Brightlight's Strain Fest: Organics & LED

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Thanks Van. Will check it out. I've never used much Bio Char in my soil mixing. Mostly relied on samples so don't have one I prefer.

Boogie Brew is a NorCal company....Rohnert Part near Santa Rosa. Heard good things about it but haven't tried it. Like you thought it expensive. My teas were always simple & cheap to make. I bought a replacement hose end filter from them once. They sell a lot of interesting stuff for our interest.

If you use or plan to use enzymes, SLF-100 is like enzymes & much more. Not the same as the Hygrozymes or ProZymes. Bacteria based. I use it from start to finish as it has multiple uses. About 1x per wk. Not cheap but not as costly as MammothP. I started w/ a quart & have moved to gallon size, which is a way better value. Would like to hear how like it if you decide to try it.

Just single seeds of the fems & pairs of the regs. 9 whole packs at once? Thanks, that's a compliment. Hahaha....I wish I had that kind of energy. I've been on a strain spree lately but plan to narrow the scope to learn more about some of them. Those seed sales are addicting.

Doesn't sound like we're talking about the same product 4D? The Recharge I have is a dry powder form of microbes. No liquid or mixing involved. I just mix in a small amt like 1/4 tsp per gal. Since I use other microbe products, I'll use Recharge 2 or 3 times a grow.

:circle-of-love: :peace:

I hate to repost all this and take up the room but I dont know how to copy and paste certain parts or erase.
I use the same Recharge. Organics have no nutes to add. So do you add the recharge to plain water? Yes cause your organic. Or do you add it to your teas???
Heres the question..... if you were FF how would you add the recharge? With plain water after the feeding? or WITH the nutes??? The directions say to me...add with water after feeding every 10 days??? Dude at the grow shop said he thought its used to Recharge after stress only. I said I read also right before and right after flower. Ive been using it every 10 days after feed like the directions say. So BL you use the Recharge for the stretch only. I also wonder how much fluid? Ive been soaking them with the recharge. Maybe too much cause lil ones got burned. Maybe I can email the company like I can with FF.
Ive never sold dope. Ive always worked with garnishments and bought the eighth. No place to grow till now. I know your above and not interested in selling to collectives but the buyer took 2lbs. He dident explain procedure to get paid and his attitude was a lil different after he got the pot. He just said a couple days, a few people need to look at it. Called him 6 hrs later and told him how uncomfortable I was leaving. He said no worries it takes at least a week and if I like I can come get it. Told him how nice it is to get some reassurance and reminded him about my 4 different diseases and my PTSD and dont fuck with me but all all is well. His attitude got better. A couple years ago someone told me it takes him 3 months to get paid for him. I think he said he gets paid after they sell it. I mention this BL to get some feedback hopefully and I know some people read this and wonder too. I will figure all this out. It be nice to vend a few pounds of bud and shake a year. At least once is my goal. Told the buyer my biggest goal is to bring pot in so good it dont hit the shelf. Taboo subject I know but I would like to know the common procedure.
Young buck at the grow shop said his elec. bill is never under $350. when I told him mine last Aug-Sept was $350. Done right my elec. bill will never be over $150. Running two 600w HPS two grows a year with vegging under T'5s. My elec. bill now is $75. Thats my monthly avg. In the sunkissed (hot ass) San Joaquin valley! My indoor temp rarely gets above 80 deg. Its got to be over 95 outside and then the AC comes on. Big fans do wonders.
I pulled clones off all in the yard. A bunch of the White Master. A few off everything else. The TGA Pergutory is unlike any plant Ive seen as far as healthy, strong, skin texture, its funny to describe. TGA is from Santa Rosa and thats pretty cool.
Sick as shit all week got to go mow the yard. Thought I lost all this BL. Not logged in. fuck my computer skills suck.
Great Day.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

4Dutchess - By the laws of California, sales by a person (not a registered business) are still a misdemeanor.

As I understand it, this means you have no legal protection from receipts or contracts as it would be a legally encumbered and non-enforceable contract.

Without establishing yourself as a business entity, this is still the same sort of deal as it has been for decades.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I've never worked with any of the stores myself. I went to one when they first opened. I took some product I had that was a solid 9 in my books, was some Vantage I was working with at the time. They were getting almost 300 a oz at the time. They offered me 400 a quarter pound. I told them to take a hike and before I'd sell them that product at that price, I'd stand out front and give it away to his cuustomers at his front door. I could've repected a 150-175 per, but 100? I think they all have dollar signs in their eyes...
Yea that LOG soils are reused year after year. I don't know if I can post this site,, but they have alot of good read..
Dr Earth Living Organic Soils.
Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Hey Bl, top of the evenin to ya ,..and friends too! Just enjoying some interesting chat over here. Lots of growers using all kinds of different things to get to the same end goal, very interesting. All these products are trying to do the same things, and growers are putting it all in hoping for a great outcome, believing and hoping for the best. Most of the time they succeed in turning out some good produce, or even great produce. After many years of doing just those things , unless countless testing is done , ya never really know what your doin, at least i didn't anyhow. A big reason i grow the way i do now , is for the repeated success , reliability , and ease of use. Most , and i say most , of the guess work has been removed , by the people wearing lab coats every day. There is still room for improvement , and with all the new , exotic strains coming out, the 'testing' will continue. :)

Have a great night Bl and friends.:Namaste:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

4Dutchess - By the laws of California, sales by a person (not a registered business) are still a misdemeanor.

As I understand it, this means you have no legal protection from receipts or contracts as it would be a legally encumbered and non-enforceable contract.

Without establishing yourself as a business entity, this is still the same sort of deal as it has been for decades.

That ^^^ I don't usually talk business on line for a lot of reasons. BUT I have to step in, its a CASH crop there 4D - for me that means cash and carry ... no other way. Cant go into a dispensary and say I'll gladly pay you next week for a zip today?? Like the hamburgler cartoon.

No it doesn't work that way... thankfully.


On the LOS thing... soil dialed in... I use a specific recipe that is centered around compost. The recipe we use is the Coots mix - he's local to you up in Portlandia I believe. BL uses some of the best compost we can get bagged and sometimes I use the same ... BU's Montery blend.. bad ass goodness.

We make our own compost on a decent scale for our outdoor and indoor gardens and mix it into the soil recipe. We always get the new mix tested by our state university AG department .. tells us we are spot on or we need to make a few amendments. Then use it for several runs with minimal amending... I've got 5 runs under this last mix and it's going to be recycled and I already have a new batch of soil waiting.

I use the EM-1 along with Mycos from Mykes brand dry stuff.. can just put in the hole at transplant (1 tub lasts a year or more). The roots do the magic. It will still be there after chop as long as you don't wait in between ... chop cut a hole and transplant the next round ... same time same bat channel. I do the chop hang the plant take the pot we just harvested from and right away put another plant in there and a bit more mycos back into flower. Round and round we go, the ball turns. So 4-5 rounds nothing but flowers in those pots, so the soil gets a good workout. When it's done, recycle into outdoor garden compost pile(s).

Dr Earth stuff ain't bad for organics.. I can source things cheaper in larger quantities which I need, but we have a lot of gardens besides canna.

Listen on pricing... my take on it is, ONLY put out the BEST you have, set the price you need to get to cover costs and say $5/hr for your time. It's farming... I've told friends to take a hike when they try and low ball. Set your price fair ... I grow organic 100% soil, you don't see that in the dispensaries or if you do its 4 large or more.

Nowadays it's all about yields, unfortunately and it's not going to get any better I don't think. What I feel is that we as a group here @420mag, are growing above and beyond what is seen in the "store". We are growing the Cuban cigars of cannabis for an analogy, so hey expect to get what is deserved or walk. Set the bar... set it high ... we deserve it, and...... ready set puff. :passitleft:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I hate to repost all this and take up the room but I dont know how to copy and paste certain parts or erase.
I use the same Recharge. Organics have no nutes to add. So do you add the recharge to plain water? Yes cause your organic. Or do you add it to your teas???
Heres the question..... if you were FF how would you add the recharge? With plain water after the feeding? or WITH the nutes??? The directions say to me...add with water after feeding every 10 days??? Dude at the grow shop said he thought its used to Recharge after stress only. I said I read also right before and right after flower. Ive been using it every 10 days after feed like the directions say. So BL you use the Recharge for the stretch only. I also wonder how much fluid? Ive been soaking them with the recharge. Maybe too much cause lil ones got burned. Maybe I can email the company like I can with FF.
Ive never sold dope. Ive always worked with garnishments and bought the eighth. No place to grow till now. I know your above and not interested in selling to collectives but the buyer took 2lbs. He dident explain procedure to get paid and his attitude was a lil different after he got the pot. He just said a couple days, a few people need to look at it. Called him 6 hrs later and told him how uncomfortable I was leaving. He said no worries it takes at least a week and if I like I can come get it. Told him how nice it is to get some reassurance and reminded him about my 4 different diseases and my PTSD and dont fuck with me but all all is well. His attitude got better. A couple years ago someone told me it takes him 3 months to get paid for him. I think he said he gets paid after they sell it. I mention this BL to get some feedback hopefully and I know some people read this and wonder too. I will figure all this out. It be nice to vend a few pounds of bud and shake a year. At least once is my goal. Told the buyer my biggest goal is to bring pot in so good it dont hit the shelf. Taboo subject I know but I would like to know the common procedure.
Young buck at the grow shop said his elec. bill is never under $350. when I told him mine last Aug-Sept was $350. Done right my elec. bill will never be over $150. Running two 600w HPS two grows a year with vegging under T'5s. My elec. bill now is $75. Thats my monthly avg. In the sunkissed (hot ass) San Joaquin valley! My indoor temp rarely gets above 80 deg. Its got to be over 95 outside and then the AC comes on. Big fans do wonders.
I pulled clones off all in the yard. A bunch of the White Master. A few off everything else. The TGA Pergutory is unlike any plant Ive seen as far as healthy, strong, skin texture, its funny to describe. TGA is from Santa Rosa and thats pretty cool.
Sick as shit all week got to go mow the yard. Thought I lost all this BL. Not logged in. fuck my computer skills suck.
Great Day.

Recharge is microbe product so ok to add anytime you like. I don't follow a schedule with microbes but I do re-inoculate regularly using several products....from seedling to well into flower. I add to bucket of whatever I'm putting into the plant whether that liquid is straight water, a nutrient feeding, or tea/tonic. But always after other stuff is added & after pH. Since you grow with synthetics adding microbes is either a luxury or even a waste of money. Not necessary. Synthetics are plant ready & don't need microbes doing their thing to get nutrients into accessible forms. Synthetics don't create a microbe friendly root zone so likely a good portion of any added population will die off. Likely some always survive but if I was a production commercial grower using synths like you, I probably wouldn't even bother with microbes.

Well I know several commercial growers, even some that have formed their own collectives, & while I hear this & that about the trade, I'm really not that interested so I seldom ask any questions. Dispensaries out this way mostly have that "waiting period" to send out herb for pest, pesticide & mold testing. If it passes muster, then you get paid. Like NCW said, the prices to growers is bullish*t compared to what they sell it for. But good luck brother.

Electricity has gone from 13+ cents a kwhr when I started indoor growing to ~20 cents a kwhr only 4 yrs. later. A 53% increase! I run 15 panels & still use electricity carefully. But it pays off.....I paid those utility crooks just $26 last year for my entire household including 4 indoor runs. I actually postponed my indoor garden for more than 2 yrs. waiting for some LEDs I thought would be good enough after calculating the cost of a single 1000 HPS. So maybe look into a few panels 4D if you want to do commercial growing. :Namaste:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

That ^^^ I don't usually talk business on line for a lot of reasons. BUT I have to step in, its a CASH crop there 4D - for me that means cash and carry ... no other way. Cant go into a dispensary and say I'll gladly pay you next week for a zip today?? Like the hamburgler cartoon.

No it doesn't work that way... thankfully.


On the LOS thing... soil dialed in... I use a specific recipe that is centered around compost. The recipe we use is the Coots mix - he's local to you up in Portlandia I believe. BL uses some of the best compost we can get bagged and sometimes I use the same ... BU's Montery blend.. bad ass goodness.

We make our own compost on a decent scale for our outdoor and indoor gardens and mix it into the soil recipe. We always get the new mix tested by our state university AG department .. tells us we are spot on or we need to make a few amendments. Then use it for several runs with minimal amending... I've got 5 runs under this last mix and it's going to be recycled and I already have a new batch of soil waiting.

I use the EM-1 along with Mycos from Mykes brand dry stuff.. can just put in the hole at transplant (1 tub lasts a year or more). The roots do the magic. It will still be there after chop as long as you don't wait in between ... chop cut a hole and transplant the next round ... same time same bat channel. I do the chop hang the plant take the pot we just harvested from and right away put another plant in there and a bit more mycos back into flower. Round and round we go, the ball turns. So 4-5 rounds nothing but flowers in those pots, so the soil gets a good workout. When it's done, recycle into outdoor garden compost pile(s).

Dr Earth stuff ain't bad for organics.. I can source things cheaper in larger quantities which I need, but we have a lot of gardens besides canna.

Listen on pricing... my take on it is, ONLY put out the BEST you have, set the price you need to get to cover costs and say $5/hr for your time. It's farming... I've told friends to take a hike when they try and low ball. Set your price fair ... I grow organic 100% soil, you don't see that in the dispensaries or if you do its 4 large or more.

Nowadays it's all about yields, unfortunately and it's not going to get any better I don't think. What I feel is that we as a group here @420mag, are growing above and beyond what is seen in the "store". We are growing the Cuban cigars of cannabis for an analogy, so hey expect to get what is deserved or walk. Set the bar... set it high ... we deserve it, and...... ready set puff. :passitleft:

Lots of good points bob. Lol your post came in while I was replying to 4D. You perpetual soil organic growers always have my respect. I always marvel at how well LOS growers maintain a balanced soil & have the right stuff ready in the soil at any given stage.

Say on the Bu's Malibu...I know the NPK is very low all around with dairy cow compost, but it sure seemed to "last" a long time giving me more N in flower than preferred. So I've cut down how much I add to mix. Plus I've always wondered how much salt is in it being a manure based compost? What are your thoughts on those 2 concerns? :Namaste:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I have to say something on a point touched... Oh, wait Lynard Skynard needs cranking.

Better. About better weed. I have to think the people growing our favorite weeds, have now that the laws have lessened, people have gone crazy growing the best they can. Over the last 20 years weed's potience has exploded, Come on over 30% THC, the bud should crack back''''' damn near when you smoke it. If ya know what I mean. I feel that the plant has a top percent of THC you can get outta that flower. I think she's close to maxed out..I think the breeders have grown the best they can for abit?? Now I think they are looking for the best of the rest of the perfect 'Bag'. I call look, smell, and taste are all relevent in a GREAT BAG of weed... And with all that,, the perfect bag will never be found.. Nor the perfect way of growing... I'm just throwing a opinion out.... Look Away and Keepem Green
Brightlight's Outdoor & LED Gardens

Hola BL!
As always, looking good man! ..
@Norcaliwood how are ya? .
I'm not a big fan of "claimed high THC ratios as an indicator of superiority, myself. [IMO] Great herb is a balance of THC, CBD, CBN, terps, and the multitude of the other chemicals that compose its makeup. Which is why people have affinity for certain cuts over, even, certain hybrids or strains. As we know, not all plants are created equal; what floats your boat may not float mine. "30% THC" (which is more a construct of commercial "testing" than real world reality, I assure you) makes people think of "sheer power" (so they buy (into) it, & ignore the bigger picture. It's really "Marketing to Millennials 101" in full effect, as there's plenty of "15% THC" varietals with no ceiling that'll knock you on your ass out there-when what's being sold (at top dollar) is simply perception.
If you have your weed tested in Colorado & don't like the % that comes back, find a lab that skews to higher numbers, is how it really works. Testing isn't standardized, and a 2g sample is in no way indicative of any given kilo lot anyhow. If you don't think that the "average" sample that's submitted isn't the best top in the bunch, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale, cheap. .
Breeding right now isn't focused on how it should work; Target trait-based selections bred for consistency, and refined over multiple generations, knowing the genetics being worked with FULLY, and very very few if any aren't rushing anything they can to market, basically untested. Letting consumers do your beta testing for you at full price is lame. as. fuck.
It's primarily consisting of rank amateur polyhybrid crosses of polyhybrid crosses begetting the genetic clusterfucks that create the occasional lottery ticket-esque "unicorn." It's a big fucking money grab. And to be quite honest, I cant recall seeing one single grow room on 420 that's capable of the scale it takes to adequately hunt the mythical unicorn. Are you going to find a unicorn in an LED tent grow? Maybe, and you might get hit by lightning in the 7-11 parking lot while pumping gas or have a heart attack sitting on the shitter & go out like Elvis. Anything is possible.
To illustrate, I could name a handful of popular "breeders" and summarily gut their incorrect processes. But I won't. If someone spends the time doing research (Hint: If you're interested in deep research on why unicorns are an unstable mess, start with the one known as "Gorilla Glue #4" or anything "cookies" & dig around in those shitshows) & not buying into florid ad copy & pretty Instagram pictures, in time they'll figure out what's wrong, for themselves. Those too lazy to do so, get what they deserve.

Ok, ☕
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Unbelieveable!! Nice response!! Lots of info, Thank you! I came here last and my minds mush. I will come back and read and answer all when fresh. Thanks so much! Im coming here first.
The buyer called and said he wanted it. 2lbs outdoor for a grand. It was washed and I picked all the bud rot out of it. He said I get the money next Fri. I gots much to say.
Sorry to get so personal. I try not to. Rough world out there.
Great day, lets get stoned!!!
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Hello 420 Friends. :peace:
In the few months since joining, I've been surprised at the interest in outdoor gardens and decided to share mine. I recently started LED garden and completed the 1st grow. The 2nd is underway (barely). I'll adding a mini review of the completed LED grow and pick up with the 2nd as it goes along.

Your comments, advice, critiques, info, general banter & camaraderie will be welcome.

Location is 37º north. Base of foothills of inland valley. Not central valley but between coast and central valley. Very hot during outdoor grow season. Best when coastal fog comes in at night and cools the days.

Growing style is organic in the ground and in soft pots. I'm interested in and respect all grow styles, but have moved more and more in the organic/veganic direction.

Ok, ok....the strains. 818 Headband, Jamaican OG, Girl Scout Haze Cookies, Cheesedog, Lost Coast OG, Jacky White, Sage N Sour, and Northern Lights x BB auto. More on all of them later.

Seeds germinated early May indoors under T5's. Everything germinated but I lost an SnS by planting before radicle was long enough. It got confused and started growing in a circle and lost too much life energy. All were transplanted from 4" Jiffys to outdoor homes in early June.

Hardening up in shady sun before transplant.

Taking off outside. Like "Where's Waldo?", 9 in there.

A couple of weeks ago.


Hey there 4Dutchess! I like your growing style. Also, I know a guy who lives exactly where you are, and grows outdoors as well.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Unbelieveable!! Nice response!! Lots of info, Thank you! I came here last and my minds mush. I will come back and read and answer all when fresh. Thanks so much! Im coming here first.
The buyer called and said he wanted it. 2lbs outdoor for a grand. It was washed and I picked all the bud rot out of it. He said I get the money next Fri. I gots much to say.
Sorry to get so personal. I try not to. Rough world out there.
Great day, lets get stoned!!!

A thousand dollars is a thousand dollars.
Thirty-one dollars an ounce is thirty-one dollars more than nothing.
You gotta do what you gotta do, but selling your fine cannabis for just over a dollar a gram leaves the buyer with a hell of a lot of markup for running a lab test and putting it in a pill bottle.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

4Dutchess - By the laws of California, sales by a person (not a registered business) are still a misdemeanor.

As I understand it, this means you have no legal protection from receipts or contracts as it would be a legally encumbered and non-enforceable contract.

Without establishing yourself as a business entity, this is still the same sort of deal as it has been for decades.

I will try to answer and not repeat myself but first want to say thanks!!! And I will try to keep it as short as possible BL.
Radogast, the friend that gave me the lights got busted 1.5 yrs ago for having way too much, 200lbs outdoor he said. Why I got the lights. He said theres no laws or rules for any of this shit like vending. He said just dont ride around with more than a pound. He is not happy. First time ever he cant grow. Also I thought its legal for me to sell to a friend like a 1/4oz? As long as we are both patients?? No not legal but tolerated. depending on who you are and your record Im sure.
Not an enforceable contract, Id be his worth nightmare. 1st I can beat his ass (and im not that tough). He's my age and in worse shape, imagine that. I'd contemplate calling the cops and the newspapers and tell them how theyre robbing a patient. Id fucking picket his business with a BIG sign. Sit out front and tell everyone going in how they robbed me of two pounds. As they say in Hawaii... Id pop like one fire cracker! It would not be nice. And thats what the PTSD is about, hopefully he can read between the lines.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I've never worked with any of the stores myself. I went to one when they first opened. I took some product I had that was a solid 9 in my books, was some Vantage I was working with at the time. They were getting almost 300 a oz at the time. They offered me 400 a quarter pound. I told them to take a hike and before I'd sell them that product at that price, I'd stand out front and give it away to his cuustomers at his front door. I could've repected a 150-175 per, but 100? I think they all have dollar signs in their eyes...
Yea that LOG soils are reused year after year. I don't know if I can post this site,, but they have alot of good read..
Dr Earth Living Organic Soils.
Keepem Green

They are snakes bro. Plain and simple. The main reason Im letting it go for a grand is I dont need all this weed at the house and I got more coming. Its had the budrot picked out of it 3 times and it was washed. a cup of B.soda and L.juice PER gallon at first. There is Bsoda residue on the first wash. I got all this indoor to smoke NCW. Also I figure give it away the first time and maybe I will get fair market (yea right) value next time. They pay half of what they sell it for for some, I saw their turkey bags label. I told him so. Im guessing just my trim he will get. In fact thats what I will bring in next.
Went to get my Coe ticket yesterday. Got to do it from the computer. Again, figure go to shows I think will be worth the price of admission. Thanks for your help NCW
Crackin back like one cracker jack! Glad those days are long gone. Id have nothing. No Direct TV for sure
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Brightlight, thanks so much for the effort and knowledge. I will never be a commercial grower. A good guess is this guy aint sending none to be tested. Hope he does. Im curious of THC content and baking soda residue. I think hes going to try to sell all he can for as much as he can. I told him I guarantee no one will say they dident get stoned.
I will use the recharge every 10 days with plain water after feed. I bought it might as well use it.
Im trying not to blow up your thread with my stuff BL. No pics of my current yard grow!! :) and its savage!!
Great weekend!
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Bob Brown, I dont understand that 100%. My fault, no worries, im a dumb ass. Cash and carry? to me that means no banks for them. That means they have the funds to pay me at drop off if their not testing it. Im an honest fucker living in a dishonest world. I ALWAYS try to practice the golden rule.
I will always be a "specialty grower" never more than a few pounds a year indoor and out.
Thank you for your input.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

KevinL, I thought those were your pics posted.
EXACTLY where Im at!!!! Damn Im that revealing!! If anyone comes by call first :) and between the hours of 8am-8pm. No tweeks, or crackin back cracker jacks. :)

Jgrwlove, I like your style. Quiet but there.

2hrs on BL's thread. Mind is mush. My clones drooped kinda. got them too hot, 85deg. Told you, a dumb ass I am.
Ive got plants over 6.5 ft before stretch. How big are they going to get!!!! What fuckin fun!!!!!
Ok, Im here to help and make the world a better place. Maybe cause a smile here and there. Oh and become an awesome specialty grower! Almost 40yrs of being stoned. So happy I can grow my own smoke!!
Ok, you can take this to the bank...... Just like Baretta back in 1978 and your ole lady will love you long time and not NEED a boyfriend trust me, She be following you around like one puppy dog I tell you!! :)....... Google, The 5 reasons men should do Yoga and practice. They are all true!
Great Weekend 420
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