Bluter's Happy Home For Hilarious Hempsters

after thought .. i keep growing weed but everyone wants to know about mom's garden ...

i'm gonna toss her some outside next year just to get some interest in the thread ... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thats awesome bluter! :passitleft: Love the pellet gun. Got one for ground squirrels! I use the Montreal on all my steaks and such. Have a good one!
in the queue ...

probably running two of these with powerplant soon. decisions decisions ... :)
happy canada day !

quick shoutout to all the other canadians - we just got hockey back !

this poor place has been tumbleweeds the last couple weeks. work has been killer. i have a chop right soon though, and pics etc will be forthcoming. hope to get a look today.

everyone wave a maple leaf and have couple hoots today .. :Rasta:
uuuuhhh a few happenings .. learned this may be in the future

not holding my breath ... but if it happens i'm definitely getting it in to the jungle room. it's a sweetie, will be sure it gets featured ... lightzilla might be endangered :p
after thought .. i keep growing weed but everyone wants to know about mom's garden ...

i'm gonna toss her some outside next year just to get some interest in the thread ... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Sweet older lady tending a non-weed garden. Not something you see on here everyday.
I just got tomatoes starting on my plants. I planted a little late due to temps.

Holy smokes!!! Congrats on the honor dear.
They picked an excellent recipient this month.
uuuuhhh a few happenings .. learned this may be in the future

not holding my breath ... but if it happens i'm definitely getting it in to the jungle room. it's a sweetie, will be sure it gets featured ... lightzilla might be endangered :p
Congratulations on the win looks good next to the avatar . Yes it’s happening, I got the light also waiting to get roots on the clones to use it .
Congrats on the new title!

i'm stunned. really. i get told that all the time. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Sweet older lady tending a non-weed garden. Not something you see on here everyday.
I just got tomatoes starting on my plants. I planted a little late due to temps.

she's super surprising in her own way. bible thumper who hates any racial / sexual / political discrimination etc, and vocal about it. but only if asked, otherwise sweet old lady. she had a hard hard life. nearly died as an infant etc.

should put her in a pic or two. she really doesn't care. she says she won't live long enough for them to come punish her .... i told her it's ok now lol :laughtwo:

Holy smokes!!! Congrats on the honor dear.
They picked an excellent recipient this month.

maybe they're stunned too. not sure they read the whole thing yet.. :p

everyone should probably just sleep on it. it's canada day today, so i'm having a personal blast, and then i'm gonna come back to to this and see if it's true... :rofl:

Double congrats bluter! :bravo: Happy Canada day and way to go on your JOTM!

cheers fred.

i'm kinda wondering if i have to give up the whole pissant smirking in the corner thing now .. :p
Hey Bluter & Company!

Congrats on the JOTM man, well deserved!!!

Seeking advice from the hempy brain trust. I’m thinking about doing a hempy grow. And... trying to get away using existing hydro nutes House & Garden Aqua Flakes plus I have cal-mag etc. Soon I will get mega crop but new beans trump all that.

I have untested well water 360 foot in granite. For hempy do I have to adjust ph or can I avoid this by using distilled water or spring water instead? If I get a water hose RO filter do I still have to adjust ph?

I fucking hate checking ph and chasing ph swing. Do you mix small daily batches?

Depending on your reply - I may postpone my hempy grow until fall or winter when I’m not so busy. I will just probably just start them in soil for now.
Hey Bluter & Company!

Congrats on the JOTM man, well deserved!!!

Seeking advice from the hempy brain trust. I’m thinking about doing a hempy grow. And... trying to get away using existing hydro nutes House & Garden Aqua Flakes plus I have cal-mag etc. Soon I will get mega crop but new beans trump all that.

I have untested well water 360 foot in granite. For hempy do I have to adjust ph or can I avoid this by using distilled water or spring water instead? If I get a water hose RO filter do I still have to adjust ph?

I fucking hate checking ph and chasing ph swing. Do you mix small daily batches?

Depending on your reply - I may postpone my hempy grow until fall or winter when I’m not so busy.

Dutch/Bato buckets are hydro. You have to pH to the normal 5.5-6.5 range.
Thanks multiVortex... I figured that was coming! Well that sucks a plenty, sadly I must shelve the hempy grow for summer. I’ll run these autos in soil now.

I’ve got blulabs pen & calibrate juice, ph up & down I know the basics but suck at hydro stuff.

How do you beat ph drift? Let water sit out? Do you mix fresh nutes each day? What strength is your nute mix when you feed every single day? Then feed 2 X per day in flower?

Sorry for questions You don’t gotta type a lot - if you know a good link I’d be stoked!
Thanks multiVortex... I figured that was coming! Well that sucks a plenty, sadly I must shelve the hempy grow for summer. I’ll run these autos in soil now.

I’ve got blulabs pen & calibrate juice, ph up & down I know the basics but suck at hydro stuff.

How do you beat ph drift? Let water sit out? Do you mix fresh nutes each day? What strength is your nute mix when you feed every single day? Then feed 2 X per day in flower?

Sorry for questions You don’t gotta type a lot - if you know a good link I’d be stoked!

Bluter will be better at answering that to be specific to your situation as I recirculate mine. However, I should be able to get you to third, and Bluter can bat you in with some tweaks.

Since you’re watering by hand, I would mix it up once a day. You could even mix enough for two days. Check the pH before you feed, no problem. What happens in the container happens in the container.

Feed strength is the same. Not sure what you’re going to run for nutes, but keep it within normal boundaries and you’ll be ok. For example, if you were running the gh trio, an stuff, etc, standard “half the amount listed” applies. If you were to run mega crop, maybe back it off a tick and watch your leaves like a hawk. You will probably need calmag. I've come to find that I need to start the calmag a little higher than I had been. Right now I'm 2.5ml/gal for week 1, then 5ml/gal from week 2 through the flip, and through week 4 or 5 in flower shorter flowering times are through week 4, longer is through week 5. For the record, the calmag I use has zero nitrogen. (Organic from True Plant Science.) At that point, I back it down to 2.5ml/gal. However, I'm in the middle of working through this, but with RO water and LED's, I've found that should be enough. Get it dosed hard for a while, and get it building up in the cells.

For a seedling, until the roots become established, you may have to water more frequently. Depends on size of container, etc. If solo cupping it initially, it shouldn't take too long for the roots to get down. The perlite will wick moisture though, so that helps.
Thank you very much MV.

Nutes are left over House & Garden Aqua Flakes & cal mag. I killed a shit ton of beans in my first pass with it so the bottles are nearly full. I will upgrade to megacrop eventually but trying to be thrifty for now. Thanks for tip on zero N cal-mag, I will get some of that pronto.

Nice I hear ya - what happens in Vegas stays in the container!

Yes, on the solo cup start up. Cool, I know about floating for the upcan if needed. But you guys kill it with 2 liters of perlite and honking monster trees that tip the bucket over. If I could mix every 2 days then that’s a game changer. I may still wait for fall season to start hempy but gives me confidence I can do it...!

Bookmarked fo sho, I’m indebted!
How do you beat ph drift? Let water sit out? Do you mix fresh nutes each day? What strength is your nute mix when you feed every single day? Then feed 2 X per day in flower?

ph drift is not a thing in hempy or coco. do not monitor runoff ph or ppm. it means nothing.
keep your inputs monitored and in the correct ranges for ppm and ph. your inputs matter. the outputs don't. the frequent water changes are designed to keep ph in reason. ph matters a lot less in mega crop as well.

i'm on mc and can premix if i feel like it. i usually mix nutes 12 - 24 hrs ahead. mostly as a convenience, it's not required and i can mix anytime.

Nutes are left over House & Garden Aqua Flakes & cal mag. I killed a shit ton of beans in my first pass with it so the bottles are nearly full. I will upgrade to megacrop eventually but trying to be thrifty for now.

i'm guessing you ran too hot to start. could be a lot of things though.

i've no idea on those nutes. i would definitely get some cannabis nutes.

ok - a quick look reveals they are aiming those nutes at cannabis - at least sort of. It also looks like they are a hydro nute. if that is the case then you are good to go so long as you grab some cal-mag.

they have a few different nute lines, would be good to see what you have. i would do a couple grows with what you have just to use the nutes up. depending on which version of those nutes you have, they should work just fine in hempy.

If I could mix every 2 days then that’s a game changer.

you can use a larger bucket for less frequent feedings. i run 2L and 5L buckets. the 5L only needs to get fed every second or third day depending on how large the plant is, the stage, and how much i choose to fertigate.

it's called fertigate since you fertilize and irrigate (water) each time the plant receives liquid.

feel free to drop by and ask anything you like.

also check out this thread - it's kind of the unofficial home of hempy on the board.

uuuuhhh a few happenings .. learned this may be in the future

not holding my breath ... but if it happens i'm definitely getting it in to the jungle room. it's a sweetie, will be sure it gets featured ... lightzilla might be endangered :p
I love the new prize list... MEGA is back, geoflora, 7gal geopots, purpinator instead of just terpinator ... wow. Congratulations! Lightzilla is definitely in a competition now!
Hey Bluter!

Yes House & Garden Aqua Flakes are cannabis nutes, probably not good ones - but what my grow shop pushed at a newbie. Yes I will need to buy a ppm meter if I’m going to utilize those H&G nutes.

Checking runoff ph is what screwed me in first place, I will not chase that again! I like what I hear.... ph is not as important in megacrop? That’s radical music to my ears & more of what I hoped for. But I know I need to follow “the rules” based on media and flower type.

I’ve lurked Hilarious Hempsters for a while and will continue. Then I will start over back at page 1 and read up before I ever soak my hempy beans.

This helps tremendously guys - Thanks for your expertise!!!
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