Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Plants look much better! :goodjob: looking forward to seeing these grow into beautiful mature ladies, think you've figured out the problem, and wtg with the Mylar lol its a pain but its a beautiful thing
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Hey Chicka, two plants even seems like it would be too much for that space, what are the dimensions? To me that space looks like it would be perfect for a scrog! You could utilize the entire space and produce some serious buds, two plants in there could get crampy. Just my opinion anyways, maybe the space is actually bigger than it looks in the photos. Lmfao @ while I was shopping for a new pipe, $10 is definitely a good deal though you're right. I guess I'm too old skool to try new things, although I've been tempted to try my hand out at hydro. So your journal title says white widow bag seed, did you just happen to find seeds in some weed you acquired?Just curious how you know its widow if it was bag seed. I'm growing some ww x big bud right now, a little disappointed with it though, not nearly as white as I expected. Nothing like the picture lol false advertisement! How's your little sproutlings doing anyways?

Haha, yea I wondered if anyone would catch what I was shopping for. I wound up with a cute glass water pipe, its alright, but honestly, nothing beats a good ol' doobie. I am the strangest toker ever lol, I started by vaping, then survived on a one hitter for a few months (didn't care for the couch lock from the vape), then learned how to roll a J, and lately, I smoke at least a doob everyday. But I go through a lot of weed, and I'm still paying out of pocket, so I figured to conserve weed, I should get a pipe or a bong. So I decided on the best of both world, and got a water pipe! :tokin:

Anyways, back to the plants... How did I get a White Widow seed you ask? From my first grow, I had ordered a few extra seeds, (got an auto, and some vanilla kush that someone stole), but yea, this tome around, I got excited in this grow, and instead of waiting a few weeks to see how the bag seed does in my rebuilt grow space (heat, light, etc), I got impatient and put my white widow seed in the room too.

Needless to say, I no longer have the white widow anymore :(. Due to the crazy environment the seedling never cracked through the soil. Since it was just in a solo cup, I just dumped it into my perlite mix today and saw that the seed did crack, but the Hypocotyl (root) was there, but it was just shriveled up.. So probably the heat :(
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Plants look much better! :goodjob: looking forward to seeing these grow into beautiful mature ladies, think you've figured out the problem, and wtg with the Mylar lol its a pain but its a beautiful thing

Hey thanks for keeping in touch :). So far Im just impatient on how slow it's going, in my last grow, I had a monster lady, like 3feet tall, pure bush...( Haha "bush"... That's what she said!)

I'm looking forward to the fruits of my labour :)
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

No giving up on coco. I'm thinking I am going to be changing over to it too. I'm playing with Pro-Mix right now and in a month or two maybe coco.

Please don't give up.......pleeeeeease :)

Haha don't worry the coco isn't going anywhere, it seems like a pretty great medium. Stick around! These ladies are going to get busy!
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Haha, yea I wondered if anyone would catch what I was shopping for. I wound up with a cute glass water pipe, its alright, but honestly, nothing beats a good ol' doobie. I am the strangest toker ever lol, I started by vaping, then survived on a one hitter for a few months (didn't care for the couch lock from the vape), then learned how to roll a J, and lately, I smoke at least a doob everyday. But I go through a lot of weed, and I'm still paying out of pocket, so I figured to conserve weed, I should get a pipe or a bong. So I decided on the best of both world, and got a water pipe! :tokin:

Anyways, back to the plants... How did I get a White Widow seed you ask? From my first grow, I had ordered a few extra seeds, (got an auto, and some vanilla kush that someone stole), but yea, this tome around, I got excited in this grow, and instead of waiting a few weeks to see how the bag seed does in my rebuilt grow space (heat, light, etc), I got impatient and put my white widow seed in the room too.

Needless to say, I no longer have the white widow anymore :(. Due to the crazy environment the seedling never cracked through the soil. Since it was just in a solo cup, I just dumped it into my perlite mix today and saw that the seed did crack, but the Hypocotyl (root) was there, but it was just shriveled up.. So probably the heat :(

What a bummer sorry to hear about your widow baby, I had the same thing happen kinda, I ordered 4 seeds online, 3 cracked unfortunately my BC big bud seed didn't, I was devastated, it was like losing a child lol I dug for it and it was no where to be found. That was a $10 seed damn it! Oh well I can't complain because the other three turned out to be sexy ladies :circle-of-love: I totally agree with you about your doobie theory, I've tried vaping but I can't help but think that you gotta be wasting some, not to mention it got me so high I damn near had a panic attack lmao, I didn't know what to expect so I hit that thing hard, big mistake! And I find bongs and pipes tend to make me cough a lot, so my method of choice will always be a nice little gagger. Sorry to hear about your vanilla kush, that's pretty much what deterred me from doing an outdoor grow, the thought of going outside to see all your hard work has been robbed by a good for nothing thief. I would probly punch a hole through someones face if I caught or found out they took my precious plants. Was your kush at least budding or did they take it while it was premature?

I know what you mean about being excited to grow, I ordered my seeds and sprouted them before I had any type of grow space setup, so I found myself rushing to order/get/setup everything I needed. I've done an outdoor grow back when I was in high school, but nothing beats the challenge of growing indoors, but in all honesty it came natural to me, I had no problems my entire grow. Probably has a lot to do with me being a perfectionist, before I did anything grow related I did numerous hours of research to determine if it was a good idea. I might have got carried away a few times such as when I super cropped and lollipopped two weeks into flower but seemed like anything I did, my plants loved it. I probly got lucky, even cloning, I got two clones to root my very first attempt, mind you it was 2 out of 6 attempted, but I've read a few journals where people have had 0% success over many attempts. Anyways sorry for the novel, keep updating your journal with pics, I'm loving the progress, cheers, grogr33n
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Hey thanks for keeping in touch :). So far Im just impatient on how slow it's going, in my last grow, I had a monster lady, like 3feet tall, pure bush...( Haha "bush"... That's what she said!)

I'm looking forward to the fruits of my labour :)

Lol you seem to have the same sense of humour as me, keep the good ones coming ;) hope these these girls are as bushy as your last one, just be patient, great patience comes with great rewards, and no cutting these ones down early! Lol I've been wanting to cut mine down for weeks now but every time I post pics on here they tell me "two more weeks" or "3-5 weeks" I keep checking the date in hopes that it hurries the fuck up :)
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Lol you seem to have the same sense of humour as me, keep the good ones coming ;)

Haha well that's good, sometimes people don't get my sense of humor, I promise I'm a good person, just have a dudes mind most of the time lol
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Well. I am not from Canada but I have that same sense of humor, more on the dark and naughty
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

I'd say its typical Canadian humour, we are so misunderstood by many

Lol yeah, in between the "sorry's" and "ehs", some people don't get it :p
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Well. I am not from Canada but I have that same sense of humor, more on the dark and naughty

Haha atta girl!

Not to toot my own horn, but I'm decent looking, i look like an innocent naive 'daddy's girl'... So part of my humour is shock value. "did she really just say that!?". Haha love it!

Ok this is my go to joke we someone needs a quick smile:

What's the difference between a dog and a fox?

About 4 beer!
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Well this will be an interesting grow ... :cheesygrinsmiley:
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Haha atta girl!

Not to toot my own horn, but I'm decent looking, i look like an innocent naive 'daddy's girl'... So part of my humour is shock value. "did she really just say that!?". Haha love it!

Ok this is my go to joke we someone needs a quick smile:

What's the difference between a dog and a fox?

About 4 beer!

Hi....err, High....have I introduced myself yet????? :) :rofl:

Thanks for the smile
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

did i hear dark and naughty somewhere in this journal,lol, hmmm dark and naughty, now that would be an interesting mix.

hows this canuckgal hows the grow going, have you managed to keep the heat down,
if you purchased them mylar blankets then they are a pain to work with but they do the job and work out a whole lot cheaper than buying it by the role, the stuff on the roll is thicker and might be easier to use, and if you had a big grow then id use that, but for small grows its not worth paying top $ for something that is not going to be used as much in a small grow, so these small blankets are ideal for these smaller grows.

give us a shout back when your on here, i just harvested my 2nd plant, ill be putting pics up tomorrow,
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

My personal 2 cents on Mylar. If you want shiny, do the blankets. However, when I hang wall coverings again I am going to use the panda film or something similar. Maybe not even panda because (I think) it is shiny on the white side. My (perceived) problem with mylar is that it reflects everything. Colors too. I noticed a decrease in light intensity when I covered my buckets in black trash bags because the mylar was reflecting the black. Plus, as I look at the mylar in my veg room, I see definite bright spots (points) where the mylar is wrinkled from installation.

So, again, just my 2 cents. But I am not going shiny again, and won't be recommending using it....UNLESS cheap mylar blankets are all a person can afford. It's not that it's bad per se, I just think that a bright flat white is better overall.
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

im sure i seen light tests on another site and it clearly stated that mylar is giving off more light than flat white paint, normal tin foil reflects heat and not so much light so this creates hot spots, i know as soon as i put the mylar up in my grow room it clearly made it a whole lot brighter, i had flat white walls and was using around 15cfls, and as soon as i put the mylar up i noticed the light reflected better and gave more a more even spread of light, a roll of mylar is expensive and thicker to use so having a huge grow room id go with that,
buy mylar has more reflective properties than white paint, thats why most growers use in when they use lower power lights, if you had powerful lights that was more than you needed then you would not need as much reflection but if you want to reflect as much as you can then id use white paint if you had no mylar, but i did notice more light reflected using mylar.

so imo i think mylar is slightly better than white paint, but go with what ever you want to use, the mylar blankets are hard to work with but if you can get them as flat as possible then it does improve the light reflection, but as long as you use at least white paint then you should have no problems what so ever, but go with what ever your happy to use, white paint and mylar blankets are both easy to get and both give similar results,
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Yep, too each their own. I guess to the person who was looking to eek out as much as possible mylar is better. But IMHO with mylar you should think about OTHER things in the room. I did not think about the black reflecting, and it certainly made a difference.
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

My personal 2 cents on Mylar. If you want shiny, do the blankets. However, when I hang wall coverings again I am going to use the panda film or something similar. Maybe not even panda because (I think) it is shiny on the white side. My (perceived) problem with mylar is that it reflects everything. Colors too. I noticed a decrease in light intensity when I covered my buckets in black trash bags because the mylar was reflecting the black. Plus, as I look at the mylar in my veg room, I see definite bright spots (points) where the mylar is wrinkled from installation.

So, again, just my 2 cents. But I am not going shiny again, and won't be recommending using it....UNLESS cheap mylar blankets are all a person can afford. It's not that it's bad per se, I just think that a bright flat white is better overall.

Thanks for your input, I actually had this same debate with my buddy, I agreed with you, and I was going to go with flat white. But my buddy insisted I needed something, but as DonP said, as long as I have HID lights in a small space, the difference between the two are so minor in the long run.
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