Brix! The Quest For Grade AAA Organic Cannabis

Oh man. Already did my drench. Its ok the soil was still pretty fresh and im sure i could have gone with just water. Also the xp instructions on the bottle say .5ml to 1ml so i went with the lower amount doubled for a drench. Ill make sure to go full strength nect time.


They look good!

Just remember that erring on the high side of feeding is best for most strains. As it says in the directions:
The high side of the feeding schedule works better than the low side. If you know your crop and know it is a “light feeder” start on the low side. If you know your crop is robust and likes to gobble up nutrition, start on the heavy side. All recommendations can be safely doubled, even tripled without burning the plants, but doing so often results in no obvious benefit to plant health. Exceptions are one-time applications of Rescue and Super drenches.
Oh man. Already did my drench. Its ok the soil was still pretty fresh and im sure i could have gone with just water. Also the xp instructions on the bottle say .5ml to 1ml so i went with the lower amount doubled for a drench. Ill make sure to go full strength nect time.


They are looking great.. My personal experience, all 6 different strains I'm running I'm having to feed at 1-1/2 strength.
They look good!

Just remember that erring on the high side of feeding is best for most strains.

4 plants=4 gallons of soil=4ml drench per gallon of water. Double it because we're dunking:

8mil Transplant + 2mils Tea in one gallon. You'll underfeed if you do 4. bump it up.

They are looking great.. My personal experience, all 6 different strains I'm running I'm having to feed at 1-1/2 strength.

We may have to start recommending 1-2 ml per gallon for drenches and ... much higher for Tea? :hmmmm:
Im using the Dewey cloner. Its an airpowered aeroponic cloner. It works wonders. Love that thing! Def money well spent. No need for a dome, if i see them start to wilt i spray with water but once they stand on there own i dont spray. No hormones. I do use a water conditioner such as my fav z7 or a drop or two of bleach
Nothing beats the burner. I have a spray regimen for outdoor plants, but the burner works way better.

Thanks Doc. Everything is in for the burner, cant wait to let it rip. So 4 hours should be good with a warm mist vaporizer? Lights out room warm and humid with fans on oscillate. The plants will stay in the tent for the full 4 hour burn? I gotta water my plants again soon. Showing some deficiencies. Should i wait until after the burn? I think they are dry enough for some GE +Tea drizzled on top.

Merry Christmas RF, hope the new year bring you success and happiness!
Merry Christmas farmer. Hope all is well

Thanks guys!!! Merry Christmas to everyone! Wishing you a happy and successful 2018 too PW!
Thanks Doc. Everything is in for the burner, cant wait to let it rip. So 4 hours should be good with a warm mist vaporizer? Lights out room warm and humid with fans on oscillate. The plants will stay in the tent for the full 4 hour burn? I gotta water my plants again soon. Showing some deficiencies. Should i wait until after the burn? I think they are dry enough for some GE +Tea drizzled on top.

Thanks guys!!! Merry Christmas to everyone! Wishing you a happy and successful 2018 too PW!

Go ahead and water them. Run the burner when it's convenient.

Please show a pic of these deficiencies? a Rescue drench on the really yellowish ones. In fact, do it for all of them.

Will do doc thanks!

In addition, it looks like maybe they're not drying out? What are your ideas about how they got this way?

They'll bounce back for sure, but let them dry out, NOT TO WILT, just good and ready for moisture, then Rescue Drench.

Ive never grown in soil but i watered them about a week ago. I havent been home and it may be cold at night but they seem like they are ready for a drench. One plant looks like its starting to wilt. Ill check them tomorrow during the day.

Oh....sorry about the multi-post.....

What's under the tent? What's between the floor and the pots, and is that a concrete slab?

No worries. Under the tent is carpet and under the plants is a plastic germination tray and plastic insert. I think night temps maybe in the mid to high 60°s
Will do doc thanks!

Ive never grown in soil but i watered them about a week ago. I havent been home and it may be cold at night but they seem like they are ready for a drench. One plant looks like its starting to wilt. Ill check them tomorrow during the day.

No worries. Under the tent is carpet and under the plants is a plastic germination tray and plastic insert. I think night temps maybe in the mid to high 60°s

Concrete under the carpet? I think your night temps might be a tad low. See if you can warm things up a couple degrees. They'll come right back.
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