Hi all! Today I weighed my current lights and the sweet Atreum Hydras. I weighed both of them with their power cord because my lights don't look like separating the power cord is possible (which is a down check in my book) and I want to be fair. The Atreum lights - whose power cord is easily detachable - seem to have a cord that is slightly smaller in diameter than my current ones - which I appreciate since I feel like I'm battling with the cords on my current lights - they are bulky and heavy. Okay - on to the weights.... These are goofy pics since I was standing on the scale and trying to keep the lights safe in my arms while taking a picture, lol! Here goes. This is my current light which states that it is 2.77 pounds:
My weight:
My weight holding the light:
My math in public thinks this light weighs about 4.4 lbs vice 2.77 listed. Perhaps that is the weight without the controls and drivers? Here is my weight again (lost a little running back and forth doing this!):
And here is my weight with the Atreum Hydra:
Rough math in public here shows that the Atreum Hydra is 4 pounds, which is pretty close to their 4.3 listed. Based on this loose scientific experiment, I would say that they are approximately the same weight. I think my next update will include moving Miss Chocodope (carefully) into the new tent under the Atreum Lights to check LUX.
Hopefully this made sense and isn't flawed. It was the safest and easiest way I could think of to experiment!