He had never taken much of any medication through his whole life but they called in a psychiatrist who had the bright idea of putting him on very strong psychotropic meds which turned him into a mere zombie. Plus that drug gave him insomnia so they gave him something else for that that ruined his appetite so the remedy was more drugs for that with their side effects that were treated with other drugs. In the end he was on something like a dozen drugs which messed him up unbelievably
You just explained my PTSD experience almost to the letter. They put me on super strong psychotropics like Remeron which turned me into a pile of uselessness, then gave me a drug for the side effects, then another for those side effects and on and on until it was mountains of pills. I was alive but the light wasn’t on.
One day I did the math and realized they had me taking 3,285 pills a year. That’s just unacceptable to me. I never wanted to have to take a pill everyday to live and here I was taking 9. I snapped, which is a whole story on its own, but when I got my mind back I quit all the pills. I started smoking cannabis again to help ease the withdrawal and appetite problems and realized it was doing everything I was hoping the pills would do.
So now, I take one pill every day and consume cannabis. I have my life back, I’m working, my wife no longer wants to divorce me, my kids are happy to be around me, I don’t pass out on the floor in a puddle of my own urine, and people no longer look at me with that mixture of fear and pity.
Our healthcare system is so awful