Black African Magic

Hi @Christeen

Grow tent > good
Lights < not so good ;)

You need four things for a successful grow, good genetics, environment, growing medium and food.

I suggest sticking with the basics, a soiless medium such as ProMix HP. It contains no nutrients, drains well and is ph balanced. Depending on your water source you may get away without having to measure and adjust ph And you control the food. With a nutrient such as Mega Crop one part or General Hydroponics Maxi series you can follow their feeding suggestions for each stage of growth. Both of these fertilizers are powder, ph balanced and you feed by weight per gallon. I use well water and do not ph down or even check my ph.

This is MAJOR !

To start I would recommend fabric bags, they are relatively inexpensive and work well. Three or four gallons is a good size.

Light is the next consideration, ideally you want 32 watts/sq ft. So for a 4 x 4 it is recommended you have ~ 500 watts for four plants. BUT, that is going to cost you ~ $440 o_O

This is the light on my shopping list > Mars Hydro Smart Grow System FC-E4800 480W Commercial LED Grow Lights - Mars Hydro CA

You could grow less plants with smaller lights but keep in mind the 32 watts per sq feet and factor in four square feet per plant. So roughly 130 watts per plant. Check out the sponsors page for deals on good quality LED lights.

Moving forward perhaps its best that you read my (or other) grow journals to get an idea of how to germinate, what to start in, when to transplant, etc. and I can answer any further questions.

Another way to calculate what power light you need is to work backwards. How much flower do you expect to need for a four month period ? With a proper light, etc. you can expect four to eight ounces per plant if you veg for 7 - 8 weeks. Size your light accordingly. None of the lights you have shown are appropriate.

One last word;)

With photoperiod plants you control how long you grow under 18 hours of light, six hours of darkness. This is your vegetative stage and you can expect the plant to roughly double in height when you flip the lights to 12 hours on, 12 hours off per day.

Cheers for now...
You’ve got to be kidding me😱 That was everything he said I would need and the lights aren’t the right ones either? 🤦‍♀️ Neither of the bags are correct? So the entire list except for the tent is wrong? Are the lights that come with the tent at least correct?

They said when I bought the tent that I could fit 2 plants in there comfortably without overshadowing either of them (blocking the light. I know light is exceptionally important🤭 at least I got that right😆.

Thank you for being willing to teach me. You have no idea how much this means to me.

I don’t know your time zone but don’t wanna keep you if you have things to do or family to enjoy. So I can wait until you’re available for your response.

One last thing before I go though…..
I have city water and I was told that’s death to these babies, so I was gonna use distilled water. That’s why I bought the ph tester, the ph adjuster chemicals, and I was told to use both virgin soil (no nutrients) and the Pro Mix Biofung
Hi @Christeen

Grow tent > good
Lights < not so good ;)

You need four things for a successful grow, good genetics, environment, growing medium and food.

I suggest sticking with the basics, a soiless medium such as ProMix HP. It contains no nutrients, drains well and is ph balanced. Depending on your water source you may get away without having to measure and adjust ph And you control the food. With a nutrient such as Mega Crop one part or General Hydroponics Maxi series you can follow their feeding suggestions for each stage of growth. Both of these fertilizers are powder, ph balanced and you feed by weight per gallon. I use well water and do not ph down or even check my ph.

This is MAJOR !

To start I would recommend fabric bags, they are relatively inexpensive and work well. Three or four gallons is a good size.

Light is the next consideration, ideally you want 32 watts/sq ft. So for a 4 x 4 it is recommended you have ~ 500 watts for four plants. BUT, that is going to cost you ~ $440 o_O

This is the light on my shopping list > Mars Hydro Smart Grow System FC-E4800 480W Commercial LED Grow Lights - Mars Hydro CA

You could grow less plants with smaller lights but keep in mind the 32 watts per sq feet and factor in four square feet per plant. So roughly 130 watts per plant. Check out the sponsors page for deals on good quality LED lights.

Moving forward perhaps its best that you read my (or other) grow journals to get an idea of how to germinate, what to start in, when to transplant, etc. and I can answer any further questions.

Another way to calculate what power light you need is to work backwards. How much flower do you expect to need for a four month period ? With a proper light, etc. you can expect four to eight ounces per plant if you veg for 7 - 8 weeks. Size your light accordingly. None of the lights you have shown are appropriate.

One last word;)

With photoperiod plants you control how long you grow under 18 hours of light, six hours of darkness. This is your vegetative stage and you can expect the plant to roughly double in height when you flip the lights to 12 hours on, 12 hours off per day.

Cheers for now...
There are 3 different BAM lines. The Seed Connect and Seed Fair are the same and kind of indica. The Cora and Northcoast are different and fairly sativa.

The probe thing for ph is useless imo. The drops are ok. The lights shown look bad. Spiderfarmer makes a decent LED light and is cheap. I think the sativa lines are more useful for mental problems. Only thing is, they can be unsettling, at least at first. I now find the indica lines more problematic in general. Like I feel weighed down and trapped a bit.

The sativa lines can be very intense at the outset of the high, but they usually mellow out after a few minutes. The seed connect and seed fair smoke is somewhere in the middle I guess. I do not feel weighed down with them but prefer the other BAM lines.
I bought mine from Seed Connect but they said it was Sativa. I specifically checked that out because Indica seemed to glue me to the chair. I’m wanting to re-engage with life, but when I used Indica strain, I wouldn’t even answer my children’s calls. I tried mixing them both Indica and Sativa (because I do battle rage and severe depression), but I didn’t see that doing much after using it that way for 6 months.

I truly apologize you’re battling with this as well. Trust me, I so very much understand the struggle is REAL. You’re right, the indica strain does seem to lock you in and trap ya (it did that to me too).

After all I’ve spent on what I’ve bought already, and having to wait for returns and refunds, I’m gonna checkout the link you gave for the lights.

Thank you very much for the advise and help.
You’ve got to be kidding me😱 That was everything he said I would need and the lights aren’t the right ones either? 🤦‍♀️ Neither of the bags are correct? So the entire list except for the tent is wrong? Are the lights that come with the tent at least correct?

The white bale of ProMix HP is correct, most of the rest is not necessary or downright wrong ;)

Except the liquid GH Flora series, they are liquids but similar to the powdered Maxi series. I've just moved away from buying watered down nutrient that I have to measure out in mm's. A small scale that measures grams is much easier to portion out. And you might need Cal/Mag, no way to tell until the plants "ask" for it...
They said when I bought the tent that I could fit 2 plants in there comfortably without overshadowing either of them (blocking the light. I know light is exceptionally important🤭 at least I got that right😆.
Comparing lights can be confusing. The important number to look at is watts "from the wall" or power consumption.

What does the fine print say ? I doubt it is enough...
Thank you for being willing to teach me. You have no idea how much this means to me.
No problem, we are ALL here to help you along !

When you are ready to germinate seeds I highly recommend you start a grow journal. You will get many more viewers and opinions !
I don’t know your time zone but don’t wanna keep you if you have things to do or family to enjoy. So I can wait until you’re available for your response.
No problem, I'm on the Canadian Prairies and check in occasionally until bedtime ;)

Where are you ? That will help us with product recommendations.
One last thing before I go though…..
I have city water and I was told that’s death to these babies, so I was gonna use distilled water. That’s why I bought the ph tester, the ph adjuster chemicals, and I was told to use both virgin soil (no nutrients) and the Pro Mix Biofung
I call BS to this. Do you have any house plants or a veggie garden ? How do they do on tap water ?

The beauty of ProMix HP and either Mega Crop one part or the GH Maxi Series is they are ph buffered and can handle a wide range of ph water inputs. I'm on a well with ppm's of 500 and a ph of 7.5 and my plants do just fine without all the fussing.

All you really need is the soilless medium in 3 or 4 gallon fabric bags and one or the other of the powdered nutrients. I also quit using bloom boosters such as the Bud Candy. Didn't see any improvement.....
I bought mine from Seed Connect but they said it was Sativa. I specifically checked that out because Indica seemed to glue me to the chair. I’m wanting to re-engage with life, but when I used Indica strain, I wouldn’t even answer my children’s calls. I tried mixing them both Indica and Sativa (because I do battle rage and severe depression), but I didn’t see that doing much after using it that way for 6 months.
My seeds were from The Seed Fair and they say they are 100% Sativa. NO couch lock and an energetic productive sativa high with the benefit of pain relief and a positive attitude !

Seed Connect says sativa dominant so likely not the same thing ? Only one way to tell :bongrip:😆

I have grown some sativa dominant hybrids such as Apple Betty that are killer (in a good way) but generally I like to stick to pure landrace sativa strains.
I truly apologize you’re battling with this as well. Trust me, I so very much understand the struggle is REAL. You’re right, the indica strain does seem to lock you in and trap ya (it did that to me too).

After all I’ve spent on what I’ve bought already, and having to wait for returns and refunds, I’m gonna checkout the link you gave for the lights.

Thank you very much for the advise and help.
My pleasure, you've come to the right place to get help and advice !

Go here for help on how to post a grow journal !

You're getting good advice, Christeen. :thumb:

Get that journal started and people will pile in to answer any question.

You'll enjoy it, and you'll turn out a great grow in the process.

New to the forum here.

Long story short over the course of my 30s I went from being super active my whole life, in great shape, to feeling like I inhaled toxic fumes, and feel sick with severe body aches 24/7.

I discovered medical cannabis a few years ago and it changed my life. After a few years I started thinking about growing.

Here we are!

The focus of this journal will be on two Black African Magic sativas. I have never grown a thing in my life so this is all new territory for me. In my wee grow tent I also have a Purple Diesel Plant and OG Kush plant that both came from bags seeds. These two are about 30 days old, survived the great flood of 2022 (yeah I over watered like a ding dong), and have managed to continue growing.

If I can get the B.A.M. plants to grow my hope is to clone them, and always have B.AM. growing.

Below is pictures of my B.A.M. seeds sprouting, planting, and off to the races. Flowering starts in 7-9 weeks (i checked repeatedly and am assured this is correct) so apparently this plant grows super fast, which thus far have proven so. Germination was 24 hours, the next morning the taller of the 2 popped up, the next morning the shorter popped up, it is now morning 3.

Things I know I will be studying as we move forward.

Continued reading on watering

Pruning/Topping (can these be used for clones?)

Temperature control (B.A.M. needs 10 degrees difference during flowering between night and day to turn “black”

Humidity control (humidifier for a humidor?)




Attached is pictures of days 1-4.

Thanks everyone who has already helped and to everyone who tags along 👍🏻

Gumby & Pokie








have I seen any of your photos on reddit perhaps? I appreciate the toys, they are familiar to me
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