Bignstrange's 4x4 800W COB LED Grow Tent - Promix - New Grower - Drop In!

They look very very happy and healthy! Great stuff in there bud. But what I really wanna hear is your good news.... suppose it will have to wait .

Well hope your having a good week and gearing up for the holidays. Love this time of year! But I'll be ready for summer after next week.

Be well Mr big ✌

Thanks Dabber! Yea well have to wait just a bit longer ;P

Stay warm and safe up north my friend! Enjoy giving your kids a magical season :3

Cheers buddy!

Dude, I just caught myself staring into that beautiful tent, & I couldn't stop staring! Man you got we wanting to sink a couple more! Looking sweet guy!:thumb:
Lol thanks man! It's amazing how happy these plants have been this whole time, lucky lucky!
. . .
Just gave the girls a big watering! They drank 18 gallons of goodness woo!

Today I omitted the grow part of the base and started feeding massive bloom formulation!

Mixed 18 gallons @ 15 gallon dilution

Micro 2.5, Bloom 4, regen 4, massive 3, sweet 4, cal mag 3, zyme 7, fulvic 5

It's a good thing I bought gallons of everything :D used over 100mL of enzyme this watering alone :S

But they love it . looks like stretch is almost done and were getting ready to start feeding these little piggies >:)

Ppm came out to 830, secondary run off ppm was around 1250 so right where I want it hehe these girls are just blowing me away, I see frost forming over half way up fans :3 really really excited:D

Maybe we can out frost that grandpa tokin character . .
You're gonna have to start mixing in a 55 gallon drum soon! :thumb: Nice work on the PPM too.
Hehe yea I'm using a 45 gallon tub right now XD sits in the middle of the room and I use a pond pump to water out of it lol

Gunna have to wrestle another one in there once the 3x3 and 4x4 are full :S .

Thanks Shed .
Yah bud tis gonna sweell bro. Thats some nutes
I have too many bottles lol hoping to simplify it soon but I'm liking these results for a first crack at bottle nutes. Not sure id be able to cut much out without some effect!

I'm really excited to see this massive work magic on these buds :3

Also lowered the lights a bit, I raised them last night cause the plant stretched a ton but I find they really like the combo of intense light and a fresh feeding so I thought I'd blast em for a bit, were between 14 and 16 inches now!

Now that stretch is mostly done I thought I'd throw a trellis net over mendo dope boys style lol should give a bit more support if they end up floppy

Now that stretch is mostly done I thought I'd throw a trellis net over mendo dope boys style lol should give a bit more support if they end up floppy

I'm fighting my damn light right now, it's so fucking crazy powerful anytime I lower it they stress right out and if they decide to reach for it they stress, it's been a game of yo-yo the past few days trying to find the optimal range to fatten these buds and not bleach them out.
I'm fighting my damn light right now, it's so fucking crazy powerful anytime I lower it they stress right out and if they decide to reach for it they stress, it's been a game of yo-yo the past few days trying to find the optimal range to fatten these buds and not bleach them out.
Part of the joy of truly replacing hid lighting with led is we get to figure out these new technologies :3

Now that stretch is mostly done I thought I'd throw a trellis net over mendo dope boys style lol should give a bit more support if they end up floppy
The little blue pill I mean silica helps with the flopiness. I've noticed a huge change in stem strength. Nice job on the scrog net!
The inventor of my light gave me his recommended heights at differing stages so I'm trying to follow that. I'm gonna push this bitch over the next 17 days that I'm home. By then they will be used to it or be dead :rofl:
A man after my own heart lol definitely a do or die mentality here, albeit with cold and calculated precision .
The little blue pill I mean silica helps with the flopiness. I've noticed a huge change in stem strength. Nice job on the scrog net!
I meant to add in my feed update that I added about 3 mL of potassium silicate as ph up, super strong stuff, they've been getting it in small amounts but I'm looking into other supplements that don't cause as much of a ph swing!

I can't even bend some of the thicker branches, they are rigid already :S must be working!

I wouldn't call it a scrog lol just a lazy mans support network, waited till after stretch then weaved the 70 percent of leading branches into it with tension pulling them all in then zip tied it to the tent! Hoping it catches heavy branches, not much more lol

Baked and rambly, got some nice strains today woo

Now that stretch is mostly done I thought I'd throw a trellis net over mendo dope boys style lol should give a bit more support if they end up floppy
Wishing you all the floppiest stinky hairy gerbils that tent can muster.... and then 10 more!!!
Wishing you all the floppiest stinky hairy gerbils that tent can muster.... and then 10 more!!!
Hehe thanks buddy I'm hoping for the same up your way .

Some branches stacked really well, obviously the dominant ones. The secondaries, for the most Part, have left something to be desired. Alecxks looks, right now, like she'll be our heaviest plant but time will tell. I'm definitely keeping her around because she quickly took the lead and showed her worth!

Super excited lol tons of white dust forming already :3
Adding this in- I keep forgetting I'm working with highly sativa dominant hybrids lol gunna cut myself some slack XD
Silicate has really helped my grow. Especially when ph swings and temps dip up and down. My local hydro dude turned me onto it and I'll never not have it in my recipes. I add it secondly after CalMag and the ph isn't too acidic after adding the rest of my base nutes. Although my tap water can be temperamental sometimes and I have to adjust.
Hehe thanks buddy I'm hoping for the same up your way .

Some branches stacked really well, obviously the dominant ones. The secondaries, for the most Part, have left something to be desired. Alecxks looks, right now, like she'll be our heaviest plant but time will tell. I'm definitely keeping her around because she quickly took the lead and showed her worth!

Super excited lol tons of white dust forming already :3
Yeah she was a winner from day 1. Beautiful structure and symmetry! Lot of times the ornate ones explode on flower. So cool how they just know... I'm gonna kill it so don't mind me.

Great work. Your dedication to them shows! And tell rider he just copied tunkers original post whe he finally showed up late half way through dessert......
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