Blue Angel 2019

:laughtwo: No faith! Lol jk I built my first tent and knew what to expect with building the second one from the first. So it was a bit easier to figure it out. The panda film is much easier to work with as it’s a thicker more sturdier material. Building the tent, no problem! Dialing it in to the way I like it, Is the problem. I had my old tent, exactly the way I liked it, and dialled in. Now the frustrating part of dialling it in is what’s in store for me.

I just used panda film material for the door, tapped it above and dropped it down in front.

I did that with my old door I made in the last tent, but I taped some metal coat hangers around the outer edge of the door and centre to maintain a flat door, the coat hangers helped and served its purpose. I can’t do that with this door as it’s a much bigger door. Again, trying to dial it in is the tricky part.
I am super intrigued! I really like it and the new vent too! I just finished my frames reinforcement. I like the panda film and seems to do the job just right. I legit can't wait to see the plants. I hope you get it dialed in perfect but don't keep us in the dark on how you got it there haha.
Gosh - I'm thinkin' it would be easier to build a log cabin and then wrap it !!!! Yer Gnome would be right at home!!! :thumb:


"Rather build something than buy it - saving a dime" - I can't figure out that quote thingy!!!

Are we tarred with the same brush???

Hahaha you too eh? :laughtwo:

For the quote thingy, just highlight what you want quoted and after it’s highlighted, it’ll give you an option to quote it or reply, hit reply and it will pop up in the text box like this.

I can't figure out that quote thingy!!!

:thumb: Hope that helps!!

How are the girls in Veg bro? I'm sure fantastic. :passitleft:

Haha I’m glad you asked! I’ve been so caught up with this damn tent that I haven’t really shown the plants since last feeding. I have an update to post here shortly. (I need to prep supper and bbq up some hamburgers so it might have to wait till the daughter goes to bed) but I’ll try and get the post started. Thanks for stopping in and reminding me about the plants bro! :high-five:

I am super intrigued! I really like it and the new vent too! I just finished my frames reinforcement. I like the panda film and seems to do the job just right. I legit can't wait to see the plants. I hope you get it dialed in perfect but don't keep us in the dark on how you got it there haha.

I haven’t been over to your journal in a while, I’ll have to stop in and see if there’s any progress! It’s been acting weird and not giving me notifications on certain threads so I apologize to anyone if I haven’t been there in a while!

Your tent looked awesome last time I saw it! The panda film is the cats ass! Just need to get er’ dialed in. I’ll be sure to post any changes I make on the tent! You got it man!! :thumb:

Drove to the landfill this morning, just to find out they were closed, go figure, I should have known.

Went to C-tire to take back “the wrong” bug spray. While I was there, I looked for some Velcro. All I could find was the 3M picture hanging Velcro. I bought it anyways, just to try it out. I shouldn’t have, I guess we’ll be hanging our pictures with 3M Velcro in our near future.

Was quiet time, and the daughter “went down for a nap” I use quotations because I’m imitating them with my hands. She didn’t nap at all, but I tapped in another fresh air intake to try combat so much negative air pressure. It didn’t necessarily help, I mean, I’m sure it does but it didn’t seem like it. Pulled my 3M Velcro tabs off.

So I gave up on that, for the time being.

I then went to my garage, and started mixing my soil in with perlite, then started filling up my 5 gal cloth pots. This is all so new to me, filling up a THIRD pot!

I soon ran out of soil and perlite. So I ran out again, went to my local peavey mart, bought some soil, and a 8L bag of perlite. Then went to wal mart, bought some groceries (even got some more of those drumstick ice cream cones:kiss:) as well as the “Velcro” brand of Velcro strips they have in the sewing isle.

Came home, finished filling up my pots about half way. Mixed the rest of my soil and perlite in a plastic 5 gal bucket. Upstairs I went! The “fun” is only beginning.

Cut a piece of panda film laid it down.

Blue Cookie was up first.

What a pain in the ass this was, my daughter was up at this time, so keeping her behind the door and out of my room was a challenge. I managed! A lot of crying and whining, then there was my daughter too! :laughtwo: Just kidding, my daughter loves me so she was pretty upset that she couldn’t hang out with me. “Ohh look dad! Plant!” :goof: Yes sweetheart! Daddy’s busy!

I almost dropped the BC as I was fumbling the plant upside down, dropping soil and perlite everywhere, fumbling with my phone in my other hand, managed to hit the wrong app, so I had to use my nose to get out of that app and into photos before I got a pic of the roots. But again, I managed..

The DA1 is up next. By this time I got my wife’s attention to help with the pictures. The rest went a lil easier. So the pictures got a bit messed up, but good thing for time stamps! I’ve never had to say that, but I heard @Alafornia say it once, now it’s my turn. :goof:

Last but not least, the DA2 was up next.

I then dropped them in the tent! (Finally) switched my light timers around so the tent is plugged in to my Veg light timer. Hit the switch on my light, and BAM! Let their be light! (Sorry for my language), but those bitches better love their new home!

Didn’t turn my carbon fan combo on, just turned the fan on inside the tent, dropped the door down. Walked away. That was at, 3:50pm mountain standard time.

Went online on my favourite website the :420: checked a few notifications. Then made supper cut up fresh carrots cooked in butter and dill, and hamburgers. Was delicious! Long story short, Put the daughter to bed and went back to check on the girls.

So I might add, the hygrometer said 26.2 Celsius at 3:50

Later at 7 pm it said 31.2 Celsius, what did I expect right? So I placed a couple new Velcro strips (one in the middle both sides as well as the bottom both sides and left the two old ones on up top) turned my carbon fan combo on and the new strips seem to be helping. Within 5 mins it dropped the temp by a full degree. I also cut in extra holes in the bottom of the tent along the front to help take the stress off the door.


Here’s another picture I took that I thought was neat,


I’m going to go upstairs right now, and check to see what the temperature is.

:slide:<— that’s me running upstairs, and back downstairs.

Well the hygrometer said 29.2 so I need to play with that a bit, it was also really warm today in Alberta.

I could probably take the tube off the carbon filter, because I don’t necessarily need it right now. For for now, it’s fine, I’m tired, and need to get ready for work tomorrow.

Time for me to put my feet up with my ice cream cone and watch some “The Wire” it’s an older tv show, but it’s really good.

Well, thanks for tuning in! I appreciate you all!! :thanks::ciao:

lookin good man!
sounds like alot of running around and shit though
i am also in alberta, wasnt that hot today....
and i got a 40$ inline fan from vivosun on amazon seems to do pretty good on my dry tent intake to take some of that negative pressure off

Thanks lungren! The wind was nice, and helped keep things somewhat cool, but the sun barreling into the windows made it it hot. I had the blinds closed, but that only does so much. I’m south of Edmonton a lil ways, and we had sun all day, partly cloudy, but it was a warm day. Now I see a huge cloud coming my way from the north! Holy camoli!

Yeah a lot of running around, it makes for a short task Into a big task haha!

Yeah that in-line fan sounds nice. I’ve got a.. actually I’m not even going to pretend like I know what I have for a fan, off the top of my head. Lol

Big ol storm rolling in, lots of lightning!!

Got home, after doing everything I needed to do, (as well as a quick dump run). Peeked into the tent and the hygrometer said 30.4C and H 39% for over night the temps got to,
A max of 31.5C and H 58%
The min was 24.6C and H39%

Last night I put a fan at the end of one of the fresh air intakes. That seemed to help with the negative air pressure.


Tonight i dropped another small fan in the bottom back corner of my tent, just to help, if it’ll do anything at all. I need to put the clip back onto it so I can clip it onto a pole.


Oh look at that, the hygrometer says, 27.9C and H 41%

I mixed up some of that awesome go go juice for the ladies. Used a early veg dose of nutrients. With added 2ml per 1L of water, of the new stuff I bought, what’s it called.. super B+ (had to look up the old photo of it).

They all got about 3/4 of a gallon. :morenutes:

I find it funny, I built a stand for my grow box so I’m not on the ground, then I build a tent that sits on the ground, haha :slide:

That’s all for tonight!

Some rest and relaxation is in order.

They're looking great,BL-I think they popped about 60 days ago-give or take a day..
You could just veg them till they're half the height you'd like to end up with-and now that you've got the tall tent-that can be pretty darn big...
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