Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Thanks everyone for the great information. I think i want to try the suppositories and went to look for them today, but there was only a larger size available, so i am going to get them in the morning.

94xjjohn, i dont have the ability to get the sativa strain yet, i have to wait to go back to colorado in a month aor so. I only have 18 grams of the indica dominant right now, and man is it potent. When you tack, how long does the oil stay there for? I have still had like a whitish residue on the gum in the morning. Like I mentioned I have only done it at night, so i dont drink much water or anything when Ive done it. Have you ever tried the suppositories? Is your c getting better?
To all,
When you use the suppositories, are you getting all of the absortion as well? Does it matter that i do 3 a day of the high thc indica strain? Will i feel tired during the day? What about citicholine? Has anyone used it? I bought a bottle but havent used it yet. I have this dread of the high feeling, sorry to repeat this as i know ive made it clear, but i just dont think i can handle it. I do have ativan, so i can take that if i do get high?

So i was planning on adding a small amount of oil to suppositry and trying it first.

I had my simulation today and will start new chemo and radiation on wednesday. It was nerve wrecking, but i got through it. I can feel the c growing underneath my axila, and it hurts like hell. I am just praying that i have a good exoerience with the oil suppositories so i can get it in asap.

Again, so happy to have all of you here.

Do you have a scale to weigh the oil? The 00 sized gel caps weigh almost exactly 100 mg, so just keep that in mind when weighing out the doses. I would squirt a little from the syringe into the capsule, then barely close the capsule, weigh it, add a little more, weigh it, etc. It gets to the point where 8 out of ten times I can eye-ball it on the first try.

Anyway, just since you're scared, put something like 50-100 mg of oil in the first "test" suppository (so it should weigh a total of 150-200 mg with the weight of the capsule included). Fill the capsule the rest of the way with coconut oil, and insert it until just before the middle knuckle. Then wait. You'll see. There is virtually no effect, and what effect there is, is just a warm happy feeling. My wife has done 1/2 gram suppositories and not felt a thing (with some really POTENT oil).

If you need a cheap, reliable scale, the American Weigh Gemini-20 is only $20, and it's good because it weighs in milligrams, so it's very accurate and you know how much you're taking. I would post the link to Amazon but it's against the forum rules.

About your question regarding absorption, suppositories are supposedly much more efficient than oral dosing. From what I have read, suppositories give you 50-70% absorption while oral ingestion is around 20-30%, and inhalation is around 10-20%. Just make sure you give that capsule at least an hour to dissolve. Try not to poop for two hours afterwards if you can.

If I were you, and I had no way to get my oil tested, I would take 1 gram per day via 3 suppository doses, and, in addition, try tacking 1/4 grains of rice worth multiple times daily and try to work that up to larger tacking doses. Get those capsules ASAP!!! You must get started!! If you can get 50 more grams of oil and stick to this protocol, you might see a major improvement over the next 2 months. I hope you do!

If you're going to primarily be using suppositories, I don't think it matters if you use sativa.

I will tell you this. Neither my wife nor I use sativa very much because it gives us some major anxiety. About 3 years ago, I took a 1/2 grain of rice worth of some STRONG sativa oil I had made. I started having like a major bad trip I was so high in the worst way. I was just trying to survive this terrible feeling of impending doom and this constant barrage of negative thoughts about my past and future.

We were at Disney World walking with a couple of friends in Fort Wilderness. There was a place where some of the staff were rehearsing a play and we were invited in to watch. We went inside and sat at a table in the dark in the back, and I was still having a very hard time, but it was good to be in the dark and in the air conditioning. There were about 50 other people in there watching.

Suddenly, this actor girl tapped me on the shoulder and said "Could you come with me for a minute?" I was so high and in such a bad way that I just blindly went along with her. It was only when we were about halfway to the stage that I realized what was happening, and I debated just making a run for it. They took me backstage behind the curtain with some actors, and they had brought along a few other audience members.

Well, they started explaining to the actor/audience members what they had to do for their parts, and I remember being so high that I couldn't remember what the guy was telling me to do 5 seconds after he had told me. I remember they were trying to be all jolly and make me feel like "this is fun!!!" but I was shaking and in shock, and my mouth was so incredibly dry.

Eventually, they got the part across to me. I was to put on a ballerina outfit, and dance like a ballerina out to this circle in the center of the stage. Then I was to walk slowly to the front of the stage waving goodbye and blowing kisses to the audience. I was the end of the show. I was pretty muscular at the time, so they thought it would be funny to have a buff male in a ballerina outfit. Anyway, luckily I had plenty of practice dancing around at home being silly and imitating my sister when she was taking ballet, so I just gave it my all and did a pretty awesome job. My wife and friends could not believe what they saw. I was shaking for about 2 hours after that.
Carretitta, as this thread is for tacking exclusively, go to the link under my signature for further info on a protocol, suppositories, etc.
If you've any other specific questions, ask me there.
We're trying to keep the methods of dosing seperated.
For her type of cancer, I would throw everything at it.
Real quick, I wouldn't use capsules at all for suppositories. Use cocoa butter formed into mold you can buy cheaply on the internet.
As far as the high, I've posted numerous times about taking specific supplements to control the high.
Carretita, just look at the help :love:you have now!

You go girl and follow Cajun's instructions as if your life depends on it (notes, study), because it just might. He knows how to throw the book at c. I have trusted my life to him and Motoco, and I'm here, past my western medicine Dead Line to talk about it. Even with a heart attack, dehydration, failing kidneys and fast c. I believe (half the fight) the oil has kept me alive and reasonably well feeling. But you must crank it up right away.

I've only tacked the oil except smoking it to get high in the past (very little). I put the oil under my lower denture, in front, and it takes about 20-30 minutes to be gone. However, I make a VERY clean oil with KleenXtract (100% organic grain alcohol). Anything less will leave other 'stuff', pollutants, in the oil that will change the properties of the desolve process in your mouth. Also, keep in mind that the oil is in a MUCH dryer environment when you sleep if you are a mouth breather.

A good blood flow (copious amounts of water) is required to deliver the cannabinoids to all the little secret places in your body.

Remember....cancer cells commit suicide in the presents of Cannabinoids. Your job is to work on "in the presents"......getting the oil to all parts of Carretita!

Drink water like a saltwater fish (freshwater fish don't drink). Osmosis is the flow of water through a membrane from a less salty body to a more salty body. Fish lose water to the saltier (than their bodies) saltwater through their skin and scales and so drink a lot to regain the water. Fish gain water from less salty fresh water through their skin and scales and so pee a lot to rid their bodies of excess water. Sorry, tangent!

We are fish out of water....drying all the time, no matter what. DRINK like crazy, a little at a time. All the time. When you feel thirsty, it's too late, you are already dehydrated. Drink often. No, more often!
Water only. Sugar feeds cancer directly. Eat NO sugar ever! Scour your house and remove any cancer food (sugar).

Much love Carretita, you can do this ....easy peasy.:cheer:


Ps. The citicholine will stop the high. Do not be afraid to drink !!!
Hi all,

Just stopping by to give a shout out. Still on the hectic side of things but all is going well as planned; putting the home on the market and have to say; 'traffic in So. Cal is a massive nightmare' so we cannot wait to get off the grid away from the masses. Mo and I are feeling rested and raring to go. Much more than meets the eye getting ready to the 'gypsy' lifestyle but being debt free in a non crowed environment sounds like 'heaven' to us. Hope all our friends/family are doing well...God Bless you all! God is great!

Warmest regards,

Motoco & Mo
Hi all,

Just stopping by to give a shout out. Still on the hectic side of things but all is going well as planned; putting the home on the market and have to say; 'traffic in So. Cal is a massive nightmare' so we cannot wait to get off the grid away from the masses. Mo and I are feeling rested and raring to go. Much more than meets the eye getting ready to the 'gypsy' lifestyle but being debt free in a non crowed environment sounds like 'heaven' to us. Hope all our friends/family are doing well...God Bless you all! God is great!

Warmest regards,

Motoco & Mo

Motoco, great to see your feeling better (rested). Since the mods changed the journals around you will need to update your signature. The journal is just not the same since you have taken a break. Lots of love and respect to you & Mo.

Your student, RSOiler

The traffic in So. Cal should be getting better because they have all moved up here. Past 5 years the traffic has gotten 3 times as bad. BUT, THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR TWO MORE ANGLES. :Namaste:
Hi all,

Just stopping by to give a shout out. Still on the hectic side of things but all is going well as planned; putting the home on the market and have to say; 'traffic in So. Cal is a massive nightmare' so we cannot wait to get off the grid away from the masses. Mo and I are feeling rested and raring to go. Much more than meets the eye getting ready to the 'gypsy' lifestyle but being debt free in a non crowed environment sounds like 'heaven' to us. Hope all our friends/family are doing well...God Bless you all! God is great!

Warmest regards,

Motoco & Mo

Bless you and Mo. You have helped me enormously with my health. Not just with your helping me with the oil, but the information about Plavix. Since asking my cardiac doctor about being on it for 7 years, he immediately stopped the Plavix and I now have hair growing on my legs, the only real visual example of changes in my legs since stopping Plavix. But their are unseen benefits to stopping the drug.

I love you both and will miss you. I wish you the best of life. Off the grid sure sounds nice. I only hope I see my medicine legal in my state before it doesn't matter to me. I'd love to be in Cali or Colorado and experience real liberty and freedom. Ah dreams, don't you just love them?

Hey Jim,
My doc's just put me back on Plavix, and that's because I couldn't tolerate the $800/month stuff (body nor wallet). Now what do I do?
I can hear Motoco now, in tandem, DON'T TAKE IT !!!:thanks:
Hi all,

Just stopping by to give a shout out. Still on the hectic side of things but all is going well as planned; putting the home on the market and have to say; 'traffic in So. Cal is a massive nightmare' so we cannot wait to get off the grid away from the masses. Mo and I are feeling rested and raring to go. Much more than meets the eye getting ready to the 'gypsy' lifestyle but being debt free in a non crowed environment sounds like 'heaven' to us. Hope all our friends/family are doing well...God Bless you all! God is great!

Warmest regards,

Motoco & Mo

One for each of you.....

:hug: :hug:
Hey Jim,
My doc's just put me back on Plavix, and that's because I couldn't tolerate the $800/month stuff (body nor wallet). Now what do I do?
I can hear Motoco now, in tandem, DON'T TAKE IT !!!:thanks:

I am not a doctor and can't answer your question. In my case I had a triple by-pass in 2007 and was on it since then. I think it just wasn't noticed by my doctors that the prescription wasn't ended after 6 months, the normal routine after by-pass. I wasn't aware that it should have been stopped. Thankfully Motoco brought it to my attention. I asked my doctor about it and he stopped it immediately with no further discussion. Fortunately I do not need blood thinners, yet.

I do however understand cost. I could hire a live-in nurse for what I pay every month for medication, a red head for sure while I am fantasizing. Fortunately I don't take a few of the dangerous medications I previously took because of the oil. God's Medicine.

All the best to you John.

Thanks WJ, best to you too.
Hey SG.
I've helped out 2 people with Lyme's.
This won't help much, but you might find something that helps out.
Patient #1 tried various ratios of THC/CBD & found that higher CBD helped the most. He received a flood of antibiotics in his treatment & stopped that after 3 ms on the high CBD oil. All the various inflammation he had was pretty much gone in alil over a month.

Patient #2 tried the high CBD oil for 2 months & had absolutely no change in the disease, nor the symptoms.
He later found some type of clay & herbal treatment that helped more than the cannabis. He was eventually so medicated due to his severe depression, I could no longer offer any help. Lost touch.
Hey Cajun. Thanks for getting back to me.

She has not tried the oil yet, but smoking or Vaping Blue Blood seemed to help. Less pain and inflammation. Interestingly, I just chopped an Incredible Bulk. Just dried not cured and she has tried some of that over the last couple days, and that really seems to help her pain. Considering it is 80/20 indica/savita I would guess it has some CBD but not as much as the BB. I think it is much higher in thc (not tested, but probably 20% + or -. Her knee was actually feeling a bit better, but she can't smoke that and come to work. :)

BTW I saw your gumbo recipe. I think that may be on the menu this weekend!! :peace:
Antibiotics in the short-term are the best treatment for Lyme disease. If it is caught early, then the antibiotics will knock it out and you shouldn't have any long-term problems. After the antibiotics you can replenish gut flora, etc, but you don't want to miss the treatment window.

My partner didn't get treatment early (because she didn't know she had been bitten and Lyme doesn't officially exist in my country) and now her Lyme disease has gone chronic (10-15 yrs), and is causing lots of health problems. She has multiple conditions that we are attempting to treat with tacking and suppositories but aren't making much headway. It doesn't help that I can't get different strains to try, only what I can grow.
Antibiotics in the short-term are the best treatment for Lyme disease. If it is caught early, then the antibiotics will knock it out and you shouldn't have any long-term problems. After the antibiotics you can replenish gut flora, etc, but you don't want to miss the treatment window.

My partner didn't get treatment early (because she didn't know she had been bitten and Lyme doesn't officially exist in my country) and now her Lyme disease has gone chronic (10-15 yrs), and is causing lots of health problems. She has multiple conditions that we are attempting to treat with tacking and suppositories but aren't making much headway. It doesn't help that I can't get different strains to try, only what I can grow.

That's the rub. We don't know when this happened. 5-6 years ago, she got a tick bite. Treated with Doxy. End of story. About 1 1/2 months ago she tripped up the stairs at work and twisted her knee. When it still was bothering her a week later she went to the doctor. Long story short, it hasn't been getting better. MRI just showed swelling to tear. Dr sent out bloods and one of the tests came back as lyme. Now. I am not sure whether the test was an Elyza or a lyme quant. If just an Elyza, that just shows exposure, not necessarily an active infection. I am all for Antibiotic treatment first. Just trying to cover my bases. :peace:
Ahh... ok. Well a Lyme specialist (who treats chronic Lyme) may still suggest various antibiotics at this stage (my partner had a course a few years ago - may have helped a little), but I too have read about people having success with oil and chronic Lyme. We're keeping on with the oil (and trying to increase the dose), even though we're not seeing much progress. Can't hurt. Good luck.
Alright. My wife started on Doxy today. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon.

Now I have another question for my most knowledgeable friends. :)

I have a friend who's son is in CO. He is in a lot of pain and back in the hospital with c-diff and strep. His mother who knows that I have my MMJ card asked my advise if I thought it would help him. She wanted to know what strains (THC and CBD ratios) would be best. My gut feeling was a balanced 1:1 would probably be good, but I wanted to put it out there for your input. :peace:
Hi everyone, I am new on the forum.

as I am Italian I apologize for my English.

my Mom has an internal big melanoma mass, spreaded to the liver.

I started to give to her the RSO made by me that I am quite sure i made well.

As mom's conditions are critical, I have been tricked by Rick's words when he says that who's in life danger should ingest the 60 grams of oil asap, I started giving to her a small blob in the afternoon putting the blob under the tongue.

problems came in the evening when i gave to her about .5/.7 CM not ML of oil from a syringe of 2.5 ml.
from the next morning till now she is another person, sleeping about 22-23 hours and her brain looks gone, the question is, is that just a strong HIGH or i did something unreparable?
I am very concerned because her conditions didn't change after 2 days should i continue to give her the oil even in small blob with the gum procedure or stop it?
She doesn't drink or eat everything is given to her through veins and she does not stand up from the bed.

please help me she looks like her brain is completely compromised.

appreciate all your work.

God Bless you all
Relax friend.
Though you might cause temporary discomfort, you cannot cause irreparable damage with oil.
The dosage as well as the delivery method are the problem.
What do you mean by .5/.7 cm?
Do not give it to her sublingually.
Review the "tacking" method for delivery.
Hey everyone.

An update on my wife. She is on Doxy for 1 month. After that, she is off meds for 1 month. Then they will reevaluate and see if she needs a round of IV antibiotics.

On another note, another friend of my is in the process of a diagnosis. They think it is a rare form of Parkinson's disease that is similar to ALS. What do you all think? 2:1 thc/cbd oil? She is a regular cannabis user so has no hangups about it and wants to do what ever she can.

All advise welcome. :peace:
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