Cannaruss' Adventures In Hempy Style

mataro blue in veg room
critical+ #2 in veg

I took a close look. It can be hard to tell from photos actually... the colors can be different.
It looks like maybe the newer growth is a touch lightly colored. The veins are very bright. Both will darken some with a higher nutrient mix. I might say that you're on the light side of the her full load... but that might be a good place to be.
Good stuff Nivek. I have 95% rating in the rapid rooters. You should check em out. They are about 15 bucks on Amazon and they work really well. Dip the stem in some gel or powder and stick it about 3/4 way down the hole in the rapid rooter. Keep barely moist and in 10-12 days you should see roots.

I have used the Rapid Rooters off of Amazon as well and everything I plant in em take root. Just dont over water them! Seriously, I did that and had a little mildew issue. They dont come with instructions, but on the website it says to rinse them once, plant your bean or clone and let em be. Eventually you will have to water them but dont do it to early.

Honestly I thought they were not gonna work, but sure shit, all good. I have some seeds in some now and I am sure they will all take.
yes actually ive only been going half strength. I may just up that to full strength and see what happens. Thanks Tead.

Doubling your nutes seems like a pretty hard jump. I usually do my moves in 1/2 tsp (2.5ml) increments.

Hi they do look good :)
i read somewhere that purple stem is a sign of cal mag issue. Correct me if I am wrong Tead.:thanks:

They do look good, don't they.... I love to see a nice healthy garden going. We tend to spend our time looking at plants or gardens with issues. A healthy garden is always a welcome change.

I've not seen the red caused by cal or mag issues myself.
I know that it's often attributed to a phosphorus def. The OGKs in my garden red up pretty quick when they need more food. I use it as an indicator with dark shiny leaves forming the other side of that indicator.
Of course, some strains or phono's of various strains often show red naturally.
Then there's the cold.... and winter is descending for those of us in the northern hemisphere.

I don't consider red a huge issue at all. Many folks like to stay on the light side of things and can experience some really pretty red growth.
Here's a current example of the red I run into on a regular basis. This is an OGK clone that has recently been planted and is starting to pop off a good bit of new growth. These started the clone process as green starts. They take about 30 days to root (tough cloning strain) and during that time I don't mist them or do any sort of foliar feeding. As a result, they really get no food for a month. They red right up. You can see all the red in the old growth and new growth all coming out very green and nice. Currently, she's still getting a fairly light diet as I ramp up her feeding routine.

I have used the Rapid Rooters off of Amazon as well and everything I plant in em take root. Just dont over water them! Seriously, I did that and had a little mildew issue. They dont come with instructions, but on the website it says to rinse them once, plant your bean or clone and let em be. Eventually you will have to water them but dont do it to early.

Honestly I thought they were not gonna work, but sure shit, all good. I have some seeds in some now and I am sure they will all take.
thanks for the info Tiger, all I do is mist my clones, I don't water the rapid rooters, seems to work
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