Captain Howdy's LED, Soil, Gelato & Bagseed 2019-2020

I read you every time you post. You need to screw up and plead for help (post some really weird stuff). That'll bring them in! :thumb:
I agree with Emilya; wait to be sure. You have plenty of time before potential males will even think about molesting the young ladies.
Hey @Emilya , @Old Salt , @Elvin .

Sorry to bug y'all , was wondering if I could get your opinion on this plant's gender... could use getting rid of if it is a dude as I suspect.


Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Stay high my friends!

-The Captain
Hey man, really late but I'm definitely pulling in for the final bits of this... Loads for me to learn. Like the setup!

One question, how are you taking those close ups? Sorry I can't answer on sexing that plant
No worries my dude, Samsung galaxy s9 at 8X zoom
Hey 420 fam!

Yeah, the plant in question is HUGE and things are getting tight in my space a week into 12/12.

I can hold out a week, that seems to be the advice across the board. I should mention I've found lots of females and comparing the preflowers to the female calyx that now have pistils starting to poke out it makes them more questionable to me.

I really just need some encouragement when it comes to tossing one of my babies out Lol. This one and two others are questionable. All three of the gelatos are female!

I appreciate your input folks, I'll keep y'all posted on what happens soon.

Stay high my friends!

-The Captain
Hey 420 fam!

I had everything out for a watering/feeding today. I found female preflowers on every single plant except fr that one male looking one.. I am 90 percent sure its male now but I'll give it three or four more days..

Here are my babies 10 days into 12/12:



Stay high my friends

-The Captain
male for sure,, a ways to go before it will be a problem for you. fun to watch it grow out, but,, every plant one grows is work, and water and fert, so,, tho it's fun to grow anything,, one must balance the extra workload. at least appreciate that it is there

i have grown out a couple of males lately, but was able to isolate them outside for the show

P1170667 (2).JPG

and i collected some very useful pollen from a mama thai sativa and then from a dr. cbd plant that was supposed to be a fem seed, but gave me this instead

P1170658 (3).JPG


fun indeed,, oh, btw,, i have just harvested the first seeds from this project,, an amnesia haze / dr. cbd cross,, add a bit o cbd to the mix

cheers friend,, have fun, indeed
male for sure,, a ways to go before it will be a problem for you. fun to watch it grow out, but,, every plant one grows is work, and water and fert, so,, tho it's fun to grow anything,, one must balance the extra workload. at least appreciate that it is there

P1170667 (2).JPG

P1170658 (3).JPG


cheers friend,, have fun, indeed

Thank you for sharing this my friend! And yeah looks like I got 1 male out of 10 regular seeds...

I just fed them so I'll get rid of him in 2 days when they drink again. Clones are all good now as well... Que The Imperial March...



Stay high my friends!
-The Captain
Hey 420 fam!

So I was looking at that suspected male again and found female flowers as well. This plant is officially a hermaphrodite. Check out this picture, you can see both seed pods and female preflowers.


There you have it. The plant in question was neither male or female but both...

I'm getting rid of it and hoping that it is just a bad seed and not a genetic thing that will be shared by its sisters. I'll certainly be watching closely now.

Now I haven't seen another plant with balls yet but I'll go over them closely tomorrow. Because of this I am pretty sure it was not caused by lightleaks or environment issues... Does anyone have any experience with this? Would this plant breed with itself if left to flower?

RIP (BLACK) plant and it's clones.

Thanks for watching!

Stay high my friends
-The Captain
Whatever you do with it, get it sealed in a bag and get it out of the house. The last thing you need is pollen floating around in the house. The area where I live grew hemp for WW2 so there is ditchweed everywhere. Believe me, you do not want pollen issues. I can not open windows in my attic room, where I grow, because of all the pollen floating around.
Hey 420 fam!

We ran into a HUGE pet related expense and I am unable to buy another light until after Christmas.

With that being said I am very grateful for the light that @Giixer sent me. After using this light for a while now I am very impressed with the response from my plants that are under it. I used it in my 3X3 tent for two weeks with 4 plants under it while I was waiting for plants to show sex. The plants remained healthy and growing strong. The Giixer light is now hanging next to my original Hysense light that I purchased from amazon in my homemade 3X4(ish) cabinet with all 9 remaining plants. 3 gelato and 6 random bag seeds. All plants had their General Hydroponics Floranova food today.

I hope nobody minds me using the sponsor-sent light in this way. I think it will still give us a great chance to see how this light performs. I can confirm that you could absolutely veg healthy hearty plants under this @Giixer light in a 3x3 lightprint without question.

Here is the Giixer light in my 3x3 cabinet on the second day, my plants are complaining that it was too close! Had to raise it slightly and the leaves settled. This is a powerful light!


Check out my flower cabinet!







So my revised plan is to buy mars hydro ts series lights for this cabinet and use these two lights that I am flowering this round with for vegging in the 3x3.

The veg cabinet is doing well too. There are two Gelato seedlings and 18 clones (two of each remaining plant) in there. There are three led bulbs in the fixture above them.


Let me know what you folks think.

Stay high my friends
-The Captain
Hey 420 fam!

Tons of bud sites and trichromes now. Going into week two of flower (week 4 of 12/12) they are eating 3/4 teaspoon per gallon of GH flora nova bloom. Eating every 48 hours or so in those tiny one gallon pots. Cant wait for this run to be done so I can use proper sized pots for my flowering plants. Here are some pics for y'all.








Things are looking good considering how crowded things are...

Stay high my friends
-The Captain
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