Boo’s Perpetual Grow Journal

Here's a little update on Miss Black and Bedhead Blue. :cheesygrinsmiley: Black first. I think she’s getting ready to come down. I’ve got some workers coming Monday thru Weds and then Friday so, since the weather is going to be glorious (of course), I’ll stash her in the basement and trim her at the end of the week - so a week from now.

My messy haired Blue is starting to stack. She smells really earthy right now and is taking a gallon of nutes about every three days. Just a gorgeous plant. :love:

I took the pics of Blue right before lights out and she’s a lot like Girl Scout Cookie was - ready for bed! Some plants I’ve grown have that end of light day droop and some don’t but it’s always nice to see their happy faces in the morning. :p We’ve had some mild weather here lately and it’s been nice. Supposed to get a couple of inches of snow tomorrow…works for me! :cheesygrinsmiley::peace::love:
Miss Black looks yummy, and here comes the frost on Miss Blue!
Some plants I’ve grown have that end of light day droop and some don’t but it’s always nice to see their happy faces in the morning.
The one I'm growing now is the first drooper I've had (back when she actually had some leaves... :oops:)
Lights out is 5:30pm, and she'd start drooping at about 3:30 every day, but she always looked fine in the morning..
Both of your plants are lovely, Boo, though I'm still having trouble telling them apart! :laughtwo:
She's a beauty, Boo!
I‘m not seeing much blue though
It should show up a little later on- this is my Blueberry @ harvest time- 2 tone green and purple...
Yours is going to be considerably bigger, I'm pretty sure :)
Blueberry Harvest time.jpg
I‘m not seeing much blue though….:hmmmm::peace:

She's a beauty, Boo!

It should show up a little later on- this is my Blueberry @ harvest time- 2 tone green and purple...
Yours is going to be considerably bigger, I'm pretty sure :)
Blueberry Harvest time.jpg
Okay, blue and purple are the same color. I'm glad I'm not the only one! :laughtwo:
:ciao: Hope all is well. I harvested the BlackBerry Kush on Saturday, and totally forgot to take any pics! She is currently in paper bags in the fridge and doing well. Miss Blue is plugging along. Her buds are stacking.

And despite the slight tip burn, her color is gorgeous. :love:

The @Prescription Blend nutrients are doing a fine job. :high-five: It's been crazy around here the last week with work being done in the house. Its completely disassembled. But, on a positive note, my sweet little foster Wally got adopted. :love: I wish a long and happy life for him.
Miss Blue is plugging along. Her buds are stacking.
My eyes aren't good enough to see any tip burn, all I see is a near-perfect plant...
And a real frosty one at that...

And congrats on the harvest! (now that we believe you) :)
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