need recommendations on that watt to use per plant
These are mine so far day 2


Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

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