Canada Guy's Medical Fusion Grow


Little LST later, the girls are flat and spread out again. I also defoliated some of the lower leaves that were laying right on the dirt and some that were not getting any light. Diesel #1 and Diesel #2 are looking female!! Woohoo! The only Mystery gender is Diesel #3. I wonder if all of my 4 regular seeds will end up being female... that would be pretty amazing.

The girls


Diesel #1


Diesel #2




She looks very nice like this


A little Defoil

Thought you had a secret weapon in that bag in the photo, but those are your clips, well a secret weapon anyway....just not so secret I guess. Looking awesome CG. So day 50 for us would be a week from Friday?
Thought you had a secret weapon in that bag in the photo, but those are your clips, well a secret weapon anyway....just not so secret I guess. Looking awesome CG. So day 50 for us would be a week from Friday?
I have a few more tricks up my sleeve. My true secret weapon is surfing 420 Mag and learning from others. Yeah week 8 sounds pretty good, they are filling in quite a bit. My LST method is pretty much the same end result as a full on Scrog, but with the convenience of mobility. That being said, 7 gallon pots freshly watered are a little heavy to move, but for the sake of our weekly picture day on Thursdays I will lug them around. I'm doing this for you guys, the readers, as I have seen many plants and many pics of plants developing. I want to not only document my grow but to give back to this great community.
I have a few more tricks up my sleeve. My true secret weapon is surfing 420 Mag and learning from others. Yeah week 8 sounds pretty good, they are filling in quite a bit. My LST method is pretty much the same end result as a full on Scrog, but with the convenience of mobility. That being said, 7 gallon pots freshly watered are a little heavy to move, but for the sake of our weekly picture day on Thursdays I will lug them around. I'm doing this for you guys, the readers, as I have seen many plants and many pics of plants developing. I want to not only document my grow but to give back to this great community.

So very true that 420mag is our secret weapon. And what a wonderful community we all have here. Hmmm....maybe some "higher ups" in this world could take a que from this example of how peoples of all walks of life and locations can come together for a greater cause. Hint, hint to those of authority. Your netless scrog is awesome CG. C'mon bushy bushes, treat us to a great finish.
Day 43

It's picture day!! The girls are now 6 weeks old. They have grown so much even in the past week! Everyone got a little water to get ready for the up pot tomorrow evening or Saturday. Diesel #3 is showing some nice alternating branches, so what it appears is that all 7 are female!!! Woohoo! Alright, on with the pictures.

The ladies


Diesel #3 looks like a lady


Diesel #1


Diesel #2


Diesel #3


Diesel #4


LSD #1


LSD #2


LSD #3


Thanks for following along.
Quick update

I spent about 2 hours doing some LST, some defoliating, and some HST. I even found the hygrometer again! Mostly Diesel #2 recieved the majority of the high stress training aka supercropping. If you are new to training plants my advice is to try it, you can only learn so much from others. Take the plunge, these plants are very resilient.

Diesel leaf


LSD leaf


Little HST


Diesel #2 supercropped and tied down


A little defoliation


In the bin and off to the compost


Not a forest any more .

Nicely done CG, love seeing the lst and defoliating in action. I am hoping after seeing it done 1000 times it will be easy my first time. Its kinda sad but I am excited to see your plants recover and take off lol.
Thank you. Just go for it, don't worry about taking too much off or breaking something. It's almost like a right of passage. I can yell at the top of my lungs BE GENTLE, but until you experience it for yourself you will not learn. I can bend my plants in circles, not because I researched a lot, but from experience. Once you break a branch you know where the limit is, as long as you stay under that you will realize your plants can be more bendy than Gumbo.
CG knows what he is speaking of....i reached the "gentle" threshold myself just yesterday. Your grow is going awesome CG. "girls" have shown no signs yet to confirm that they actually carry two x chromosomes....does the fact that they have alternating leaves on the branch an indicator of females? One of mine has alternating leaves yet the other's leaves are directly across the stem from one another with no alternating leaves.
CG knows what he is speaking of....i reached the "gentle" threshold myself just yesterday. Your grow is going awesome CG. "girls" have shown no signs yet to confirm that they actually carry two x chromosomes....does the fact that they have alternating leaves on the branch an indicator of females? One of mine has alternating leaves yet the other's leaves are directly across the stem from one another with no alternating leaves.
Yup one of the indicators is alternating branches, then pre flowers, then sweet sweet bud. This is my experience anyway, if anyone can say otherwise feel free to chime in.
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