Camping In The HashGround

You can chew on some peppercorns to come down a bit too. I went a little heavy on the infused oil a couple months ago and I felt like that helped me a bit. I'm a pretty anxious person to begin with. A few years ago I was hooked on black pepper spitz. It's kind of weird how I was drawn to them naturally, never knew about the anxiety thing then.
Hey @HashGirl hope your having a good day.
I take cbd every day.
It counteracts anxiety from pot and helps with pain.
After the fire I couldn't smoke without anxiety, it was pretty bad.
Cbd saved the day for sure.

Stay safe
Hey Bill, was this homegrown CBD or commercially bought?

had a little panic attack

I feel for our fellow human. That is no fun.

CBD weakens the bond between THC and the cannabinoid receptors throughout the body. ‘Knocking’ the THC off like that can reduce one’s sense of things being so overwhelming.

Vitamin C of all things can also be effective. My advice to anyone taking LSD (for example) for the first time from an unknown source is to have a bottle of chewable vitamin C in your pocket in case things go wrong. Same with THC. The liver is going to need vitamin C in quantity to metabolise it out.

These safety measures are very much ‘the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff‘’, but it’s good to know your First Aid.
Panic attacks are no joke.

I feel for our fellow human. That is no fun.

CBD weakens the bond between THC and the cannabinoid receptors throughout the body. ‘Knocking’ the THC off like that can reduce one’s sense of things being so overwhelming.

Vitamin C of all things can also be effective. My advice to anyone taking LSD (for example) for the first time from an unknown source is to have a bottle of chewable vitamin C in your pocket in case things go wrong. Same with THC. The liver is going to need vitamin C in quantity to metabolise it out.

These safety measures are very much ‘the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff‘’, but it’s good to know your First Aid.
Panic attacks are no joke.
No joke indeed my long hung friend definitely have bruises on my arm from her squeezing it all night , let's just say she was not happy hungry sleepy.

My clones are pointing towards light , I really hope they make it
Hey Bill, was this homegrown CBD or commercially bought?
Good morning @Renaissance Man hope your having a good day.
Unfortunately it was a purchased product.
Stacey gets it at work.
$25 lasts about 2 weeks.
Never did get my cbd crop off the ground so I had to buy it.
Between the cbd and rso I'm like a new man.
It's a God send.

Stay safe
Good morning @Renaissance Man hope your having a good day.
Unfortunately it was a purchased product.
Stacey gets it at work.
$25 lasts about 2 weeks.
Never did get my cbd crop off the ground so I had to buy it.
Between the cbd and rso I'm like a new man.
It's a God send.

Stay safe
I bought this CBD roll on from a CBD place here in town who was really selling me on his specific product for my upper back pain. I've tried it, but I still don't feel a difference. Need to do something else.
I bought this CBD roll on from a CBD place here in town who was really selling me on his specific product for my upper back pain. I've tried it, but I still don't feel a difference. Need to do something else.
I used to make a high thc salve, non psychoactive.
Was great for pain , brilliant actually.
But with out my garden I don't make it anymore.
So cbd oil is what I use.
1ml in the morning and sometimes 1 in the evening.
Then I take RSO in the afternoon.
Honestly stuff has changed my life.
It has helped with all aspects of my health.
I'm like a kitty with new litter now. :rofl:
RSO is other right of the pic.

Stay safe

I bought this CBD roll on from a CBD place here in town who was really selling me on his specific product for my upper back pain. I've tried it, but I still don't feel a difference. Need to do something else.
To get the most out of CBD, you should take it daily for at least 30 days. It needs to build up in your system to reap its full benefits.
Source: consultation with physician specializing in Cannabis
To get the most out of CBD, you should take it daily for at least 30 days. It needs to build up in your system to reap its full benefits.
Source: consultation with physician specializing in Cannabis
Ok I'm going to try again. The guy also told me to take it after a shower when my pores are opened up. You think once a day is enough?
Ok I'm going to try again. The guy also told me to take it after a shower when my pores are opened up. You think once a day is enough?
Once a day every morning for sure.
Then depending on how I feel in the evening I might take another ml.
So to be on the safe side budget for two ml's a day.

Stay safe
I bought this CBD roll on from a CBD place here in town who was really selling me on his specific product for my upper back pain. I've tried it, but I still don't feel a difference. Need to do something else.

For pain, you need both THC and CBD in your salve. THC targets the pain and CBD targets the inflammation. Here is my recipe, if you're interested:

HashGirl's Master Canna-Infused Pain Cream Recipe

I mentioned this in Shed's thread but we have a good book called CBD: A Patient's Guide to Medicinal Cannabis by Leonard Leinow and Juliana Birnbaum. It includes info on dosing based on a person's weight and condition and whether you want to start with a microdose or a macrodose and the parameters for each.

Then I take RSO in the afternoon.

Stay safe

Why do you take RSO?
For pain, you need both THC and CBD in your salve. THC targets the pain and CBD targets the inflammation. Here is my recipe, if you're interested:

HashGirl's Master Canna-Infused Pain Cream Recipe

I mentioned this in Shed's thread but we have a good book called CBD: A Patient's Guide to Medicinal Cannabis by Leonard Leinow and Juliana Birnbaum. It includes info on dosing based on a person's weight and condition and whether you want to start with a microdose or a macrodose and the parameters for each.

Why do you take RSO?
Hey @HashGirl hope your having a good day.
I've got a myriad of health issues.
The main reason was my back though.
I've got a broken vertebrae ,scoliosis, pinched sciatic nerve and degenerative disc disease.
Did construction 30 years, pretty much wrecked my body.
Not only has it drastically reduced my pain levels I can sleep again and my internal issues have greatly subsided.
Cbd and rso can't recommend them enough.

Stay safe
That's great! I'm so happy you have something that works for you.
That's great! I'm so happy you have something that works for you.
It was a long road to get here.
But things are getting better.
Thank you.

Stay safe
What are the signs of cold stress?
Almost looks like the early stages of a sulfur or magnesium deficiency, I'm very confident this is not the case , the cold weather will make the plant look like it's about to begin to fade , it also getting more of a red spectrum of light instead of a full , I've personally noticed plants look alot happier under a blue spectrum of light or a florescent,,, but I'm a huge believer in a red spectrum producing more trichomes , I don't think gorilla glue has any purple traits for that I have not grown it before , but if it does this cold weather will bring them out
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