Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Lol. Oh oh, fghtsmallcell didn't apply enough pressure. Applying the correct pressure insures it 'sticks' to the gums, not just on the gums. You need to get back on the horse and ride again. Try this fghtsmallcell, an 1/8th of a grain of rice and no follow up dose. I want you to take at least 5 minutes to apply this to your gums. Tack with pressure, hold without moving for 20 seconds, don't move your finger off the spot still apply pressure, then without moving off your spot roll your finger up and down or sideways, then slide your finger from side to side, once your off your spot, notice how slippery your finger gets? Now move it make over your spot, does it feel sticky? Now remove your finger and see where the oil has moved, now place any left over oil on your finger to a new spot right next to your first one and repeat. There is absolutely no rush. Now when there is only the film left on your finer scrape off on the back of your teeth or find somewhere on your skin to put the film (I warm up with a dryer and put on scars, moles, etc.

Here is one of the biggest mistakes made from folks with major illness such as your husbands. People want to gob down the concentrate to rid their cancer, perfectly logical in their mind; MISTAKE! Start very small amounts. The more small amounts you apply to your gums the more oil gets to your CB1 receptors. This is the key to the kingdom. Respect the concentrate but don't let it control you, you control the concentrate! I know you trust me, I want you to put your fears away and try a little dot as mentioned. Wait 15 minutes and do another little small dot. You need to show your hubby (your patient) that you can do this correctly. Learn to tack that way on him also. You will only know how to do it correctly on him when you do it right yourself. Also it will teach you how he is feeling also. You do this like I mentioned above and you will see how the magic of the concentrate works. If you made a boo boo on a patient while a nurse did you walk away or correct it? Your turn, lol. After all the knowledge you gained, you owe this to yourself, so down the road you can help your family and friends to learn the correct way. Think SMALL (no pun intended). Trust me on this one, it will change your life. Nope, no excuse please. Just a small amount. See what everyone is talking about and change your life around. Please do it for the wife and I.

Your husbands cancer will cure on the oil! No ands ifs or buts! As mentioned the Dr.s don't know about the concentrate and how it works. Wish they did, but, its not happening. Add a grain of rice to make it four grains of rice a day right now, we can pick up another grain of rice in a week or so. Small amounts is the key as is tacking properly. The only way we know his progress is the blood work up. That tells the story, so we have to wait to see. I think you will be pleasantly surprised when we see those. That will dictate what direction we need to go. An excellent indicator is how he is feeling. Getting better and improving=the oil is winning the battle.

OK. OK. I had to laugh also about me needing the oil. So I finally tried some LOL It will be awhile before I get the courage to try again. It was only 1/4 grain of rice size split into 2 doses and I did get euphoric about 3 hours later. But for me it is not euphoric at all. I get paranoid and my mind races with conspiracy theories. I can come up with some crazy thoughts. LOL It is not a good feeling but it was not the worst I have experienced. I thought I did everything right but apparently not. I then thought about what you said about another small tack to bring me down but I was too afraid to add more fuel to the fire. So I resorted to man made drug to put me to sleep and end my anxiety from it. I will have more product in a couple of weeks. I will try again then with just 1/8 total. How long before I know for sure that I am in the clear and will not get a buzz??

As for hubby. My bottom line fear is that his cancer is not completely gone. His type of cancer does not usually just totally disappear with chemo and radiation. But now that it has been a year since his last chemo, if we get one more clear scan and I keep him on the oil, I will feel much better. This product I am getting in 2 weeks should be my strongest flowers to date and I will have lots of it. Right now he is taking about 3 grains of rice total a day. For healing his body from chemo and radiation, how much do I need to work him up to??
I'm butting in here, been looking for a forum where I can get some advice on the subject...
My partner is currently taking the RS Oil. She's been building it up and is / was so far on the 4th week of half a gram a day...
She's taking it for cancer / brain tumor) and unfortunately has been in hospital for the last 2 days.
She had a number of seizures and was taken in (they found immflamation in the brain, which I think is due to her steroid medication being dropped)
Sneaking in the oil is out of the question, she's not really eating anyway and isn't really altogether with it at the moment!
We're just accepting that she's going to have a week without the oil! (we reckon she'll be out and home again in the next few days) so there's going to be a gap in taking it... until she's home, and can continue....
I'm just concerned.........
I've heard that a break in the 3 month course of treating the cancer with the oil would just ruin it completely, or would not be as effective... that you would possibly have to start again for it to do what it's meant to....
Is this true???

If it was as simple as giving her the oil while she's in the hospital, I'd do it.... but i cant.

If anyone knows anything about this or could give me some advice, that would be great :)
Lol. Oh oh, fghtsmallcell didn't apply enough pressure. Applying the correct pressure insures it 'sticks' to the gums, not just on the gums. You need to get back on the horse and ride again. Try this fghtsmallcell, an 1/8th of a grain of rice and no follow up dose. I want you to take at least 5 minutes to apply this to your gums. Tack with pressure, hold without moving for 20 seconds, don't move your finger off the spot still apply pressure, then without moving off your spot roll your finger up and down or sideways, then slide your finger from side to side, once your off your spot, notice how slippery your finger gets? Now move it make over your spot, does it feel sticky? Now remove your finger and see where the oil has moved, now place any left over oil on your finger to a new spot right next to your first one and repeat. There is absolutely no rush. Now when there is only the film left on your finer scrape off on the back of your teeth or find somewhere on your skin to put the film (I warm up with a dryer and put on scars, moles, etc.

Here is one of the biggest mistakes made from folks with major illness such as your husbands. People want to gob down the concentrate to rid their cancer, perfectly logical in their mind; MISTAKE! Start very small amounts. The more small amounts you apply to your gums the more oil gets to your CB1 receptors. This is the key to the kingdom. Respect the concentrate but don't let it control you, you control the concentrate! I know you trust me, I want you to put your fears away and try a little dot as mentioned. Wait 15 minutes and do another little small dot. You need to show your hubby (your patient) that you can do this correctly. Learn to tack that way on him also. You will only know how to do it correctly on him when you do it right yourself. Also it will teach you how he is feeling also. You do this like I mentioned above and you will see how the magic of the concentrate works. If you made a boo boo on a patient while a nurse did you walk away or correct it? Your turn, lol. After all the knowledge you gained, you owe this to yourself, so down the road you can help your family and friends to learn the correct way. Think SMALL (no pun intended). Trust me on this one, it will change your life. Nope, no excuse please. Just a small amount. See what everyone is talking about and change your life around. Please do it for the wife and I.

Your husbands cancer will cure on the oil! No ands ifs or buts! As mentioned the Dr.s don't know about the concentrate and how it works. Wish they did, but, its not happening. Add a grain of rice to make it four grains of rice a day right now, we can pick up another grain of rice in a week or so. Small amounts is the key as is tacking properly. The only way we know his progress is the blood work up. That tells the story, so we have to wait to see. I think you will be pleasantly surprised when we see those. That will dictate what direction we need to go. An excellent indicator is how he is feeling. Getting better and improving=the oil is winning the battle.

I knew you would laugh at me. LOL I laughed at myself (afterwards of course) I really thought I had a good tack going. I will try again, I promise. I just need to pick a day that I am going to stay home all day. I really want it to work. Do you believe in self fulfilling prophecies?? I think I made it happened just by being afraid it would happen. But it took about 3 hours before I noticed it.

As for hubbies blood work. Exactly what blood work are you talking about?? He just has routine stuff done and everything is normal except platelets have been slightly low since chemo. There are no cancer makers in the blood for his cancer.
Hi Cannabe1, You are not butting in, you are in the right place. I am so very sorry to hear that you and your partner are going through this. I can identify with how afraid you are. Your partner is lucky to have you doing research and reaching out for help for her. I am not the expert on here but I have read through these forum threads a few times and I know that some people have had to go without the oil for one reason or another. The important thing is to get back on the oil as soon as possible when she is released from the hospital and eating and drinking again. I do have some knowledge about brain tumors, seizures and steroids. Yes, the steroid is for keeping brain inflammation down. When they took her off the steroid, did they ween her off slowly?? Even without brain inflammation the tumor itself can trigger a seizure. After the seizure she probable will go through what is called a postictal stage which is normal but scary for you. She will be confused for awhile. It does get better. Was this her first seizure??

Also the type of oil is important for her treatment and cure. She needs an oil that is high in THC and an oil that is high in CBD. THC is for killing the cancer while CBD controls the inflammation. Another question is how is she taking the oil?? Is she tacking in on her gums?? Keep us posted on how she is doing and I am sure Motoco or Budnoob2 will be on soon with some more answers for you.

I'm butting in here, been looking for a forum where I can get some advice on the subject...
My partner is currently taking the RS Oil. She's been building it up and is / was so far on the 4th week of half a gram a day...
She's taking it for cancer / brain tumor) and unfortunately has been in hospital for the last 2 days.
She had a number of seizures and was taken in (they found immflamation in the brain, which I think is due to her steroid medication being dropped)
Sneaking in the oil is out of the question, she's not really eating anyway and isn't really altogether with it at the moment!
We're just accepting that she's going to have a week without the oil! (we reckon she'll be out and home again in the next few days) so there's going to be a gap in taking it... until she's home, and can continue....
I'm just concerned.........
I've heard that a break in the 3 month course of treating the cancer with the oil would just ruin it completely, or would not be as effective... that you would possibly have to start again for it to do what it's meant to....
Is this true???

If it was as simple as giving her the oil while she's in the hospital, I'd do it.... but i cant.

If anyone knows anything about this or could give me some advice, that would be great :)
Thank you for you post Jack. It is a learning curve even though I have been dosing for my husband and he says he does not get a buzz. He is probable fibbing to me. I will get to the bottom of this. LOL

fghtsmallcell, congrats on taking the plunge. Sorry it didn't work out as intended. I have had some troubles with it myself and seemed to be a bit of a lottery.
However the last 3 times have been successful. Here is what I did:

Put a drop of oil on my index finger and flattened it out a bit with the tip of the syringe.
Wiped my lower gums with my shirt several times until it was pretty much dry.
Applied it to my gums with a fair amount of pressure. You can actually feel it sticking.
Continued to apply pressure while pulling my finger to one side, doing this over the bumps in the gums seems to just stick the remainder of the oil to the rest of it that has already tacked inside the crevices and I am no longer left with a film which I end up swallowing anyway. There is pretty much nothing left on my finger and doing it this way my finger is not even sticky afterwards.

It may not be the best way but so far it's the only way that has not got me completely ripped.
Yeah!!! Congrats to your brother!!!! Dang, I need to get on this oil. LOL

Hi cannabe1 and team, I can tell you that running out of oil wasn't the end of the world in my case and I didn't have to completely start over. I started out with meager supplies and doing it all wrong prior to finding this thread which definitely added time to the healing process I'm sure, but I made it through ok. However, in late stage illness I'd be very concerned about running out of the oil and I would do everything in my power to avoid running out. As for tacking, it's gotten easier over time. I still tack in smaller 1/4 grain increments not only because it's easier but because my logic tells me that what Motoco has pointed out several times makes very much sense - "The more small amounts you apply to your gums the more oil gets to your CB1 receptors." And it worked so I see no need to expand upon it or modify the procedure. With regard to the CBD oil, I can't speak to it having no experience with it but I do hope that it is legitimate unlike all the other snakeoil and poor quality online deals out there.

Forgot to point out that when I did run out for a week or so I wouldn't start right back at the full dose but work my way back up from half of normal just in case - I'm sure Motoco has more detailed notes on the process but that's just what I guessed would be the right thing to do and it worked out ok for me.

PS - I'm a tinkerer too :)
Good morning, Motoco, my husband found a way to get off his coumidin. He flayed open about a 6 inch area on his lower leg late last night in an accident in the shed. He cut some small artieries. I had to control the bleeding while calling 911. I was calm until the 911 operator would not listen to my directions on how to get to us. They went in all directions and I could hear the sirens come and go. It was so frustrated. I had to hang up on 911 and call my best friends in town to come chase the ambulance down to get them here. The first responders were actually on foot because they got their ambulance stuck at the entrance of the main driveway!! Before it was all over we had 2 big firetrucks, 2 ambulances and 2 cop cars out here. Plus I saw at least 3 other pick up trucks. I guess when you tell 911 you have an arterial bleed and blood thinners on board they call everyone. Thank god my friends got here before they did to help me with the delicate privacy issue of the indoor garden. Anyway, hubby is OK right now. They actually had a helicopter standing by but did not have to use it. He underwent surgery to sew it up and tie of the arteries. He might need more surgery with a skin graft. He is resting comfortable right now from a night time oil dose. He hasn't even taken any man made pain meds. I am hoping the oil will help his skin flap heal to where he does not need additional surgery. We will know more in the next couple of days.

I also will be having a serious talk with the firestation tomorrow about who we are and where we live. When he had his seizures they followed my directions and came right here in about 7 minutes. It took them over half an hour last night. They literally went north, then west, then east then north of us again before my friends caught them. Sorry for the rant but I am still trying to calm down from it. He stayed calmer than I did. I guess that is the oil working!!!!!!
Spot on Dabs, its the oil. Funny, people feel better and most of the times they don't even know whats causing it, Best wishes for your brother. If he is on the concentrate and you, he is in good hands. I cannot believe how many folks suffer from many different types of cancer. Its mind boggling. US is supposed to be a technical advanced country across the board, right?

Give your brother our warmest wishes/prayers Jack.

Run from Cure, best of luck to you on your father's journey. I have no doubt he will be back to health.

Just got an update from my brother - summary - he is very ill, post testicular cancer as his hormones are completely out of sync.
He has been on the oil about a month. Doc just reported that in the last month his testosterone levels have normalised and his estrogen levels have dropped from
170 to 120. Coincidence? I think not he has been suffering for 8 months and now all of a sudden this month things are normalising.
Good morning fghtsmallcell,

Holly smokes! Sounded like the whole circus came to town and it turned into a nightmare. Well, someone is going to get there arse chewed out and I'm glad its not me. So glad to hear he is doing better. Sounds like you got the raw end of the stick, hubby is calm, momma is ready to whack someone up side the head with the skillit. Must of looked like a light show. Apparently their GPS wasn't turned on. Just doesn't sound professional to take that long. I'm very familiar with my local fire company, even though I haven't seen them in about 4 years. They got to know my wife really good :) Think they thought they where at home looking for some coffee and donuts.

Sorry to hear all the drama you had to go through fghtsmallcell. This makes a great 'rant' thread. I've certainly have used it on several occasions. Hope today is a blessed day for your two.

Good morning, Motoco, my husband found a way to get off his coumidin. He flayed open about a 6 inch area on his lower leg late last night in an accident in the shed. He cut some small artieries. I had to control the bleeding while calling 911. I was calm until the 911 operator would not listen to my directions on how to get to us. They went in all directions and I could hear the sirens come and go. It was so frustrated. I had to hang up on 911 and call my best friends in town to come chase the ambulance down to get them here. The first responders were actually on foot because they got their ambulance stuck at the entrance of the main driveway!! Before it was all over we had 2 big firetrucks, 2 ambulances and 2 cop cars out here. Plus I saw at least 3 other pick up trucks. I guess when you tell 911 you have an arterial bleed and blood thinners on board they call everyone. Thank god my friends got here before they did to help me with the delicate privacy issue of the indoor garden. Anyway, hubby is OK right now. They actually had a helicopter standing by but did not have to use it. He underwent surgery to sew it up and tie of the arteries. He might need more surgery with a skin graft. He is resting comfortable right now from a night time oil dose. He hasn't even taken any man made pain meds. I am hoping the oil will help his skin flap heal to where he does not need additional surgery. We will know more in the next couple of days.

I also will be having a serious talk with the firestation tomorrow about who we are and where we live. When he had his seizures they followed my directions and came right here in about 7 minutes. It took them over half an hour last night. They literally went north, then west, then east then north of us again before my friends caught them. Sorry for the rant but I am still trying to calm down from it. He stayed calmer than I did. I guess that is the oil working!!!!!!
Hi Jack,

When we first started the concentrate the wife and I used 'pure gold' from the dispensaries. It was sativa dominant and it worked. Not as good as your own because of strain selection and potency but it did the job very well. When the wife had a surgery procedure she had to use her arms to lift herself up because of the procedure. Her pain was so bad oxycodone wouldn't work (pulled a muscle on her right arm lifting herself up. We went to the dispensary and the bud-tender gal had her try some 'uncle toms' cbd tincture 1.5%. It took the pain away for 4-5 hours. So for normal pain control this is very sufficient. On cancer that has mets and example's like brain surgery, chronic severe pain is where the high cbd strains come into play.

This was probably made from hemp. Hemp leaves can have 3-5 percent cbd. Did it say Jack what/how it was made?

So yes, very helpful. It will be good to have your sativa up and running to get back some of the thc magic also.

I would use pure gold if I ran out. They use a centrifuge to separate the cannabinoids and use grape seed oil/glycerin to make it useable. I would use this CBD oil if I couldn't get any other high cbd strains. CBD is a powerful cannabinoid and nothing better in the world for pain/inflammation. I just have never looked on line because of all the snake oil out there and patients I have need the larger amounts of CBD for their purposes. Nice post Jack.

Sorry to create another post but I think this needs to be a stand-alone post.

Motoco and others, I would love to get your input on this. I have noticed on this thread there seems to be a few people myself included who have been struggling to get high CBD oil.

I recently ordered a bottle of CBD oil from Royal Queen Seeds for 35 Euros a bottle. The stuff works, I know this because it definitely relieved my sciatica pain which strong painkillers cant touch.

If I remember correctly it said 4% cbd but here is the thing, it's completely legal as it has a THC content below the feeble legal regulations and is considered a hemp product.You also get a free seed when you order it (bonus).

I have found one or two other places that sell it online but I am happy with my purchase for now. I am awaiting my next crop for some sativa's (3 of the 4 babies broke soil today) so I have been taking the CBD oil during the day and my indica/sedative heavy RSO oil at night.

What do you guys think of using an oil like this to replace the high cbd strain oil mixed with sativa's for daytime use. Its easy enough to just have a drop or too with a regualr tack. Obviously not ideal but as a stop gap it could help a lot of people on here. Also got my mom on just the cbd oil for now so will report any changes in her health too.

I am currently growing 2x power flower 88% sativa for daytime meds, they have both popped. Also a 100% northern lights for nighttime and a Royal Medic (high CBD strain) to mix with the daytime sativa, but the medic seed looked really pathetic and soaking in water for 2 days didn't produce a taproot like the others did. I planted it anyway but not holding out much hope for it, so if it doesn't sprout, I may be forced to run this experiment myself.

Also I know the cannabinoids work in sync but considering the legality of this cbd, it's easily accessible and relatively cheap, what do you guys recon the medicinal value of just CBD would be. I do find it has a slight sedative effect so definitely want it to be mixed with an ''up'' strain but we work with what we have and anyone could certainly function on just the cbd oil. Also seems worthwhile to me to take in times of herb drought.
Mr. budnoob and cannabe1,

budnoob stated this perfectly. Also budnoob thought process on how to 'tack' small amounts more times is the key to the kingdom. The more you get to your receptors the quicker everything when it comes to healing. Anymore I would be repeating budnoob, nice job brother.

cannabe1, you can only control what you can control. Pick up where you left off and hope everything turns out. Prayers going out. Keep us posted plz

Another 'tinkerer'! All makes since now, lol. The way the oil process's information and logic is another story :) for another day

Hi cannabe1 and team, I can tell you that running out of oil wasn't the end of the world in my case and I didn't have to completely start over. I started out with meager supplies and doing it all wrong prior to finding this thread which definitely added time to the healing process I'm sure, but I made it through ok. However, in late stage illness I'd be very concerned about running out of the oil and I would do everything in my power to avoid running out. As for tacking, it's gotten easier over time. I still tack in smaller 1/4 grain increments not only because it's easier but because my logic tells me that what Motoco has pointed out several times makes very much sense - "The more small amounts you apply to your gums the more oil gets to your CB1 receptors." And it worked so I see no need to expand upon it or modify the procedure. With regard to the CBD oil, I can't speak to it having no experience with it but I do hope that it is legitimate unlike all the other snakeoil and poor quality online deals out there.

Forgot to point out that when I did run out for a week or so I wouldn't start right back at the full dose but work my way back up from half of normal just in case - I'm sure Motoco has more detailed notes on the process but that's just what I guessed would be the right thing to do and it worked out ok for me.

PS - I'm a tinkerer too :)
Hi, I have an update on my partners condition, and to tell you more about it.... she was diagnosed last November, after having a stroke and seizure back then aswell. It happened again in february when her steroid medication dropped, but she recovered and was let home after a week....
She had Radiotherapy not long after and the tumor shrunk by half!.... until now...
So it's been 4 weeks on the half dose of oil, she was taken in on Saturday (having a seizure for the third time... in fact she had 4, which is worse than before) and they think that the tumor (judging by MRI scan results) has in fact got worse :/

It's a bit of a tough situation. We truely thought it was getting better! and the oil would blast it....
Anyway, they THINK it's got worse... whatever that means, they're sending the results to another hospital (the original hospital she when they diagnosed her and took a biopsy)

Thank you for your replys!
She's coming home later today.... I think we'll be continuing the oil later... see how she is...

The oil quality I know is very good... It's the white widow medical plant. I have a friend that grew it... he took the time and effort to buy the best equipment and do the research thoroughly. I was there whilst it was being made... so that I could learn myself for in the future... (i have nowhere to do it myself at the moment)
I've been syringing it onto a small peice of bread.... about a mouthful.... and giving her 1/4 in the morning and 1/4 at night.... just so you know ...

Hi Cannabe1, You are not butting in, you are in the right place. I am so very sorry to hear that you and your partner are going through this. I can identify with how afraid you are. Your partner is lucky to have you doing research and reaching out for help for her. I am not the expert on here but I have read through these forum threads a few times and I know that some people have had to go without the oil for one reason or another. The important thing is to get back on the oil as soon as possible when she is released from the hospital and eating and drinking again. I do have some knowledge about brain tumors, seizures and steroids. Yes, the steroid is for keeping brain inflammation down. When they took her off the steroid, did they ween her off slowly?? Even without brain inflammation the tumor itself can trigger a seizure. After the seizure she probable will go through what is called a postictal stage which is normal but scary for you. She will be confused for awhile. It does get better. Was this her first seizure??

Also the type of oil is important for her treatment and cure. She needs an oil that is high in THC and an oil that is high in CBD. THC is for killing the cancer while CBD controls the inflammation. Another question is how is she taking the oil?? Is she tacking in on her gums?? Keep us posted on how she is doing and I am sure Motoco or Budnoob2 will be on soon with some more answers for you.
Hi cannabe1, not having worked with the oil you're referring to I'm not sure how well it would tack to the gums I can tell you that ingesting the oil is not what you want to do for a cure. You definitely want to get the oil tacked to the gums first, and if it's not a good consistency for tacking I'd make the extra effort just to hold it there with pressure for a little longer each time on the gums. It is critical to get the oil to the CB1 receptors so that should be your primary goal in my opinion.
Thanks for the update Cannabe1. I am glad to hear that she gets to go home and will get back on the oil. She has really been through more than her share. It sounds like you have good oil. But if I understand you correctly, you are putting the oil on bread and she is eating the bread. If this is correct then then we would like to for you to try something different. There is a lot of misleading info on the web that leads people to believe that simply ingesting the oil is how to use this medication. Ingesting it just acts like another man made drug and does not work like when you tack the oil in small quantities on the gum. The reason we do the gum tack method is to allow the oil to absorb through the gum tissue and get seated into the CB1 receptors in the brain before any of the oil goes into the stomach to the CB2 receptors. This allows the brain receptors to guide the oil to the parts of the body that need healing. This is a simplified explanation and Motoco has explained this method in great detail with his research to back it up on this thread. Here is a link to page 1.
Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

You are probable overwhelmed right now but hang in there as we are here for you. Please read the instructions on how to dose correctly and then ask any questions that you have. Be brave and keep us posted.

Hi, I have an update on my partners condition, and to tell you more about it.... she was diagnosed last November, after having a stroke and seizure back then aswell. It happened again in february when her steroid medication dropped, but she recovered and was let home after a week....
She had Radiotherapy not long after and the tumor shrunk by half!.... until now...
So it's been 4 weeks on the half dose of oil, she was taken in on Saturday (having a seizure for the third time... in fact she had 4, which is worse than before) and they think that the tumor (judging by MRI scan results) has in fact got worse :/

It's a bit of a tough situation. We truely thought it was getting better! and the oil would blast it....
Anyway, they THINK it's got worse... whatever that means, they're sending the results to another hospital (the original hospital she when they diagnosed her and took a biopsy)

Thank you for your replys!
She's coming home later today.... I think we'll be continuing the oil later... see how she is...

The oil quality I know is very good... It's the white widow medical plant. I have a friend that grew it... he took the time and effort to buy the best equipment and do the research thoroughly. I was there whilst it was being made... so that I could learn myself for in the future... (i have nowhere to do it myself at the moment)
I've been syringing it onto a small peice of bread.... about a mouthful.... and giving her 1/4 in the morning and 1/4 at night.... just so you know ...
What a great idea!!!! I will take my biggest cast iron skillet with me. LOL Also next time I will tell 911 I will have coffee and donuts ready. Will that work?? LOL You really gave your wife a hard time didn't you. I would like to borrow her for awhile. hehe And yes it was a fantastic light show in the yard. I should of got some pics. Our driveway is about 1/4 mile long so we are well hidden just they way we like it. They are lucky we have enough acreage to accommodate. Poor hubby. He looks funny and uncomfortable using my old crutches. I am a lot shorter than him so they are not long enough
Hi cannabe1,

I've posted the fact that digesting the oil is not a cure. In fact when it comes to seizures, man made meds, pain, etc. it can have adverse affects. It can amplify issues, not correct them. You should really start from page 1 on the dosing tutorial and learn the correct way. YOU should learn the correct way and show your loved one. Then you know how it works and understand a bit more.

The biggest issue I've seen is people rush in, eat the mother load, get stoned, get paranoid/anxiety and toss it. Then they tell everyone they know 'yep, same o same o, their after the buzz. Fact; you have the best med in the world in the concentrate, bar none. It does everything you could imagine for good health, yet, not many people in the world know how to take it correctly. You have found a site that has it all here with knowledgeable people. I would advice you throw out what you know or learned and start from page one, on this thread. I would turn the thinking light on and go to work learning this. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just trying to get you on the right path as soon as possible. You will see a huge turn around when doing it correctly. Its not how much you take, its how you take it that matters most.

Thank you for your update as well as your honesty. Please take our advice and get your mate on the road to wellness.

Hi, I have an update on my partners condition, and to tell you more about it.... she was diagnosed last November, after having a stroke and seizure back then aswell. It happened again in february when her steroid medication dropped, but she recovered and was let home after a week....
She had Radiotherapy not long after and the tumor shrunk by half!.... until now...
So it's been 4 weeks on the half dose of oil, she was taken in on Saturday (having a seizure for the third time... in fact she had 4, which is worse than before) and they think that the tumor (judging by MRI scan results) has in fact got worse :/

It's a bit of a tough situation. We truely thought it was getting better! and the oil would blast it....
Anyway, they THINK it's got worse... whatever that means, they're sending the results to another hospital (the original hospital she when they diagnosed her and took a biopsy)

Thank you for your replys!
She's coming home later today.... I think we'll be continuing the oil later... see how she is...

The oil quality I know is very good... It's the white widow medical plant. I have a friend that grew it... he took the time and effort to buy the best equipment and do the research thoroughly. I was there whilst it was being made... so that I could learn myself for in the future... (i have nowhere to do it myself at the moment)
I've been syringing it onto a small peice of bread.... about a mouthful.... and giving her 1/4 in the morning and 1/4 at night.... just so you know ...
Thank you!
Yes, I read through a few pages on this thread this morning, paying more attention to the advice given for tacking on the gums... :)
I did this for my partner this morning. We're still on a half gram for another week....
So i've squeezed out half a gram into a tub, and cut it into 4. This morning I placed the first amount onto my finger and used a hair dryer to help make it less sticky, then put it on her gums as suggested (easier I do it at the moment, because she's still not fully stable) ... I found it a little difficult to get it all on there... maybe needed more heating up, felt stickier than I thought!
Quite a bit went on her teeth lol, as it was a little difficult to keep her still and stop talking! :p ... hopefully in a few days she can try doing it herself.
I'm learning...
Thank you for the advice in this thread, I'm still reading through.... just so you know... just wanted to update again.

We will find out next week what's going on with the tumor and why they assume it's gotten worse.... I'm just hoping it's the immflamation that's made the pictures look worse than they actually are :/ I hear that can happen sometimes...
Just a quick question... I let her wait 10 minutes before letting her sip some water.
I made sure she ate and drank before taking the oil but...even after telling her to wait, she kept grabbing for a drink! lol so stopped her and let her sip some water, about 10 minutes after.
Is this OK? or should it be avoided for just a little longer...?
Good morning all. fghtsmallcel how big of a dose are we talking about. Are we talking about the tack to hit the 1 receptor or the main dose if there is one. A small amount out of a syringe is a tough one. I use the a 1cc syringe and a small tack is right around .005 of a cc. The marking on the syringe are .1, .2 and so on. About half of 1 of those is a tack for getting things going. Maybe a group of straws cut open and then cut at different lengths so when you slip one on the stem and push gently. This would be a group effort for the wife and patient. Having the right straws on the dosing syringes for the day. The straws for the wife could be color coded for the position the syringe is in. It's just an idea and would take a little time to perfect but it may be a solution. Also maybe having the syringes in a warm place so the dispense easier.
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