Thanks dudes!
It's a total thrill. I never considered how
satisfying it would be.
They were treated terribly by their noob grower but still rewarded me with 90g between 4 plants - not much I know, but brought peace of mind to have a few jars and knowing that the project had potential.
I only started growing because we are in a low supply area and that made me anxious at times during weed-drought. I'm a stoner obviously but I also use it to relieve stress and anxiousness too - so a double anxious hit when no supply. Also when we do get some here it's always the same strain (no idea what it is) - can't complain about the quality though and price is standard but no variety. So I wanted to take it into my own hands.
What I didn't realise is how amazing it would feel to have a bunch of mates around complimenting the quality of the weed - and only 1 of them knows that I'm growing it myself. Only 3 dudes in total know and only because they need to know. I've found it so tempting to tell or show-off to another 2 best mates who I love just as much - but for their sake, and mine, I won't. It's nice to have you dudes around to show-off to instead.
I suppose nothing will be the same as this first-grow feeling - but when I consider that this next grow is a quantum-leap improvement because of joining 420 - I feel even more exited.