Watered everything (with the exception of stunted plants and triplets) on the 5th and 6th PH 6.0-6.1. Fed the triplets 1 gal (left over from last feeding) of bloom PH 6.1, 840 PPM on the 6th.
8-7 (yesterday) I transplanted 3 clones still in the red cups to recently cleaned 1 gal pots. 2 of the 3 were root bound with some root rot (they'll make it). This is my 1st time transplanting during flower. Mixed FF Ocean Forrest with Canna Coco. Lightly watered with H2O/B1 PH 6.2. Also cleaned up necrotic foliage beneath the canopy. The triplets buds are swelling and still producing resin. Next feeding, I'm gonna try a light dose of 1000 PPM nutes and see how they handle them. At least I;m considering doing so. Also supercropped a handful of tops to even out canopy under the 600W. Post pics next week so u can better see the new growth. All plants have blossomed and I have a garden with hella bud sites, problem is getting light to them all. The fans leaves have gotten so big plants are starting to shade each other out. I've been trying to make it a point to rotate the pots at least every other day.
8-8 Fed small cups and a couple 1, 1.5 gal pots and a 3gal with bloom mix PH 6.1, 850 PPM.I forgot to take pics like I was sayin in an earlier post, I finally went and picked up a pump and a couple airstones. I took an old lil giant pump that I had laying around, put that with the airstone in a 5 gal bucket of water (2gal) and plugged them up. Next I just dumped my nutes in one by one, no manual mixing. Hella fast and easy and I feel dumb for just now figuring this out but better late than never. I've also been battling humidity issues. With all of the dense overlapping foliage PM seems to pop up occasionally in small spots. I've been spraying areas that appear affected with baking soda/H2O. This neutralizes the PH of the leaf's surface creating an environment unsuitable for PM to grow. Although there are buds across the canopy, the plants that have been supercroped bud's are behind in development. I suppose they will be harvested a week or two later than the rest. Keep checkin' in more pics soon