Bud Washing

I wonder where the heavy metals that he found in cannabis are coming from.

He has not published any data. All this info comes from PR for his cannabis testing lab.
He's making a big push for testing for bacteria and fungi.
I wonder where the heavy metals that he found in cannabis are coming from.

He has not published any data. All this info comes from PR for his cannabis testing lab.
He's making a big push for testing for bacteria and fungi.

Agribusiness wants us afraid. Afraid of raw milk. Afraid of home cooking. Afraid of vegetables grown in someone's backyard. Worried that the meat wasn't processed in a USDA inspected 30,000 sq ft facility, afraid that pot grown by greedy drug dealers is full of heavy metals, etc.

Prohibition creates the problems. Government makes them worse by selling their regulatory schemes to frightened people who then submit to egregious violations of basic liberty in order to supposedly make something "safer."

Pot smokers have been ignoring stupid federal laws for 50 years now. They will continue to ignore stupid regulatory laws in the future. One way or another, the powers that be will find a way to abuse and steal from growers, via regulatory burdens.

Screw all that. Grow organically. Wash your produce. Nuff said.
Skybound, it it's relevant to this thread. I'm glad you shared. JUST where do the heavy metals come from? What are they? What percentage of samples?
And BTW, if someone sent you a multiple samples of weed with heavy metals, why not just turn them in to the environmental police and have them investigate?

Are they growing cannabis in the next love canal? Is someone selling them toxic soil? Toxic nutrients?

The article makes it sound like new strains genetically produce heavy metals- that's slander, or libel, or some kind of damaging lie.

People are FINALLY learning the lies of 50 years ago - so yes it riles me up to see "news" outlets spreading and echoing a new set of lies that will take 50 more years to squelch.
People are FINALLY learning the lies of 50 years ago - so yes it riles me up to see "news" outlets spreading and echoing a new set of lies that will take 50 more years to squelch.

It won't take 50 years as the truth is coming out more and more each day. These are the final desperate acts of those opposed to cannabis who haven't realized that they've already lost the war. It's just a matter of time now before everyone sees the truth.
well said Doc, prohibition is the main problem. The goverment has turned people into sheeps blindly following what they've been told to, they are so gullible, it's just sad. Everything they believe to be truth is just an illusion

a great quote that i think suits this is "The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting.

i bet you can't watch that video of Ann Coulter on piers morgan's show without getting frustrated

how embarrassing for a celebrity to have so many people watch you make a fool out of yourself.

all i can feel watching that video is anger at first and then it turns into sadness
Agribusiness wants us afraid. Afraid of raw milk. Afraid of home cooking. Afraid of vegetables grown in someone's backyard. Worried that the meat wasn't processed in a USDA inspected 30,000 sq ft facility, afraid that pot grown by greedy drug dealers is full of heavy metals, etc.

Prohibition creates the problems. Government makes them worse by selling their regulatory schemes to frightened people who then submit to egregious violations of basic liberty in order to supposedly make something "safer."

Pot smokers have been ignoring stupid federal laws for 50 years now. They will continue to ignore stupid regulatory laws in the future. One way or another, the powers that be will find a way to abuse and steal from growers, via regulatory burdens.

Screw all that. Grow organically. Wash your produce. Nuff said.

What I see, here in Colorado, is; the large, commercial cannabis growers are the ones lobbying for new regulations. They want to cut out small growers and restrict individual's right to grow and share plants. They are trying to convince the public that it is not possible to grow "medicine" outside of commercial, highly regulated settings.

Non-medicinal use regulations seem to be working reasonably well and many people are now doing small, personal grows. Here in CO, the MMJ industry is fighting for it's life. Expect more news like this.
Its crazy how ignorant Ann Coulter is. Pretty laughable and like you said, SAD. I'm a recreational user and theirs a time for me to use cannabis and a time not to use it. Just like alcohol. She assumes everyone who uses cannabis is high 24/7. I'm an even bigger fan of Piers now.:thumb:

Ann Coulter is not ignorant! She is a corrupt tool for the republican party. Her job is to rabble rouse the "anti-hippy-baseball capped-prescription drug addicted-elderly-conservatives."

She is a long-time Grateful Dead devotee. She's smoked it, probably still does. But if she wants work, she'll say her lines, which is what she does.

Pay no attention to her! She's a tool.
Coulter is tv's equivalent to a "shock jock." There is no substance there – her notoriety is based on her absurdity alone.
Advertisers want people that we'll gape at, so we'll be staring at the screen when the ad comes on.

Remember, television is entirely supported and financed by advertisers. The object is to hold eyes on the screen. So, next time you find yourself shocked or enraged or otherwise highly focused on the screen, remember that you're a guppy now. :cheesygrinsmiley: Look away from the screen. It's not real. You've been punked again. :laughtwo:
Very well put, Graytail. Dead on steel. I watch about five hours a week of TV and most of that is sponge Bob with my son. The rest of the time it's discovery, or Nat geo,, something kinda educational. Such a waste of time and it's geared towards,,, the guppies. ;)
Ann Coulter is not ignorant! She is a corrupt tool for the republican party. Her job is to rabble rouse the "anti-hippy-baseball capped-prescription drug addicted-elderly-conservatives."

She is a long-time Grateful Dead devotee. She's smoked it, probably still does. But if she wants work, she'll say her lines, which is what she does.

Pay no attention to her! She's a tool.

LOL thats disgusting, i always thought of her as a nutjob that actually believes all the things she says but this is even more sickening

Advertisers want people that we'll gape at, so we'll be staring at the screen when the ad comes on.

Remember, television is entirely supported and financed by advertisers. The object is to hold eyes on the screen. So, next time you find yourself shocked or enraged or otherwise highly focused on the screen, remember that you're a guppy now. :cheesygrinsmiley: Look away from the screen. It's not real. You've been punked again. :laughtwo:

couldn't have been said better :thumb:

any emotion felt through that souless square box at the corner of the room is the queue to look away.
LOL thats disgusting, i always thought of her as a nutjob that actually believes all the things she says but this is even more sickening

couldn't have been said better :thumb:

any emotion felt through that souless square box at the corner of the room is the queue to look away.

Careful. We are communicating on next gen soulless square boxes.

BTW. My oldest daughter was in the UofA audience clapping when Ann Coulter was pie'd :)
Careful. We are communicating on next gen soulless square boxes.

BTW. My oldest daughter was in the UofA audience clapping when Ann Coulter was pie'd :)

i know PC is an addiction, i was a gamer for over 10 years and just recently picked up growing and stopped doing that. This square box is different tho we can all feel it, people are moving away from the TV and if you are not a manipulated little potato you know that half BS they show are for a reason. Political campaigns bashing on rivals, countries bashing on other countries, its all a mess. IMHO if you watch TV for the news then you are doing it wrong, you might get some news but sure as hell not the way the incident happened.

That's why PC is an addiction, we choose what to browse or what to play, sure they can try and force things into us but we have the choice to say no and keep scrolling :laughtwo:

P.S your daughter is a champ :high-five:
Here's my 2nd wash on video.

Here's my 2nd wash on video.


Nice video. Thank you for showing how easy it is.

The only thing I would suggest is to use the same motion you use to shake the water off the leaves while the buds are under water.

Cannabis buds are extremely hydrophobic and need that quick movement to break up the bubbles and make the liquid flow over the whole bud. Otherwise, big bubbles form as you push the bud under water and the wash doesn't contact large portions of the buds.

Dip the bud under the liquid and use the same motion you would do to shake the water off the leaves. Do this until the bubbles stop coming off the bud. Then dip a couple of times slowly like you show to stir the wash around the bud.

The only other thing I do is to "whip" the remaining water off the bud top with a flick of the wrist before I hang it. Some people are using salad spinner to remove the excess water. In any case, my washed buds dry faster than my unwashed ones, so watch them carefully as they dry.
Here's a focus stacked image of the underside of a sugar leaf.

It really shows what's under these sugar leaves we all trim off. On the right is a calyx with a brown pistil.

Note all the missing trichome caps on the top edge of the leaf. This is pretty normal if the leaf rubs against other plants.

BTW. This was not washed. It's shown as it came off the plant.
good shot mate :thumb:

what lense did you use to snap it?
good shot mate :thumb:

what lense did you use to snap it?

Thanks! I'm happy some else enjoys these too.

It's an '80s vintage Cole Parmer dissecting microscope with a home made adapter for an old digital zoom camera. I have to bring the bud to the microscope, but I get a great view of the buds. This was made from 11 separate images.
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