Canuk Comparative Grow 2023 - Granddaddy Bruce Fem, Hp Pro Mix, Smart Pot, Indoor

put back the 3rd mars hydro led 315 watts on the side end ..
1260 watts of power in there now need to go check the heat out in a while

shadows are gone .. and space out plants a little more, out from the centre..

now that is some power 50 watts per sq ft spread out .. nicely
wow only 82 right now its better than i thought
with 1260 watts of lights on. blower on full blast and helping to heat the house ..
this temp is great for growing marijuana

did my blooming mix ratio's again Sat night.. 5 days .. 3.5 gallons each plant good run off 17 % or so ..
i vacuum out with shop vac collect in bucket rough measure by eye.. 2.5 gallons div by 14 total.. 17% good enough

started doing some lower trimming butchering out the crap tuff work for me ..


was raising the light tonight. the plants creep up fast ... was trimming out some fan leaves notice some nice smells of
grape and maybe pineapple.. im thinking the plants really liking the new cmh light.. the cmh light gives off
alot of heat .. full spectrum 90% plus cri light .. colour rendering index.. 100 is the sun.
couple of pics still in transition 12/12 still growing ...

Delta, All looking great. I’m behind on my 420 Canuck Seeds comparative grow due to some upfront germination issues. Canuck sent replacements. I also went with the Grandaddy Bruce, nice to get a preview of coming events. Assuming I can train the canopy as nice as yours. Cheers
Delta, All looking great. I’m behind on my 420 Canuck Seeds comparative grow due to some upfront germination issues. Canuck sent replacements. I also went with the Grandaddy Bruce, nice to get a preview of coming events. Assuming I can train the canopy as nice as yours. Cheers

train canopy ? all i did was top the plant once after about 6 or 7 th set of leaves .. the leds make the plant so
compact hard to count.. just hope they grow at the same pace otherwise get some blocks to raise up the smaller ones..

no train here .. i do prune off the bottom stuff been a bit lazy with this grow sore back and stuff..
train canopy ? all i did was top the plant once after about 6 or 7 th set of leaves .. the leds make the plant so
compact hard to count.. just hope they grow at the same pace otherwise get some blocks to raise up the smaller ones..

no train here .. i do prune off the bottom stuff been a bit lazy with this grow sore back and stuff..
DD…your style is working. I will top once and chop first 2 bottom branches. Cheers
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