BWC BayArea's Largest Solo Grow to Date

Love this pic.

I am also having the mold problem and since I do not use any pesticide I am having issues controlling it. I did go out today a bought some Organocide. Its OMRI listed. its 5% Sesame Oil, 92% Edible Fish Oil, 3% Lecithin. All natural ingredients. So I think it will be ok. Not sure if I am going to use it just yet. I will take a look in the morning and see if or how far the mold has spread.. I anyone has any experience with this I would greatly appreciate some feedback. Good luck with you issues. Otherwise you plants look wonderful.
i just woke up lol is mold the same as fungi ? i used an anti fungi it was seaweed extract (organic) at the start of my grow didn t kill it thou just kept the plant one step ahead of the disease i stopped it and the desese is now winning if you get me sorry cant give you the right path but surley someone here can...........can i just clarify ......all natural is organic? or not ? lucky weedtastic
Mold and fungi

i just woke up lol is mold the same as fungi ? i used an anti fungi it was seaweed extract (organic) at the start of my grow didn t kill it thou just kept the plant one step ahead of the disease i stopped it and the desese is now winning if you get me sorry cant give you the right path but surley someone here can...........can i just clarify ......all natural is organic? or not ? lucky weedtastic
Yes mold is just a more common name for fungi. All natural is not organic. Organic means free of pesticides, chemicals and artificial anything(s). Soil holding residual chemical fertilzers and/or pestacides are tested and often said to have levels too high for a gov approved certified organic. All natural to me just mean that natural ingredients or nutes were used. At least this is how I understand the organic vs. natural thing.
Mold and fungi

i just woke up lol is mold the same as fungi ? i used an anti fungi it was seaweed extract (organic) at the start of my grow didn t kill it thou just kept the plant one step ahead of the disease i stopped it and the desese is now winning if you get me sorry cant give you the right path but surley someone here can...........can i just clarify ......all natural is organic? or not ? lucky weedtastic
Yes mold is just a more common name for fungi. All natural is not organic. Organic means free of pesticides, chemicals and artificial anything(s). Soil holding residual chemical fertilizers and/or pesticides are tested and often said to have levels too high for a gov approved certified organic commercial growing. All natural to me just means that natural ingredients or nutes were used. At least this is how I understand the organic vs. natural thing. :peace:
8/21 Flower Day 28,Triplets Day 59

Ok so yesterday I watered as needed 2 1/2 gal PH 6.2 w/a cap of B1. My plants in coco are still DISPLAYING A NITROGEN AND P DEFICIENCY. HELP!!! The media on this one doesn't dry out so fast and every time I ask this question I don't seem to get an answer. Is it necessary to wait for the media to dry out b4 flushing?. I had 3 that were stunted of 4, I culled 2. Here are the 3 same age as the rest. I kept the one in the center.

Once I cut them I placed them o dry for cooking. Next I examined the root mass looking for rot. To my surprise I saw none. In fact the roots looked nice and white although no as extensive of a roots system as I'd expect. So I've come to the conclusion that they were stunted due to a PH or nutrient issue. I thought is was a soggy soil thing but roots were bright white.


Today I dipped my head in and no wilt and a few spots of PM (stoner day 2day). Trying to have a sulfur burner b4 the weekend's over unless its a bad idea to use during flower. Lemme know somethin u guys. Stop just stopin buy and lookin at pics. A few posts on this page contain unanswered questions.
do not use a sulfur burner the last 3/2 weeks before harvest its report to leave a funny taste after drying and u smoke the bud.

i have not grown in coco but i would imagine that as long as your medium has good drainage and does not hold water for long there is no problem with flushing, remember you want to get what you want out of the soil before it creates more problems. Waiting for it to dry out will make your plants take in nutrients.

NITROGEN AND P DEFICIENCY what are you feeding them?

do not use a sulfur burner the last 3/2 weeks before harvest its report to leave a funny taste after drying and u smoke the bud.

i have not grown in coco but i would imagine that as long as your medium has good drainage and does not hold water for long there is no problem with flushing, remember you want to get what you want out of the soil before it creates more problems. Waiting for it to dry out will make your plants take in nutrients.

NITROGEN AND P DEFICIENCY what are you feeding them?

Thanks 4 the info about the sulfur I'm in week 5. Thanks for info about flush. Will be flushing tomorrow. Guess I can either get a co3 burner or an ozone generator (for smell and powdery mildew) now that I don't have to worry bout a sulfur burner. I need to get control of the PM this weekend before it takes control, I don't want my harvest to diminish. What they're fed is in post #91. Pics of nutes pg. 3 post #37. thatboydean +reps
Ok, good news good day. New beans,a lead on good genetics, got a cool job lead, found another cool club, and picked up my copy of The Emperor Wears No Clothes, and I'll be doin some flushing and some other stuff tonite as well hopefully. This was a cool day, was able to turn a negative into a positive today, how refreshing. Just felt like sharing, I mean who else am I gonna tell, lol. Only thing is I'm tired as hell 2nite.
Flower Day 29, Triplets Day 60

Tonite I flushed (or attempted to) I ran 7 gal H2O/55mL Clearex PH 6.1-6.2 (borderline) through the triplets 3 gal pot. The runoff read 860 PPM, PH 5.0 I'm curious to know how my runoff PHed @ 5.0. U all see what I've been PHing my H2O/nutes and I just recalibrate d my PH pen last week, didn't look like it was really off but a tenth or two. Any ideas. Anyhow I dumped 5 gals runoff on some plants outside, hope it doesn't mess em up. Here's how I flushed:
I flushed inside the flowering room.
  • Placed the crate upside down over the open end of the bucket.Like so
  • I took a milk crate (that the fan was sitting on) and a clean 5 gal bucket. Placed the crate upside down over the open end of the bucket.Like so
  • Placed pot over bucket (all drain holes are over bucket).
  • Next I began to flush 2qts at a time.

    I tried to let some time elapse between refills but it got too time consuming. I'd do them back to back (2 qts at a time) and give it a few mins to work its way thru the medium and repeated.
  • Runoff was achieved after the 1st gallon and a half (pot was already still about half dry).

    I continued until the bucket was almost full.
  • Then I PHed the runoff and got PH 5.0 ,860 PPM. Guess I need to flush some more. I was thinking of letting the pot dry out and just repeat the same flush with plain water. NE opinions on that?

Threw the runoff on some outdoor plants. I then watered the rest of the pots as needed H2O PHed @ 6.1-6.2 borderline. Had 2 light 3 gal that took a gal each. Couple 1.5 gals that took 1-3qts. Some 1 gals that took 1-2 qts and the remaining cups (1 of which I dropped the fan on when putting the crated back). Its really getting hard to maneuver in there.

After the flush and the watering the temp was 76.3F and RH was 60%. I then set the AC to dehumidify and I may leave if a running like that all night. I also turned the heat on as well. I'll check the temp now and see what that did for the relative humidity. BRB. Ok its now 75.7F RH 55% so its dropped 5%. So I still see small PM spots and am still spraying away. Think I'll consult with a few associates and see what will work best at this point for the PM because I really don't want my harvest severely impacted over that.

The clones are growing. Tomorrow I'll have to re situate them because they're too tall to remain where they are. All look good. Except the one one the left. Some funky stuff is goin on with the leaves (a few of em). Don't feel like explaining w/out a pic and I forgot to take a few of the leaves. Here's a pic of all of em.
Thinkin bout momin the one in the right forefront. She was a top and I like the tight internodes and short build as opposed to taller with more internode space. I'll have to see if she stays this way or grows like here sisters. The one on the left oit is the Mazar (gotta mom her, she's the only one. Top of the one in flower). The top of the PK is in the middle in the rear (shortest one. Mom was stunted, but she was free to clone, LOL). I'll buy more eventually.
That's it for today time to smoke. :peace:
Looks like you have it all under control, clones are looking nice and good luck with the mothers. Great job..
just a quickie mate my understanding of flushing is this if im in a 3 gallon pots i wud have to flush with at least 6 gallons of water and wot i wud do personally is this id put my hose on slow then fill a empty 3 gallon pot to the top and time it once id timed it and say for instance it took 4 mins to fill id drop my hose into the plant i was flushing and leave it there for about 8 mins then id put another ph adjusted 3 gallon pot thru the soil i do intend using this method 2 weeks before harvest so we will know better if it works.....also mate got the pics up you where asking for hope they help yea lucky weedtastic oh and sorry your grow looks cool mate your doing really well lush green clones good job + reps
Flower day 30, Triplets day 61

Ok, I when I got home to check on the girls I noticed that the AC rez was overflowing. I left the dehumidifier on all night. Took a wet/dry vac and cleaned up water. Emptied res to use water later. I need to replace the gal container with like a bucket or somethin. Picked up a bottle of Serenade Garden Disease Control concentrate ($19.95 USD). Local (NorCal) product out of Davis, CA. It came highly recommended as a fungicide safe to use up to 3 days b4 harvest. The main ingredient is QST 713 strain of Bacillus subtillis(1.34%). Planned to use to suppress PM outbreaks.I read the instructions kinda vague on the application part. I don't know if I have to take each plant out of the room individually or what. And this shit stinks. For those that don't know powdery mildew is a systemic fungus. When U see symptoms (white spots), its said that the disease has been present for at least a 1-2 weeks. All sprays (that I'm familiar with) only suppress outbreaks (I'm assuming this is the same type of concept as herpes meds). If any1 has ever used this product (Serenade), ur advice is welcome. Yesterday I watered a few pots with H2O/Silicone solution PH 6.2, 2.5 gals total as needed. I noticed that my Deep Chunk x Strawberry Cough is showing resistance to PM (and showed resistance to mites too). I can look at the Mazar and see that the PM on the leaves is more course looking and pops up at various places Top bottom middle it doesn't matter. I even have a couple bud sites showing some browning pistils (don't know if its the mold or me spraying H2O/baking soda). The PK is susceptible o get attacked by anything. PM seems to work its way up on this strain and I've had mites over run this strain b4. I think the humidity,temps (low temps at night after lights go out for a few hours.), and mediocre circulation are the blame. PM 1st attacks the weaker plants like the stunted growth, underwatered/wilted, deficient, etc. It also appears o like warmer temps because the plants close to the back of the AC have recurrences more frequently I believe, due to the heat given off by the AC unit. The exhaust ducting is hot and melted the tape which allows small amounts of hot air to leak back into the grow room. This creates a warmer environment for this to take place I believe. For the air circulation I need another fan on the 600W side of the room because the circulation fan can't effectively circulate air from that distance through the dense foliage. Being that the plants are growing into each other its difficult to keep it from spreading to adjacent plants. When the triplets finish I'll have a little room to let everything breath.
Sound like you have a good plan. I bought some Serenade when I thought I had bud rot but never had a chance to use it. Hopefully will not have to. Any way good luck and I hope it all works out for you...
My questions is does ozone generated from these machines harm the environment?

No, ozone is not bad for the environment per se. It is a component of smog and can irritate your breathing airways, but will naturally break down back into O2. Most of us who have worked near laser printers know the smell of ozone as it is produced by the corona wire inside the printer while printing.

Also, ozone high in the atmosphere is what protects all of us from harmful levels of UV radiation.
Flower Day 32, Triplets 63

Thanks munki for the info bout the ozone. To make sure I understand U, the ozone breaks down into O2? I was afraid to use an ozone generator, thought it might be harmful to the environment. I posed the question to a few people but never got a str8 answer. Any how time for an update.
1st things 1st, I HATE SPRAYING!! Its already hard enough to maneuver in there. But the PM is trying to do too much I finally got a couple decent pics

I would normally take the plants out to spray but too many pots and plants are too big. The largest is around 3' and some inches (an estimate). So I sprayed in the room. Now I gotta get a vet vac to clean up so my humidity isn't jacked overnight. Got half of the room done taking a break now. I sure would like to see some1 control PM with baking soda and water. That shit might have worked in '76 when everyone smoked and grew schwag w/out hydro stores. Its 2009 and this new millennium powdery mildew ain't havin it. Seriously, I watched the PM grow all round areas almost covered in baking soda. Here I am running around in ignorance like an idiot trying this weak ass shit. Get the fuck outa here. People u all are witnesses that its not very effective. Here's what the PM damage looks like

This is what's being used to combat PM

and here's my sprayer
Plant being sprayed

Gotta get back in there and finish but a little eye candy til I return they're almost done, one more flush tomorrow
Finsish the update later. I gotta smoke and finish :smokin2::peace:

OK, so I finished spraying. I sprayed everything, foliage, stems, flowers, AC, reflective material, me, etc.
All but the trips were sprayed, they will cut this week most likely. I'll treat her with the soda water, at least I hope it will slow it to keep it on the foliage. I wet vacced the puddles from the floor
. One thing to remember when neeming, misting, or spraying taller plants MAKE SURE THEY HAVE PROPER SUPPORT. The weight of the liquid can break branches and rip roots when ur plant falls over. Learned this by doin it one too many times (not this time, I know better). All the foliage looks so bright and clean since I sprayed, I hope it doesn't mess my pistils up. Looking at this situation now and thinking of past experiences I've run into this problem b4 but I caught it in time this time. This shit will destroy ur foliage from the bottom up. Next thing you know ur plants look like bushy lolipops. Oh yeah b4 I forget, I supecroped two of the clones that were growing into the light. I have another area I'd like tho prepare for them. Next time I take pics of them u'll c it. Hope I didn't do it to soon. Think I covered everything. Kinda suck I gotta be the test dummy for this product for this site, but it looks like it'll be cool. I'll do a product review in that forum. I'm just worried about this humidity, half hour ago it was at 80%. The dehumidifier will be on tonite as well as the heater. That's it 4 now. Almost 4got I transplanted all but one of the cups to 1 gal and one 1.5 gal pots and watered with H2O/B1 yesterday.
Yup, buds aren't even buds yet. The mature ones didn't get sprayed, took em out til I was done. this stuff is supposed to hault the major fungi that are common to cannabis so I'm not too worried. The triplets were neemed in week 5, look at them now. Besides PM woulda turned this into a wasted effort, woulda been lucky to break even. A gamble worth taking. With the triplets I can break even worse case scenario. But we'll have to see about the bud rot, never dealt with it. What are the earliest signs?
High BWC, it sounds to me that you've got the right tools for the job. I wish you the best, and hope you get the PM issue under control :popcorn:
Yup, buds aren't even buds yet. The mature ones didn't get sprayed, took em out til I was done. this stuff is supposed to hault the major fungi that are common to cannabis so I'm not too worried. Besides PM woulda turned this into a wasted effort, woulda been lucky to break even. A gamble worth taking. With the triplets I can break even worse case scenario. But we'll have to see about the bud rot, never dealt with it. What are the earliest signs?
sorry mate from wot ive read there doesn t seem to be early signs as the bud rots from the inside out maybe someone here knows better id be interested lucky weedtastic
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